People's Network Health · Life

One minute health preservation class

Don't use potatoes as staple food

People's Daily Online reporter Qiao Yeqiong

08:04, March 19, 2022 Source: People's Network

"If you don't lose weight in March, you will feel sad in April.". When spring is warm and flowers are blooming, it is another season to lose weight. So, what food problems should be paid attention to in scientific weight loss? In this issue of "One Minute Health Maintenance Class", Wu Jia, a registered dietitian from the Chinese Nutrition Society, was invited to analyze the carbohydrate content of potatoes and give a popular science explanation to netizens.

"Potatoes are not vegetables. 'Shredded potatoes covered with rice' is the combination of staple food and staple food, because potatoes are really not vegetables." Wu Jia stressed.

She said, for example, that every 100 grams of steamed white rice contains about 25.9 grams of carbohydrates with white rice as the benchmark food. Most potatoes are rich in starch, that is, carbohydrates. For example, every 100 grams of potatoes contains about 17.2 grams of carbohydrates, and every 100 grams of ginger contains about 15.8 grams of carbohydrates. The content of these carbohydrates is only a little less than rice, so you should eat less rice after eating potatoes.

In addition to potatoes, which vegetables have high starch content? Wu Jia introduced, such as lotus root, water chestnut, water chestnut, etc. 100g lotus root contains about 16.4g carbohydrate, while the carbohydrate in water chestnut is up to 21.4g per 100g.

"Also, although most nuts are high fat and high protein foods, Chinese chestnut is different." Wu Jia said that the carbohydrate content in Chinese chestnut is as high as about 42.2g per 100g, and cooked Chinese chestnut will be slightly higher. So if you have eaten a lot of chestnuts, you should eat less rice.

"In addition, dishes made of red beans, green beans, peas and kidney beans should also be eaten as staple foods, such as pea puree and kidney bean soup. Remember that sentence? Don't use bean bags as dry food," Wu Jia said.

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Gao Lei)

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