real time Open focus: which specialty of Qingdao Vitiligo Hospital - how children's vitiligo is caused Rehabilitation guide: Kunming Fumei Vitiligo Hospital - white mouth without possible disease Medical Guide! Hangzhou vitiligo hospital which is good? What is the difference between pigmentation disorder and vitiligo Keep updating! Where does Zhengzhou treat gout better? Can rheumatoid finger swelling be cured Strong recommendation: Which hospital in Harbin can treat gout well - analyze the differences between psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis TOP ranking list: Nanning vitiligo special hospital - what factors are associated with the formation of vitiligo Today's recommendation: Jinan Children's Treatment Hospital - family treatment for children with asthma Patient check! Taiyuan, where the treatment of condyloma acuminatum is effective - obvious symptoms of female sexual diseases Health Express! Which psychiatric hospitals in Jinan are specialized in psychological skills for alleviating post-traumatic stress disorder Hot spot consultation: Chengdu's top three hospitals for rheumatism treatment - what are the drugs for gout detumescence and pain relief Follow! Which hospital is better for psoriasis in Nanchang? Vitiligo will stop spreading naturally no matter Announce online! Guangzhou Hospital for Vitiligo - Can Vitiligo Patients Participate in Sports Activities Hot spot consultation: Where to go for the treatment of leukoplakia in Nanchang? The effect of the spectrum of light therapy instrument on vitiligo on pregnant women Popular recommendation: Where is the rheumatism hospital in Guiyang better? What are the symptoms of rheumatism Top 10: Nanjing Regular Rheumatoid Hospital - A Complete Collection of Rheumatoid Arthritis Recipes Be on the list this week! Kunming Specialized Hospital for Rheumatology - How to Reduce Two Rheumatoid and Three Rheumatoid Indexes Hot spot consultation: Qingdao Vitiligo Hospital, which is the standard? The risk of hormone drugs treating children's vitiligo Be on the list this week! Kunming good hospital for vitiligo - explore the relationship between vitiligo and other diseases One minute understanding of where there is a vitiligo hospital in Hangzhou - complications of improper treatment of hand vitiligo Patient check! Which hospital in Zhengzhou treats rheumatism well - diet guide for rheumatoid arthritis Patient check! Where to go for professional treatment of rheumatism in Harbin - harm of cupping and bleeding for rheumatism Today's quick look: Nanning can be optimistic about the hospital of vitiligo - how to restore the skin color of vitiligo patients Be on the list this week! Where to treat children in Jinan - Whole process of nursing for jaundice babies Patient click! Taiyuan Special STD Treatment Hospital - initial symptoms of STDs will appear in a few days Disease Introduction Jinan Specialized Psychiatric Hospital - Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder a Mental Disease Popular recommendation: Where to look at rheumatism specialty in Chengdu - diet taboos for rheumatism patients Word of mouth ranking: Where to treat psoriasis in Nanchang - food prohibited for psoriasis List release! Ranking of Guangzhou Vitiligo Hospital - How to judge whether scalp vitiligo is vitiligo Open the secret! Nanchang Vitiligo Hospital Ranked Top 10 - Inspection Items of Vitiligo Incentives Ranking update: Guiyang Regular Rheumatology Hospital Rheumatology Treatment Expense News this month! Nanjing Hospital for Rheumatology - Treatment of Rheumatology and Rheumatoid TOP ranking list: Kunming Rheumatology Hospital - What symptoms can occur in wrist rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis

Medical observation

Common diseases

  • What are the differences between women sleeping in underwear and sleeping without underwear

    Wearing underwear when sleeping is a question that many girls often consider. This habit has an impact on health, comfort and breast development, which is worth discussing in detail. From the health point of view, reasonable selection of underwear helps to support breasts and prevent sagging, especially for young women who are developing, which can avoid breast pressure affecting growth

    2024-06-18 Is it good or bad for women to wear underwear to sleep
  • How much does anger do to women during menstruation? Blood stasis may be the first step

    Menstruation is a physiological phenomenon unique to women. It is not only a reflection of health status, but also reflects the dynamic balance of qi and blood in the body. However, many girls feel irritable and irritable due to daily trivia during menstruation. It is particularly important to understand the possible adverse effects of anger on the body during this period

