People's Network Health · Life

Oleander relieves lumbar protrusion

Pu Zhaohe

10:00, November 19, 2019 Source: People's Daily - Life Times

Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) belongs to the category of "arthralgia syndrome" in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a common disease among middle-aged and elderly people, with symptoms of lumbar pain, numbness of lower limb pain, and increased walking pain.

Recommend a prescription to relieve the pain of lumbar disc herniation. Take 60g of Jiazhu peach leaves (150g for fresh products), add 1500ml of water, boil for about 20 minutes, remove the residue, take 1000ml of solution, add 100ml of mature vinegar, soak the solution with a small towel while it is hot (twist it to half dry without dripping water), and apply it to the painful area (preferably the skin can tolerate it). When the temperature drops, heat the solution and apply it again, repeatedly apply it for 20 minutes, once a day, and 10 days as a course of treatment.

Oleander is a small tree of Oleander family, with ornamental value, and its leaves can be used as medicine. The oleander is mild in nature and bitter in taste. It has the functions of strengthening the heart and promoting diuresis, eliminating phlegm and asthma, relieving pain and removing blood stasis. Aged vinegar can soften blood vessels, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, relieve pain in an urgent manner, and has transdermal effect, which is conducive to the penetration and absorption of drugs. The oleander and the aged vinegar decoction can be smoked and washed to promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and relieve pain. Through hot compress, drugs and heat can produce synergistic effect, which can be used for prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, expand the capillaries of the affected tissues, accelerate circulation, help tissue edema dissipate, diminish inflammation and relieve pain. The clinical experiment proved that after the above two courses of treatment, the symptoms of lumbago and leg pain, muscle spasm, numbness and other symptoms of most patients were significantly alleviated, with an effective rate of 93%, and no side effects such as rash or allergy were found.

This method can be used to treat the symptoms of local swelling and tingling caused by lumbar disc herniation and cervical spondylosis. If it is ineffective after 5 times of continuous use, consider other methods for treatment. It should be noted that the leaves and flowers of Phyllostachys oleracea are poisonous and should not be eaten. It should not be used by people who are allergic to it or pregnant women.

(Editor in charge: Li Yiqun, Xu Xiaohua)

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