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The scope, objects and conditions of Anyang High tech Zone's social teacher recruitment in 2024

2024-06-27 14:00:54 | Source: Henan Secondary Public Education

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Post table of 222 teachers recruited in Wenfeng District (High tech Zone) of Anyang in 2024

Public Recruitment Announcement of 222 Teachers in Wenfeng District (High tech Zone) of Anyang in 2024

In 2024, Wenfeng District (High tech Zone) announced the public recruitment of teachers, with 222 teachers planned to be recruited, Registration time: 9:00, July 3, 2024 to 18:00, July 5, 2024 (It will not be accepted after the deadline). For the convenience of candidates Henan teacher recruitment The column editor specially arranges the recruitment scope, objects and application conditions for candidates' reference:

(1) Scope and target of recruitment

For specific recruitment units, majors, posts, number of posts and qualifications, see the Table of Posts for Teachers Publicly Recruited in Wenfeng District (High tech Zone) in 2024 (Annex 1).

(2) Application conditions

Candidates must meet the following conditions:

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Abide by the Constitution and laws;

3. Have good conduct;

4. Be healthy and adapt to the physical conditions required by the post;

5. Applicants for primary school section posts shall have the qualifications of teachers at primary school and above, among which those for English, music, sports, art, and mental health posts shall have the qualifications of teachers at primary school and above in corresponding disciplines. Those who apply for the post in the middle school section shall have the qualifications of teachers in the corresponding disciplines of middle school and above. Applicants for Chinese courses must have a certificate of Putonghua Grade II Grade A or above. For candidates who have not yet obtained teacher qualification certificates, they can participate in the examination first with the teacher qualification certificate that meets the requirements of the applied post in the period of validity, and must obtain the corresponding teacher qualification certificate before entering the investigation procedure;

6. Meet the educational background, major and relevant conditions required by the position, and the educational level used for registration is consistent with the age requirements;

7. Meet the age requirements of the post;

8. Meet other conditions required by the post;

9. Graduates from the senior class and the preparatory technician (technician) class of full-time technical colleges can apply with reference to the corresponding equivalent college and undergraduate degrees.

Personnel under any of the following circumstances shall not apply for employment:

1. Persons who have been subject to criminal punishment and dismissed due to crimes, persons whose criminal punishment period has not expired or who are under investigation for suspected crimes;

2. Personnel who have not yet been relieved of party discipline, political discipline or are undergoing disciplinary review;

3. Persons who have been found guilty of fraud and other serious violations of recruitment discipline in the civil service recruitment and public recruitment examination of public institutions shall not participate in the public recruitment of public institutions at all levels in our district within five years;

4. Active servicemen, students in ordinary colleges and universities (excluding graduates in 2024), college students in the "51111 Project" and "369 Talent Project" of the health system, and those recruited by our province to participate in the "three supports and one support" plan for college graduates and the special post plan for school teachers in the rural compulsory education stage, who have not completed the planned service period of grass-roots service projects;

5. Teachers officially enrolled in Anyang City;

6. Circumstances related to the withdrawal system in the Interim Provisions on Public Recruitment of Personnel in Public Institutions (No. 6 Order of the Ministry of Personnel in 2005);

7. Personnel who are not allowed to be employed in public institutions according to national and provincial regulations.

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(Editor in charge: xza)

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