  • Is it painful to take out the ring after menopause

    Menopause marks the gradual degradation of the female reproductive system, which means the end of menstruation and the loss of fertility. As a contraceptive method, ring removal is widely used in women after childbirth. In the face of postmenopausal conditions, whether it is necessary to remove the ring, and whether the removal process brings pain, has become a question worth discussing

    2024-06-18 It's not painful to remove the ring. Do you want to remove the ring after menopause
  • The girl insists on sleeping at 22:00 every day for half a year. What changes have taken place in her body

    What is the benefit of sleeping at 22:00 every day? Many people's work and rest habits have been postponed to 23 o'clock or even early in the morning, and staying up late seems to be the norm of modern life. However, many studies and actual cases show that staying up late for a long time is not conducive to health, while going to bed early is more conducive to health

    2024-06-18 What are the benefits of sleeping at 22:00 every day and what are the benefits of sleeping at 22:00 every day
  • These three symptoms may appear in the body after premature ovarian failure in women

    The ovary is responsible for the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, which is crucial to the normal operation of the female reproductive system. However, premature ovarian failure, that is, ovarian function begins to decline before the age of 40, has become a common problem of gynecological diseases, posing a threat to women's physical and mental health, emphasizing the urgency of early identification and treatment

    2024-06-18 What are the early symptoms of premature ovarian failure, and how to maintain the ovaries to prevent premature ovarian failure
  • What's wrong with old people's white tongue coating

    Whitening of tongue coating is a common phenomenon in life, which usually reflects poor physical condition. Especially for the elderly, this symptom needs more attention and timely conditioning and treatment to prevent potential health problems from worsening. The white tongue coating often means that there is cold in the body. This may be caused by eating too much cold food or getting cold

    2024-06-18 Whitening of tongue coating
  • The tongue coating is white, and the fur cannot be scraped off

    A layer of milky white fur on the tongue may be caused by a variety of reasons: - Deficiency of cold in the spleen and stomach: this may lead to thick white fur in the mouth- Dyspepsia: Eating too rich and spicy food for a long time will cause stomach qi to stagnate, and then the tongue coating will turn white

    2024-06-18 Whitening of tongue coating
  • What kind of kidney disease needs dialysis

    Nephropathy, such as acute renal failure, acute renal injury, chronic renal failure, chronic kidney disease and uremia, often needs dialysis to cope with. The occurrence of such diseases is related to many factors, including infection, urinary tract obstruction, kidney injury, insufficient blood perfusion, insufficient blood volume, misuse of nephrotoxic drugs, etc

  • Is creatinine 124 μ mol/L high

    Whether the creatinine level of 124 μ mol/L is too high depends on individual gender. For adult men, this value falls within the normal range (44 μ mol/L to 132 μ mol/L), so it is usually not high

  • How to rule out that the child has leukemia

    Leukemia, as a malignant tumor of hematopoietic system, is characterized by abnormal growth of primitive cells in bone marrow. Sick children often show symptoms such as fever, anemia and bleeding. Such diseases sometimes threaten life safety. Therefore, once parents find abnormalities, they should take their children to the hospital for inspection in time to eliminate the risk of leukemia

    2024-06-18 leukemia
  • Autoimmune test of iga nephritis

    IgA nephritis is a kidney disease characterized by IgA or IgA deposition, and its etiology has not been fully understood. According to the current understanding, the disease is closely related to the immune system response, so it is very important to carry out autoimmunity test to diagnose and guide the treatment of IgA nephritis. In the process of diagnosis, serological examination is first involved

    2024-06-18 Nephritis, Immune
  • Many girls will "urinate standing up" when taking a bath. This may have three disadvantages to the body

    When bathing, some women may choose to urinate standing for convenience. Is there any potential adverse effect on health behind this behavior? Let's discuss three possible health problems and improvement measures. First, standing urination may increase the risk of urinary tract infection. The female urethra is short and adjacent to the anus, which is convenient for bacteria invasion

    2024-06-18 Harm of women's standing urine
  • Is it true that girls' long-term wearing of gold bracelets is good or bad for their health

