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The construction of key projects of the 6th Hebei Tourism Development Conference accelerated the integration of culture and tourism to highlight characteristics

August 14, 2021 11:30 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hebei Channel
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Shexian "Nuwa Flying into the Sky" giant colored rice field painting. Wu Zhiqiang

Shijiazhuang,, August 14 (Yang Wenjuan) In early autumn, when climbing the Range Rover Pavilion of Dongshan Mountain in Shexian County, Hebei Province, overlooking the Qingzhang River at the foot of the mountain, a huge colorful rice field painting with the theme of "Nuwa Flying into the Sky" was displayed in front of us. This rice field painting covers an area of more than 600 mu, and is composed of green, yellow, purple, white and other colored rice. With the surrounding background, it totals more than 1800 mu, and looks spectacular.

This is one of the important landscape nodes of the 6th Hebei Tourism Industry Development Conference ("Hebei Tourism Development Conference" for short). It is reported that the Provincial Tourism Development Conference will be held in Handan in more than a month. So, how about the preparation of each node in Handan, the host city? What is the progress of key projects Today, let's go into Handan and have a look.

See red see green see industry: Shexian Chi'an Park and other key projects stepped up construction

Shexian is an old revolutionary base area with rich red tourism resources; It is also a major tourism county and a famous ecological county. It has Wahuang Palace, a national 5A level scenic spot, the former site of the 129th Division headquarters, the Taihang Five Finger Mountain scenic spot, and Hanwang Jiuzhai scenic spot, which are rated as "National Ecological Demonstration County".

On August 13, at the construction site of the Chi'an Park project, Shi Weining, the project promotion leader, was leading the workers to step up their work, welding, handling, and laying bricks. Several machines were busy lifting piles and transporting materials. The work on the site was tight and orderly.

It is understood that Chi'an Park is the place where the opening ceremony of the conference is held. It is located in the center of the Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army's 129th Division, covering an area of more than 50000 square meters, and consists of three parts: the spiritual memorial area of the 129th Division, the on-site teaching area, and the activity experience area. After the completion of the park, it can not only further enhance the popularity and influence of the memorial hall, but also meet the needs of daily party spirit education, patriotism education, and play a positive role in promoting the development of red tourism and promoting the economic transformation and upgrading of the old area.

"The Chi'an Park project has a tight schedule and heavy tasks. Since the start of the project, we have basically been stationed on the site 24 hours a day, and workers have started work at 5 o'clock every day. Every link has been carried out in strict accordance with the requirements and high standards." Shi Weining said that the overall progress of the project has been 93% completed, and it is expected to be completed by the end of August. Among them, 65% of the Red Flag Sculpture has been completed, which is expected to be completed on August 25; 90% of the square is completed, and it is expected to be completed on August 20; 85% of Shengli Road will be completed, which is expected to be completed on August 15 as a whole; 75% greening is completed, and it is expected to be completed on August 20.

The painted water tower project built in Shexian County. Photographed by Lu Haidong

Three steps, one scene, five steps, one painting. In the Taihang Folk Town in Chishui Bay, Shexian County, the Hui style buildings with green tiles and white walls, the Jiangnan characteristics of small bridges and flowing water, and the wonderful folk performances have attracted many tourists. At the construction site of the project in District C of the town, the main parts of the landmark Wenchang Tower and Juxing Hall have been completed, and workers are busy with internal decoration and improvement, making various preparations for a surprise appearance at the provincial tourism development conference.

As one of the nine characteristic towns in the Taihang Red River Valley Cultural Tourism Economic Belt, Taihang Folk Town is a leisure and health care characteristic town integrating calligraphy and painting art district, resort hotel area, ancient town business street, etc. Its completion has not only increased the volume of tourism resources in Shexian County, but also injected strong impetus into the construction of Shexian County as a "global tourism demonstration county" and a "national excellent tourism destination".

It is understood that in the construction of the Taihang Red River Valley Cultural Tourism Economic Belt, Shexian County has set the goal of building a "characteristic town", planned nine characteristic towns with high standards, including Taihang Folk Town, Lianquan Rural Water Town, Changle Town, and actively created a town culture of "individuality, characteristics, taste, and feeling, benefiting the people and making tourists happy", Actively promote the integration of culture and industry, and accelerate rural revitalization.

At present, there is a "lively" scene on both sides of Qingzhang: Dongshan Landscapes, Red Memory Town, Wa Palace International Camping Base and other projects have sprung up, and the surrounding environment improvement, volunteer explanation and training, conference reception and other work are in order... Shexian is trying to promote the construction progress of various projects to welcome the arrival of the Provincial Tourism Development Conference.

