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Have acne, wash face with ginger soup

Pu Zhaohe, Associate Researcher of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Department of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

08:34, August 22, 2020 Source: People's Daily - Life Times

Acne is a common disease in adolescence, which is easy to recur or worsen, affects the appearance and makes people worry. Its occurrence is closely related to androgen, sebaceous gland and hair follicle infection. According to traditional Chinese medicine, acne is caused by excessive heat in the spleen meridian, damp heat in the spleen and stomach, or by eating spicy, fat and sweet food at ordinary times, which leads to excessive blood heat and toxin, dampness and stasis on the face.

Now we recommend a safe and effective cleaning method: take 50g ginger, slice it, add proper amount of water, and boil it for about 30 minutes. When the water temperature is appropriate, dip it in the cleaning gauze to wash the face, once every morning and once every night. After continuous use for 1~2 months, acne will be relieved or gradually disappear. In addition to acne, this prescription also has certain effects on freckles and dry skin.

Ginger is warm in nature and sweet and pungent in taste. It has the effects of dispelling cold, sweating and detoxification. The research shows that ginger ingredients can promote the circulation of qi and blood, facilitate the opening of pores, discharge sebum secretion, and have a strong killing effect on a variety of pathogens (especially tinea). Clinical application has proved that external application of ginger has certain therapeutic effects on vitiligo, alopecia areata and tinea manus. Clean the face with hot ginger water on the top, which can promote the blood circulation of the face, kill bacteria and diminish inflammation, and can be used for mild and moderate acne patients. It is reported that decocting 10 grams of ginger in water for 1 to 2 months can make acne subside slowly and skin smooth. Therefore, acne patients can take orally and wash out as appropriate. If the acne skin damage is serious, it is not suitable to use the above method, and you should seek medical advice in time.

In life, acne patients should pay attention to maintaining mental pleasure, not staying up late, not eating spicy food, and eating less greasy food.

(Editor in charge: Xu Xinyi, Cui Yuanyuan)

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