    The beautiful appearance is not only the coordination of facial features and the neatness of clothes, but also the details and decoration. Gold is the finishing touch. Nowadays, no matter young girls or women who have become mothers, many people will wear gold bracelets on their wrists, which are simple in style without losing luxury

    2024-06-18 Is it true that girls wear gold bracelets for a long time
  • Whether it is blood stasis or blood deficiency, these four points can be used to identify the ones with good conditioning

    When talking about blood problems in traditional Chinese medicine, blood stasis and blood deficiency are two common conditions. Although they are related to blood, they are different in cause, manifestation and treatment. It is very important to distinguish the two accurately for taking effective conditioning measures

    2024-06-18 How to judge whether it is blood stasis or blood deficiency
  • Share 6 good ways to replenish qi and blood and improve immunity

    In the fast pace of modern society, we often feel trapped by the heavy pressure of work and life. Unexpectedly, the body reveals fatigue - appears pale, weak, unfocused, susceptible to colds... These may be signs of insufficient blood. Traditional Chinese medicine regards qi and blood as the pillar of vitality, whose rise and fall directly affect health

    2024-06-18 How to recuperate the weak body due to qi and blood deficiency, and what are the methods to replenish qi and blood
  • How to recuperate allergic rhinitis and pharyngitis

    Patients with allergic rhinitis and pharyngitis can relieve their symptoms through a series of self conditioning measures, including diet adjustment, proper exercise, regular work and rest, keeping warm, and rational medication. First of all, in terms of diet, spicy and irritant food, such as pepper, onion and mustard, should be avoided to avoid stimulating the disease and affecting recovery

    2024-06-18 rhinallergosis
  • Is headache related to allergic rhinitis and pharyngitis

    Headache may be associated with a variety of factors, including allergic rhinitis and pharyngitis. Allergic rhinitis is triggered by allergens such as pollen and dust mites, which can cause nasal inflammation and may affect the head, causing headache. In this case, you should leave the allergen in time and use antihistamines, such as loratadine tablets, according to the doctor's advice

    2024-06-18 Allergic rhinitis, headache, pharyngitis
  • Can the urine routine check out the damaged renal tubules

    Renal tubular injury can often be found in routine urine examination, but this is only preliminary information, and more detailed tests are needed to understand the etiology. In daily life, it is very important to pay attention to the subtle changes in the body. Once you notice any unusual symptoms, you should go to a doctor in time for corresponding examination and treatment

  • Is acute renal failure uremia

    Acute renal failure is not equivalent to uremia. The key is to detect body signals in time. Once you feel unwell, you should seek medical advice immediately, identify the cause through professional examination, and then receive precise treatment according to the diagnosis results

  • How to Autonomously Relieve Cervical Spondylosis

    Cervical spondylosis is a common health problem, which originates from unnatural neck posture and excessive strain, such as continuous operation of mobile phones or computers, and then affects the cervical nerves and blood circulation. In order to reduce the impact of this disease and improve the quality of life of patients, it is critical to adopt self-management measures under the guidance of doctors

    2024-06-18 Cervical vertebra, cervical spondylosis, remission
  • How to treat rheumatoid arthritis caused by inflammation

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune disease, which is characterized by causing arthritis and affecting daily life. In the face of this disease, patients can relieve symptoms and control the condition through a variety of ways. First of all, lifestyle adjustment is the foundation. Patients should pay attention to rest, ensure adequate sleep, and avoid overwork and cold environment stimulation

    2024-06-18 Inflammation, Rheumatoid, Rheumatism
  • Menstruation is always ahead of schedule. Don't ignore a text to teach you to improve quickly

    The regularity of menstrual cycle is an important indicator of women's health, but many women will encounter the situation of early or late menstruation. Early menstruation may be related to irregular living habits, such as frequent staying up late, excessive exercise, and irregular diet, which may interfere with endocrine balance and cause menstrual cycle disorder

    2024-06-18 How to improve irregular menstruation? What's the effect of irregular menstruation on women? What's the matter with the advance of menstruation
  • What does it mean for the old to discharge the residual spirit and the poor to live a long life? Please remember five health preserving principles when entering the middle and old age

