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One minute health preservation class

Nose itchy, eyes itchy, skin itchy? This should be done during allergy season

People's Daily Online reporter Qiao Yeqiong

09:06, April 9, 2022 Source: People's Network

The most beautiful April day in the world. While the beauty of spring is intoxicating, some people will have runny nose, tears and other symptoms. Even after eating some fruits or vegetables, they will have numb tongue, swollen lips, itchy lips or tight throat, which is the "allergy" caused by allergy. How to effectively deal with the above adverse reactions in the allergy season? Wu Jia, a registered dietitian from the Chinese Nutrition Society, is invited to share relevant knowledge with netizens in this issue of One Minute Health Care Class.

Wu Jia said that allergic reaction is an allergic reaction of the body and an abnormal reaction of the human body to normal substances. When people with allergic constitution contact allergens, it will happen.

"There are hundreds of allergens, such as pollen, dust, allogeneic protein, even chemicals, ultraviolet rays, etc., which may become allergens." Wu Jia suggested that children allergic to pollen should wear masks, protective glasses, etc., to isolate pollen as much as possible and reduce allergic reactions.

In addition, Wu Jia reminded the majority of people with pollen allergy that there is another allergy called oral hypersensitivity syndrome, also known as pollen food allergy syndrome, which is mainly manifested in the numbness of the tongue, swelling of the lips, itching of the lips, tightness of the throat and other symptoms after eating certain fruits or vegetables in the pollen season, but this symptom disappears after the pollen season.

Wu Jia suggested that you can use the diet recall method to determine what kind of food caused the related symptoms, and then Do not eat this fruit or vegetable during pollen allergy season.

"If the allergic reaction is not particularly serious, you can try to eat the fruits or vegetables that cause allergy after heating or cooking. Because the protein in the fruits and vegetables will denature after heating ease Related allergy symptoms. Wu Jia said.

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(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Lv Qian)

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