Tai Chi City: Yongnian District steadily promotes the upgrading of 15 projects

Along the mottled horse path, you can climb to the south gate of Guangfu Ancient City in Yongnian District. The city is dotted with black bricks and black tiles, traditional courtyards and small folk houses; The green waves outside the city are rippling, and the reed marshes and lotus lakes are among them. The scenery is charming.

"As one of the seven key areas to be built at the provincial tourism development conference, we have steadily promoted the upgrading and transformation of 15 projects, including Guangfu Water Street and Taiji Culture Museum, in accordance with the general idea of 'scenic spot upgrading+waterway development+cultural performance+everywhere Taiji', and worked hard to build Guangfu Taiji City, the world destination of Taiji Boxing tourism." Bai Guifen, director of Culture, Radio, Tourism Bureau of Yongnian District, Handan City, said.

Guangfushui Street, Yongnian District. Photographed by Zhou Shaozong

Guangfu Water Street is built according to the water. When you walk in, you feel as if you are in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. The green brick and gray tile buildings give you a feeling of ancient charm. With the theme of old buildings, old villages, and old markets, this local folk custom experience place integrates snacks, folk collection museums, folk handicraft exhibitions, theme inns, and farmhouses across the country, making many tourists linger.

"In order to meet the Provincial Tourism Development Conference and further enhance the tourists' sense of experience, Guangfu Water Street is being comprehensively improved, especially for different types of home stay, workers are carrying out the final decoration refinement." Zhang Dongxu, project investor of Guangfu Water Street and head of Xiaokang Water Town Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said. Up to now, the greening, stone paving, channel cleaning, facade painting, lighting, slope protection reinforcement, sewer and other works of Guangfu Water Street Project have been completed; 10 of the 15 home stays have completed decoration; 80% of the homestay hydrophilic platforms have been completed, 97% of the homestay streets have been renovated, and 8 cruise ships have been put in place; All the furniture and household appliances required for the home stay have arrived; 65% of water street investment was completed. It is expected to be completed before August 20.

Tourists are visiting Guangfu Ancient City, Yongnian District, Handan, Hebei Province. Photographed by Hu Gaolei

Guangfu Ancient City is located in the center of Yongnianwa. Yongnianwa is the third largest low-lying lake in North China after Baiyang Lake and Hengshui Lake. There are reed marshes and lotus lakes in the wetland. The 16 square kilometer low-lying wetland sets off the charm and magic of the ancient city of Guangfu. However, for a long time, due to neglect of management, the river channel here has silted up and there are many fishing grounds, which makes it difficult to dredge the water system around the city, greatly affecting the development of the overall water area.

It is understood that in 2010, the district invested 350 million yuan to implement important projects such as channel expansion and water diversion into the park, gradually restoring the original style and features of Yongnianwa wetland. In 2021, the circular water sightseeing project will be officially launched. At present, the project has realized the navigation of Luweidang Wharf, Nantan Bridge, Guangfushui Street, Xitan Bridge and Beitan Bridge. The 12 km channel along the whole line has been basically completed. Lianting Bridge is under construction. Finally, the channel from Qinghui Academy to the moat has been excavated. The project is expected to be completed by the end of August.

Taijiquan enthusiasts at Yude Taijiwu Academy in Yongnian District are practicing Taijiquan. Photographed by Hu Gaolei

As we all know, the ancient city of Guangfu is the birthplace of Yang's and Wu's Taijiquan. Yang Luchan, the founder of Yang's Taijiquan, Wu Yuxiang, the founder of Wu's Taijiquan, and a number of Taijiquan masters and celebrities have practiced martial arts here. Since 1991, Yongnian District has held 14 sessions of the International Taijiquan Conference, which was named the "hometown of Taijiquan" by the National Sports Commission. Practicing Taijiquan has become a mass fitness campaign, and has also expedited and expanded new industrial chains such as boxing, tourism, audio and video book publishing.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of Taijiquan practitioners in Yongnian District has reached 420000 at present, and the average number of outsiders learning Taijiquan in Yongnian District has exceeded 100000 every year. More than 1000 boxing masters run schools in China, and more than 30 famous masters run classes abroad all year round. A large number of Taijiquan masters have embarked on the path of professional teaching. At the same time, the integrated development model of "Tai Chi+tourism" has been adopted to promote the development of the tourism industry into a fast lane, with the annual average comprehensive tourism income of the region exceeding 3.4 billion yuan.