    Chinese traditional culture has always attached importance to health care, which is particularly important with the growth of age. As the saying goes, "If you are old enough to let go of the residual essence, you will end up living a poor life", which reminds us that if you do not treat the remaining essence properly in your old age, you may accelerate the consumption of life. So, how do the middle-aged and elderly people keep in good health scientifically? Here are some core health principles. Reasonable diet is the foundation of health preservation

    2024-06-18 What is the principle of health preservation for the middle-aged and the elderly, and the knowledge of health preservation for the middle-aged and the elderly
  • The old man's headache was caused by this factor

    Headache in the elderly is a common phenomenon, which is often regarded as a normal phenomenon of old age and is not deeply investigated. However, it is very important to understand the reasons behind it and the mitigation methods to improve the quality of life of the elderly. Headache may result from long-term insomnia, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the brain and hypoxia, thus aggravating the headache. Therefore, it is very important to ensure adequate sleep for the elderly

    2024-06-18 How to relieve the headache of the elderly, the cause of the headache of the elderly, and what is the headache of the elderly
  • What are the methods to judge meningitis?

    Meningitis is common in children, especially after colds and fever. If treatment is delayed, it may cause serious consequences, even life-threatening. However, people's cognition of the symptoms of meningitis is still insufficient. Here are some key messages to help identify signs of meningitis

    2024-06-18 meningitis
  • What does the heart t wave change mean

    During routine physical examination or hospital out-patient examination, some people will find "T wave change" mentioned in the ECG report, which can not help worrying whether it means myocardial ischemia or coronary heart disease. But in fact, this diagnosis does not directly point to these two diseases

    2024-06-18 Changes of cardiac t wave
  • There are three things women must refrain from when menstruation is about to end

    Menstruation is a unique physiological process for women, which often brings physiological reaction and discomfort with the periodic exfoliation and bleeding of endometrium. Near the end of the menstrual period, women need to pay special attention to self-care to avoid certain behaviors and ensure good health. At the end of menstruation, even if the bleeding decreases, the reproductive system is still in the critical period of recovery, when sexual behavior needs to be suspended

    2024-06-18 What can't be done at the end of menstruation, and what should be paid attention to at the end of menstruation
  • Don't be careless about the itching of female private parts. It is suggested to find the inducement and actively treat it

    The uniqueness of women's bodies requires special attention to private health to prevent gynecological problems, such as common itching, discomfort and other conditions. There may be many reasons behind these symptoms, and with different additional manifestations, understanding these reasons is essential for taking appropriate care

    2024-06-18 How to care for the private parts to be healthy, and what are the reasons for the itching of the private parts
  • Whitening of tongue coating for more than half a month

    As a key part of human body, tongue plays an extremely important role. It not only allows us to taste the food, but also reflects the health of individuals. Sometimes, we may observe that the surface of the tongue is covered with white or yellow tongue coating. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is the reflection of moisture or other imbalance in the body

    2024-06-18 Whitening of tongue coating
  • Is halitosis related to upper respiratory tract infection

    The causes of halitosis are diverse. Although it is sometimes associated with upper respiratory tract infection, it is more often the product of oral or nasal diseases. Upper respiratory tract infection, involving acute inflammation of the nose, pharynx and throat, is usually characterized by cough, expectoration and fever

    2024-06-18 Bad breath, upper respiratory tract infection, gingivitis
  • Is dialysis good for normal people

    Dialysis, as a therapeutic method, is mainly used to help remove waste and excess fluid accumulated in the human body, and is applied to patients with chronic renal failure and uremia. It is divided into two forms of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis

  • What is the cure rate of clear cell sarcoma of the kidney

    Renal clear cell sarcoma is a rare type of malignant tumor, which is related to heredity, long-term smoking, hypertension and other factors. Its symptoms may include palpable abdominal masses and severe low back pain

  • How to judge lymphoma and lymphoma

    Both lymphoma and lymphoma belong to the category of malignant tumor, and there are slight differences in pathogenesis and clinical manifestations between them. In order to accurately identify them, many inspection methods such as pathology and imaging will be used in medical practice. Pathological examination is an effective method to distinguish the two. The cell structure of lymphoma is relatively disordered, while lymphocarcinoma shows clear histomorphology

    2024-06-18 Lymphoma, Lymphoid Cancer, Lymphoid
  • What's the cause of bad breath recently

