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One minute health preservation class

@Do you know those high calorie fruits of you who eat avocado to lose weight?

People's Daily Online reporter Qiao Yeqiong

08:45, March 29, 2022 Source: People's Network

As the weather gets warmer, many fresh fruits come into the market. Because it is rich in nutrients, some people will take eating fruit as a shortcut to lose weight. Can you lose weight without dieting or exercising and only eating fruit all day long? It sounds tempting, but actually it is very unscientific. In this issue of "One Minute Health Maintenance Class", Wu Jia, a registered dietitian from the Chinese Nutrition Society, was invited to analyze the calories contained in different fruits and give popular science explanations to netizens.

"Eating fruit to lose weight is especially unreliable!" Wu Jia reminded netizens that fruit not only has no protein, but also may have too many calories.

So, what are the fruits with higher calories? Wu Jia said that the first place was avocado. The fat content of avocado reached about 16%, and the calorie of 100 grams of avocado was about 161 kcal; The second place is durian. The heat of 100g durian is about 147 calories, and the sugar content is up to 48.3%, almost half of which is sugar; The third place is jackfruit. The sugar content of jackfruit is very high, reaching about 25.7%, and the calorie of 100g jackfruit is about 105 kcal; The fourth place is bananas, which contain both sugar and starch. The carbohydrate content is about 22%, and the calories of 100g bananas are nearly 100 kcal.

"In addition, fresh dates, grapes, longans, lychees and other fruits also have high calories," Wu Jia said.

For the coconut that many people like, Wu Jia said that coconut is a special fruit. Coconut juice is not high in calories, only about 18 kcal per 100 grams, and the carbohydrate content is about 4.24 grams. However, the heat of coconut meat is very high.

"Now cooking will use coconut oil, so the heat of coconut meat will certainly not be low." Wu Jia said that the fat content of coconut meat is particularly high, about 33.5% of fat content of 100 grams of coconut meat, about 354 kcal of heat, and about 15 grams of carbohydrate content.

Finally, Wu Jia suggested that those who like to eat these high calorie fruits should pay attention to the limit.

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(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Gao Lei)

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