
Reduce oil, increase beans and milk. If you want to eat healthy food, you have to eat like this →

Source: CCTV News Client


2024-05-14 14:27:05

This week is National Nutrition Week, and this year's theme is "milk beans add nutrition, less oil and more health". The data shows that the unreasonable dietary structure is an important factor that causes the high incidence of nutrition related chronic diseases in China. Is your diet reasonable?

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the promotion of relevant policies such as the National Nutrition Plan, the overall nutritional and health status of Chinese residents has continued to improve in recent years. However, from the perspective of specific subdivisions, there are still some unreasonable phenomena in the dietary structure of residents.

According to the estimation of the National Health Commission, at present, the overall intake of protein, carbohydrate and fat, the three macro nutrients of Chinese residents, has basically met the requirements of dietary recommendations. Excessive intake of grain, livestock and poultry meat, cooking oil; The intake of milk and its products, soybeans and its products, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits, eggs, aquatic products and other foods shows different degrees of lack and insufficiency, which needs to be adjusted urgently.

Taking fat as an example, it is estimated that the average intake of cooking oil by Chinese residents has exceeded the recommended amount by 1/3, and that of pork by 30%. At present, more than 2/3 of China's residents do not reach the recommended intake of soybeans or soybean products, so they should increase it appropriately.

In addition, in recent years The proportion of overweight and obesity is increasing. Hundreds of millions of patients with nutrition related metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, etc. Unhealthy lifestyle and unreasonable diet structure are becoming important factors affecting national health.

How to achieve "eating healthy"?

Focusing on the theme of "reasonable diet and healthy life", the Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee recently released the core information of "reducing oil, increasing beans and adding milk", which means Reduce edible oil and increase consumption of beans and bean products, milk and dairy products. So, how to eat more healthily?

The core information suggests that adults should take 25-30 grams of cooking oil every day. The focus of oil reduction is Reduce cooking oil. For home cooking, you can use a calibrated oil control pot to cook more, fry less, and reduce the amount of oil. In addition, it is recommended that when purchasing cooking oil, Properly change varieties, Peanut oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, etc. are more conducive to nutritional balance when eaten in exchange. When dining out and ordering takeout, pay attention to selecting low oil dishes and take the initiative to put forward the demand for low oil. In addition to cooking oil, fat, animal viscera and other saturated fats, cholesterol content is high, so it is not appropriate to eat more. It is better to choose lean meat when eating livestock meat, and the weekly intake of livestock meat per person should not exceed 500 grams.

Liang Dong, Deputy Director of Applied Nutrition Room I of National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center: For children and adolescents, we especially emphasize that it is very important for everyone to develop this light and non greasy taste from an early age.

Adults are suggested to take 15-25 grams of soybeans or equivalent soybean products every day on average. They can choose different soybeans and their products for three meals a day. 20g of soybeans is equivalent to about 60g of north tofu, 110g of south tofu, 45g of dried tofu and 300g of soymilk. Soybean and its products are an important source of protein for vegetarians, and they should be taken in sufficient quantities every day. The average daily intake of all vegetarians is 50-80g, and that of egg milk vegetarians is 25-60g.

·Can gout patients eat soybeans and soy products?

Yang Xiaoguang, Researcher of Institute of Nutrition and Health, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Many purines have been lost during the production of many bean products. These people can also eat bean products.

It is recommended to take 300-500ml liquid milk or equivalent dairy products every day. At present, the actual intake of most residents in China is far lower than the recommended amount, and more intake is encouraged. Children, adolescents and the elderly in particular need adequate daily intake. It is recommended to choose different milk and dairy products for daily meals, such as drinking a cup of milk every day, properly matching a cup of yogurt or 2-3 pieces of cheese. Milk containing drinks cannot be used to replace milk.

·How to add milk for lactose intolerant people?

Lactose intolerant people can choose lactose free, low lactose milk, yogurt, cheese and other fermented dairy products.

·Which is more nutritious, soymilk or milk?

According to experts, soymilk is a better choice for people seeking plant based proteins and avoiding animal products. For people who need high calcium and rich animal protein, milk may be a better choice. Whether to choose soy milk or milk depends on individual nutritional needs, health status and dietary preferences.

Yang Xiaoguang, Researcher of Institute of Nutrition and Health, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention: In terms of protein, both are high-quality proteins. In terms of calcium content, milk has a higher content, but soybeans do not contain cholesterol, and soybeans also have some other phytochemicals, such as soybean isoflavones, polypeptides, and polysaccharides, which are not available in milk.

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