    Children's halitosis may be caused by a variety of reasons, including non disease factors and disease factors. On the one hand, if children eat more food with special smell, such as durian and stinky tofu, these food may produce peculiar smell during digestion and be discharged through breathing

    2024-06-18 Halitosis, what is halitosis, and what is the cause of halitosis
  • Why do women always queue up in the toilet? I finally know why

    It is a common trouble for many people to find a toilet when they are away from home. Especially for women, finding a toilet only to find a long queue ahead is extremely anxious. It is easy to find that there are long queues outside the women's toilets, while the men's toilets are relatively loose

    2024-06-18 Why do women always queue up in the toilet? Do women need to use paper towels to wipe their urine
  • What on earth is a lump of brown mucus discharged during ovulation

    The female menstrual cycle is a complex physiological process. With ovulation to menstruation, the body undergoes a variety of changes. During ovulation, some women may observe the discharge of unusual secretions, such as brown nasal mucus. Is this normal? Next, we will parse. Occasionally, slight bleeding occurs during ovulation, usually one week after menstruation

  • What is the old man's hiccup? If you want to relieve it, just do it

    The discomfort caused by hiccups is distressing. It not only affects speaking and eating, but also makes it difficult to rest. In particular, older people seem to be more prone to frequent hiccups. There are various reasons behind this. It may be that eating too fast or overeating makes the already declining gastrointestinal system overwhelmed and causes diaphragm spasm

    2024-06-18 What to do if the old man burps, how to relieve the old man's burping, and what's the matter with the old man's burping
  • Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's won't come

    Alzheimer's disease is one of the common diseases of the elderly. Due to the difficulty of treatment, daily prevention is particularly important

    2024-06-18 Prevention of Alzheimer's disease, treatment of Alzheimer's disease, symptoms of Alzheimer's disease
  • What are the seven items of kidney function

    The seven items of renal function examination is a routine assessment of kidney health, which covers a number of indicators to ensure the normal operation of the kidney. As the core component of the urinary system, the kidney is responsible for removing waste from the body, regulating water and electrolyte balance, and its function is very important

  • Can we drink milk for nephrotic syndrome

    Patients with nephrotic syndrome can drink milk, but the intake should be controlled appropriately. It is very important to pay attention to personal health. Once you find any unusual changes in your body, you should go to a doctor in time for necessary inspection and treatment. The disease is usually associated with genetic background, immune system abnormalities and other factors, which may lead to glomerular damage, manifested as a large number of proteinuria, lower limb edema and other problems

  • Why has oral ulcer never been cured

    Oral ulcer is a common local injury of oral mucosa, and its etiology has not yet been completely determined. Once it occurs, if it is not treated in time or correctly, the symptoms may continue. Eating habits may aggravate oral ulcer, especially frequent consumption of spicy and overheated food. Their friction and stimulation on the inner wall of the mouth cannot be ignored

    2024-06-18 Oral ulcer, why oral ulcer, ulcer
  • What should be paid attention to after colon cancer surgery

    After radical surgery, patients with colon cancer need careful care in several aspects of their lives: in terms of diet, liquid or semi liquid food, such as millet porridge, is recommended at the initial stage, and they should eat several times and a small amount to avoid excessive consumption. As the intestinal tract gradually recovers, it can gradually transition to a regular diet

    2024-06-18 Colon, colon cancer, colon cancer
  • Three Points to Remember: Is Keeping Walking Exercise Beneficial for Longevity Elderly People After the Age of 70

    Adherence to sports is generally regarded as an effective way to promote health and prolong life. This concept also affects many elderly people. With the popularization of smart phones and wearable devices, it has become the daily pursuit of many people to reach the goal of walking tens of thousands of steps every day

    2024-06-18 What should the elderly remember when exercising
  • There may be five signs before sudden death. These four things should be done to prevent sudden death

    Though shocking, sudden death is not without warning. When the crisis is approaching, the body will release several warning signals. Palpitation accompanied by rapid heartbeat, chest pain and tightness, dyspnea, sudden dizziness and even syncope, and even temporary loss of consciousness may all be signs of sudden death. These symptoms reflect the hidden dangers that may exist in the heart, respiratory system and even the central nervous system