Mountain, water and culture: Fengfeng mining area tourism project construction is in full swing

"This year, the Provincial Tourism Development Conference saw three projects in Fengfeng Mining Area, namely Fengfeng Museum, Xiangtang Mountain Scenic Area and the Anti Japanese Tunnel Scenic Area at the bottom of the mountain in southern Hebei Province." Recently, Sun Yaxuan, secretary of the Fengfeng Mining Area Party Committee, said in an interview, "At present, all key cultural and tourism projects under construction are working overtime to complete by the end of August."

It is understood that there are more than 120 scenic spots and historic sites in Fengfeng Mining Area, including 4 national key cultural relics protection units such as Nanbei Xiangtang Grottoes, Cizhou Kiln Site, Yuhuang Pavilion and Shuiyu Temple, 24 provincial and municipal key cultural relics protection units, and the North Qi Grottoes Culture and Cizhou Kiln Culture are listed in the top ten cultural veins of Handan.

The red exhibition hall in Fengfeng Museum. Photographed by Zhou Shaozong

Based on its own resource advantages and tourism industry positioning, Fengfeng Mining Area has built a 24000 square meter Fengfeng Museum. The exhibition hall of the museum is divided into eight parts, namely, historical thematic exhibition, Xiangtangshan Grottoes thematic exhibition, Cizhou Kiln thematic exhibition, red thematic exhibition, regional history exhibition and planning exhibition, folk intangible cultural heritage exhibition, temporary exhibition and theater (art center).

"At present, the exhibition hall, public decoration and hardbound decoration have been basically completed. Now the exhibition surface and display board on the wall have entered the production period, and the sculpture, painting and sand table model production in the exhibition hall have also entered the final stage. It is expected that all the exhibition layout and decoration of the museum can be completed in the middle of August." In Fengfeng Museum, the project site leader Lu Qiang introduced. In order to ensure the smooth opening of Fengfeng Museum in late August, all workers on the site are working in a tense and orderly manner on the front line of construction.

Xiangtangshan Village Stone Kiln Courtyard. Photographed by Zhou Shaozong

Come to Xiangtang Mountain Scenic Area and see the distinctive folk houses of Xiangtang Mountain Village. It is understood that it is the most well preserved stone kiln dwellings in North China. According to the requirements, the scenic spot has improved the stone kiln courtyard to a high standard. In order to meet the needs of different groups, DIY projects have been added, such as traditional food production, weaving, etc., to enhance the tourist experience and enhance the cultural connotation. At present, Xiangtangshan Village has been upgraded, with 18 courtyard landscapes (32 in total) upgraded, and 75% of the overall environmental renovation has been completed.

"The main body of the Xiangtang Mountain Grottoes Digital Exhibition Center has also been completed, and the exhibition arrangement is in progress." According to the relevant person in charge, among them, the 8-minute high standard Xiangtang Mountain documentary, the 3D digital printing recovery of six high-quality lost overseas Buddhist statues, and the digital virtual recovery of the North Xiangtang Sutra Carving Cave project are being accelerated, and the contents of the Silk Road Buddhist Art Exhibition have been sorted out. It is understood that the whole project is expected to be completed by the end of August.

Anti Japanese authentic scenic spot at the bottom of the mountain in southern Hebei. Photographed by Zhou Shaozong

The Shandi Anti Japanese Tunnel Scenic Spot in South Hebei is located in Shandi Village, Yijing Town, Fengfeng Mining Area. During the Anti Japanese War, the villagers of Shandi Village, in order to resist the Japanese invasion, expanded and excavated on the basis of the original "ancient tunnel" to form a tunnel that connects families, connects families, and can be attacked and defended. An overview of the tunnel at the bottom of the mountain - "It's a pity not to look at it, but it's shocking to look at it." In recent years, the scenic spot has been constantly upgrading the tunnel, the memorial hall, the Chinese Anti Japanese War Tunnel Experience Hall, etc. At present, the ground and walls are being repaired, greening is being upgraded, and other infrastructure is being improved and updated.

"Although the city is small, it has mountains, water and culture." Xie Huiqin, director of the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Tourism and Tourism of Fengfeng Mining Area, said in an interview that, taking advantage of the Tourism Development Conference, Fengfeng Mining Area, while actively improving the reconstruction of the observation project, has also carefully built the roads, greening, rural landscape, and enterprise landscape along the observation line, Strive to "leave the scenery on the road and culture in the hearts of tourists".

It is also understood that the transformation and upgrading of other areas, including Shuiyun Gucizhou, Fuxing Park Expo Park, Guzhao Huiche Lane, etc., are also progressing in an orderly manner.   

(Editor in charge: Fang Tong, Zhu Longchao)

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