Shandong Pain Medicine Association officially launched the "Big Doctor Association" cultural brand

2024-01-29 18:46:41

Source: Shunwang

Editor in charge: Plateau

Shunwang News On January 26, Shandong Pain Medical Association officially released its cultural brand of "Grand Medical Association".

 Shandong Pain Medicine Association officially launched the "Big Doctor Association" cultural brand

 Shandong Pain Medicine Association officially launched the "Big Doctor Association" cultural brand

Focusing on the call of the Party and the government, Shandong Pain Medical Association will position 2023 as the starting year for the cultural brand construction of the society, build its own cultural brand around holding the flag, gathering the hearts of the people, cultivating new people, promoting culture, and displaying its image, deeply cultivate the fertile soil of medical humanities, adhere to integrity and innovation, and take the lead in building the brand culture of medical social organizations in Shandong Province.

It is reported that since the cultural brand building kick-off meeting was held on March 23, 2023, the Society and the project team have adhered to the way of collaborative creation, held internal communication meetings and expert seminars for many times, collided and refined the cultural connotation of the Society, adhered to the principle that culture is shaped, practiced and spread by members, and strengthened the mission and responsibility of members in the party building work; Strengthen exchanges and collide wisdom in academic work; Advocate noble medical ethics in their own work and deepen the original intention of medical practice; Give play to the social responsibility of medical science and technology workers in social services, focus on the center, serve the overall situation, and jointly shape the "big medical club" culture of "walking with the top".

 Shandong Pain Medicine Association officially launched the "Big Doctor Association" cultural brand

The "great medical association" is the spiritual realm of caring for the motherland and serving the people; It is the professional quality of advocating noble medical ethics, respecting patients and putting people first; It is the academic mission of prospering academic exchanges and colliding wisdom; It is a noble feeling of bravely shouldering social responsibility, centering on the center and serving the overall situation.

Prospering brand and stabilizing organization. Shandong Pain Medical Association will continue to unite, lead and inspire the majority of medical science and technology workers to take advantage of the momentum, actively participate in social governance and public services, and carry forward the spirit of the Association in practice with the spirit of "leading party building, upward improvement, pragmatic innovation, selfless dedication, excellence, and great medical integrity", Serve the modernization of the provincial governance system and governance capacity, and help the high-quality development of medical and health services.

[Related link] Introduction to Shandong Pain Medical Association

1、 Society attribute

Shandong Pain Medical Association, founded in 1990, is a 5A level social organization approved and registered by the Social Organization Management Bureau of Shandong Civil Affairs Department and in charge of the business of Shandong Science and Technology Association. It is an academic, public welfare, medical science and technology society. In 2020, as one of the founding units, it was elected as the executive vice president unit of Shandong Provincial Federation of Social Organizations. The society aims at "adhering to political guidance, strengthening academic exchanges, leading social services, promoting scientific and technological development, building advanced culture, and serving the growth of talents"; The core culture of the society is "rigorous, honest, pragmatic and innovative". Always adhere to the path of political, academic, advanced and mass meetings, and adhere to the principles of "strengthening the party building, meeting in accordance with regulations, meeting management by experts, meeting service recognition, academic establishment and meeting innovation".

2、 Strengthen self construction and improve service capacity and level

The 8th Council has 98 members, 24 executive members, 1 secretary-general, 9 vice chairmen and 1 chairman. One supervisor, one deputy supervisor and one supervisor. The Secretariat consists of five departments: the Office, the Finance Department, the Organization Department, the Academic Department and the Project Department. In 2020, the Society realized the substantiation of the Secretariat and the full-time construction of the Secretary General. The Secretariat has a total of 10 staff, including 6 full-time staff and 4 part-time staff. Since the completion of the "two modernizations" construction, the service ability and level of the society have significantly improved, and the ability to serve members has significantly increased.

3、 Give play to the advantages of experts to promote academic exchanges and development

The society has 102 professional committees, with more than 20000 individual members and 8 unit members. Academic business covers more than 50 clinical and basic secondary disciplines. A large number of academic conferences, learning courses, training courses and forums are held every year. In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the members of the Association, prosper the exchange of the Association, and build a brand project of academic conferences. In 2020, the Society set up the "Excellent Academic Activity Support Project of Shandong Pain Medical Association". In 2021, "Qilu International Medical Summit Forum" will be jointly established with Jinan International Medical Science Incubation Center to actively build a high-end platform for international medical exchanges.

4、 Give play to resource advantages and enhance the service ability of social organizations

Learn to take serving the country, the society, the masses and the service industry as social responsibilities. Give advice and suggestions to the Party and the government through various channels.

(1) Construct a new pattern of science popularization of the society

In 2022, a medical and health science popularization expert database will be established, a health science popularization short video base will be established, and the "Science Popularization Demonstration Project" and "Reform Brand Project - Health Science Popularization Manual" of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology in 2022 will be undertaken. In the same year, three "Shandong Science Popularization Expert Studios" were recognized by the Society. In 2023, the Society will launch the "three hundred three tours" (namely, 100 expert tours, 100 science popularization tours, and 100 family tours) health empowerment brand project, set up a "health empowerment base", and establish a long-term empowerment promotion mechanism for the grassroots.

(2) Open up a new chapter of the society's service

In 2021, the Society will actively build a public benefit tour brand of "never forget the original intention of practicing medicine and promote the medical spirit", help improve the quality of medical talent training, and promote the construction of a healthy China. Actively carry out health science popularization, poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, and the fight against epidemic. In addition, the Society took the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and the First Secretary Village under the Provincial Association for Science and Technology as key support points, and the cross provincial poverty alleviation also achieved "zero breakthrough".

(3) Actively undertake the transfer of government functions

They respectively undertook the innovation driven development action of Shandong Association for Science and Technology in 2021 - to help the health care industry project in Dongchangfu District and the innovation driven development action in 2023 - to help the health care industry project in Zibo City. This year, we undertook the 2023 Shandong Provincial Social Organization Development Fund to help high-quality development project of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, gave full play to the talent and organizational advantages of the Institute, and served the national rural revitalization and development strategy.

(4) Exploring the New Situation of the Society's Cultural Construction

The society will designate 2023 as the year of cultural construction, excavate the essence of culture, keep pace with the times, constantly integrate traditional culture with new culture, and build a "grand medical association" that will go hand in hand with those who have made progress.

5、 Honorary title

The Society was rated as "Shandong Excellent Social Organizations" by the Department of Civil Affairs, and one of the first hundred "Shandong Social Organization Benchmarks"; It has been awarded the title of "Advanced Collective in Society Work" by Shandong Association for Science and Technology for many consecutive years; It has been successively rated as "Characteristic Demonstration Society", "Comprehensive Demonstration Society" and "Innovation First Society" by Shandong Association for Science and Technology. In 2019, it was established as a typical case of "Science Popularization Activity" by the Provincial Association for Science and Technology. In 2019, it was selected by the Department of Civil Affairs as a typical demonstration unit for social organizations in Shandong Province to participate in poverty alleviation work, and was selected by the Provincial Association for Science and Technology as a "typical case for the society to participate in poverty alleviation work in 2020". In 2023, the society was successfully selected as the first group of party building pilots of Shandong Association for Science and Technology.

Author: Wang Jing Edit: Plateau Duty director: Gaoyuan

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