Jianhe Group: The first quarter's revenue was about 2.87 billion yuan, contributing about 64.3% to the Chinese market

Caijing 2024/05/17

Continue to deepen the whole family nutrition and health layout

On May 17, Jianhe International Holdings (stock code: 1112.HK, hereinafter referred to as "Jianhe Group") announced the unaudited operating data for the first quarter of 2024. According to the announcement, the revenue report of Jianhe Group in the first quarter decreased by 8.8% to 2.87 billion yuan. The Chinese market is the largest contributor to the Group's revenue, accounting for 64.3% of the Group's total revenue.

Mr. Akash Bedi, CEO, said: "The Group will continue to deepen the whole family nutrition and health layout, deepen its efforts in China, and take a global perspective. It will spare no effort to promote the growth of high gross profit and high growth nutritional supplements in core markets and emerging markets, and will strive to maintain a stable cash level and optimize the capital structure, help sustainable growth, achieve the Group's vision, and achieve the goal of becoming a global leader in high-end nutrition and health industry Break forward. "

Edit: Cui Ruiting

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