    2024-06-18 How to prevent sudden death, what are the signs before sudden death, and what are the causes of sudden death
  • The cause of senile plaque. Poor metabolism can lead to this result

    The formation of senile plaques has various causes and is closely related to the decline of cell metabolism. With age, the ability of cells to process melanin decreases, leading to its accumulation and plaque formation. At the same time, the metabolism of the elderly slows down, and it is difficult to quickly eliminate the damage accumulated from bad living habits, which further promotes the formation of spots

    2024-06-18 How to prevent senile plaque, what to do with senile plaque, and the causes of senile plaque
  • The ear is always buzzing, but don't ignore it

    The function of the ear is to capture the surrounding sound, but some people will experience the hum that is not generated by the outside world. This is actually a tinnitus phenomenon, which has various causes and needs attention. Hearing protection has become a daily task that cannot be ignored. Tinnitus can come from a variety of situations, including ear infections, such as otitis media or otitis externa, which can change the pressure in the ear and trigger tinnitus

    2024-06-18 How to protect your hearing? What's the matter with the buzzing sound
  • What can the elderly do about insomnia? Proper environment can improve this problem

    The sleep characteristics of the elderly are different from those of the young. They tend to wake up early and have less sleep demand. Facing the problem of insomnia of the elderly, it is particularly important to create a suitable sleeping environment. This includes keeping the bedroom clean, quiet and ventilated, installing soft night lights, and selecting comfortable bedding to promote relaxation and facilitate sleep

    2024-06-18 What to do about insomnia, what to do about insomnia for the elderly, and what to do about sleep for the elderly
  • How to Improve Constipation of the Elderly Everyone should master this defecation guide

    Constipation is a common problem among the elderly, and its causes are diverse, mainly due to gastrointestinal dysfunction and poor eating habits. Persistent constipation may affect health, so how to effectively improve this situation for the elderly is particularly important

    2024-06-18 What do the elderly eat for constipation, how to improve the elderly's constipation, and the reasons for the elderly's constipation
  • Can infantile hand foot mouth disease cause halitosis

    There is a certain correlation between infant hand foot mouth disease and halitosis. The disease is caused by enteroviruses and is mainly transmitted by contact or droplets. The patient may have blisters in his mouth, which may be accompanied by fever, cough and other symptoms. Disease progression may lead to eating difficulties, food remains in the mouth, resulting in odor

    2024-06-18 Bad breath, indigestion, hand foot mouth disease
  • How to pay attention to the white and rough tongue coating

    Changes in the color and texture of tongue coating can sometimes reflect the health status of the body. When the tongue coating is white and rough, it may be a signal from the body. For example, patients with respiratory tract infection or bronchitis are often accompanied by this symptom. If children are not treated in time after catching a cold, the disease may worsen to pneumonia, during which the tongue coating may be white and rough

    2024-06-18 Whitening of tongue coating
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Medical information


How to prevent stroke in hot summer? What are the reasons for the high incidence of hypertension in summer?

cerebral apoplexy High incidence of hypertension hypertension

How to prevent stroke in hot summer? What is the reason for the high incidence of seasonal hypertension? In hot weather, people's metabolism is relatively fast, and their blood pressure is easy to fluctuate. In hot weather, especially working people working in hot weather, when they sweat more, the chemical composition of blood will change, often with high viscosity. ... [Detailed]

First aid for sudden death! Can you recover by sleeping

sudden death First aid for sudden death Sudden death depends on sleep

First aid for sudden death! Can you recover by sleeping? Sudden death is a non traumatic death in a very short period of time. Early electric defibrillation can be used to restore the heart fluctuations to normal. Life support treatment can also be used to support the basic vital signs, so as not to pose a threat to life safety. ... [Detailed]

What happens when you drink boiled water immediately after sweating a lot?

Profuse sweating Drink boiled water immediately after sweating a lot What to drink after sweating a lot

Don't drink water after sweating. If you sweat too much, drinking too much water may increase the burden on the heart, may also lead to salt loss in the body, and may even cause gastrointestinal discomfort. At this time, it is recommended to slowly add water in a small mouth to avoid discomfort. ... [Detailed]