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Answers to the 90th session of the 2024 Henan Teachers Recruitment Examination

2024-05-24 09:11:51 | Source: Henan Secondary Public Education

In 2024, the announcements of recruiting teachers from Henan Province, cities and universities are being released in succession, Henan teacher recruitment The column editor arranges relevant materials for examination preparation( Basic knowledge of comprehensive education theory 】【 4000 questions in the compulsory question bank for children's teaching )Including written examination and interview reading materials for reference.

1. [Answer] A. Analysis of public education: This question examines the type of courses. Course type refers to the organization of courses or the type of courses designed.

Option A is divided into national curriculum, local curriculum and school-based curriculum according to the design and development subject. The national curriculum is a curriculum that is prepared, implemented and evaluated by the national education administrative department. Local curriculum is a school-based curriculum developed by the local education administrative department according to the national curriculum standards and the development needs of various regions. It is a curriculum prepared, implemented and evaluated by teachers in the schools where students live.

Option B is divided into subject based courses and comprehensive courses according to the organization mode. Subject based curriculum refers to the curriculum that selects knowledge from different disciplines and imparts knowledge to students in the form of subject based teaching according to the logic system of knowledge. The subject curriculum is basically the same as the subject curriculum. The comprehensive curriculum is a multi-disciplinary curriculum organization model, which emphasizes the relevance, unity and internal connection between disciplines. The leading value of its curriculum is to promote the overall development of students' understanding and grasp and solve problems through the integration of related disciplines.

For option C, courses are divided into subject courses and experience courses according to content attributes. Subject curriculum is a kind of curriculum that advocates the discipline as the center. According to the logical system of knowledge, the selected knowledge is organized into subject curriculum. The leading value lies in inheriting human civilization and enabling students to master, transmit and develop the knowledge and cultural heritage accumulated by human beings for thousands of years. Experience curriculum is a curriculum organized from the interests and needs of students and centered on the experience of children's subjective activities. The leading value of experience curriculum is to enable students to gain direct experience and real experience about the real world.

Option D is divided into explicit courses and implicit courses according to the presentation form. Explicit curriculum is also called explicit curriculum, formal curriculum, official curriculum and open curriculum. It refers to various disciplines and purposeful and organized extracurricular activities formally included in the school's teaching plan to achieve certain educational goals. Hidden curriculum is also called informal curriculum, hidden curriculum, hidden curriculum, which means that students unconsciously

Gain experience, values, ideals and other ideological content and cultural influence.

2. [Answer] B. Analysis of public education: curriculum refers to the total number of subjects that students should learn and their process and arrangement. In a broad sense, curriculum refers to the sum of educational content and process arrangement selected to achieve the purpose of school education. Curriculum is the core of school education, which involves what teachers teach and what students learn in the teaching process. It includes various subjects and extracurricular activities.

Option A, organizational ability belongs to teachers' professional ability, but not the core of school education. Option B. Curriculum is the core of school education, and teaching is the central work of school education. For option C, school-based teaching and research ability belongs to teachers' professional ability, but is not the core of school education. Option D, without this statement, is interference option. ACD does not meet the meaning of the question, so select B.

3. [Answer] A. Analysis of public education: This question examines the three major factors that restrict the curriculum. Curriculum design, that is, curriculum development, including curriculum planning, syllabus and textbooks. Its essence is the question of what to choose, how to arrange and how to organize from the existing social culture of mankind. Curriculum reflects the requirements of educational objectives and is the embodiment of educational objectives. In general, curriculum formulation should take into account several factors such as social development, scientific knowledge and the educated. If the BCD is not consistent with the meaning of the question, it is excluded. So choose option A for this question.

4. [Answer] A. Analysis of public education: This question examines the proposer of specialized terms of the curriculum.

Option A, a special term for applying curriculum to educational science, began with What Knowledge Is Most Valuable by British educator Spencer.

In Option B, Herbart is known as the "father of modern pedagogy", "representative of traditional education", and "founder of science pedagogy". Taking General Pedagogy as a representative work, it marks the formal birth of pedagogy as a standardized and independent discipline. Put forward the theory of "four stage teaching".

Option C, Rousseau advocates naturalistic educational thought, and represents Emil.

In Option D, Pestalozzi is known as the "Father of Loving Children": ① He advocates that education should follow nature and make children develop naturally. ② He was the first to put forward the idea of "educational psychology". ③ The first educator in the history of western education to put the idea of "combining education with productive labor" into practice.

All three items of BCD are inconsistent with the meaning of the question, so select option A for this question.

5. [Answer] C. Analysis of public education: This question examines the types of courses. According to the requirements of the curriculum plan for the implementation of the curriculum, it can be divided into compulsory courses and elective courses. From the main body of curriculum design, development and management, it can be divided into national curriculum, local curriculum and school-based curriculum.

Option A, the leading value of school-based curriculum is to show the school running purpose and characteristics. In essence, school-based curriculum is a democratic decision-making process of curriculum development based on schools, that is, principals, teachers, curriculum experts, students, parents and community people participate in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of school curriculum plans.

Option B, the leading value of local courses is to meet the practical needs of local social development. Local curriculum is a curriculum designed by local education authorities based on the national curriculum standards, under the guidance of certain educational ideas and curriculum concepts, according to the actual situation of local economy, characteristics and cultural development. It is a supplement to national curriculum in different places, and reflects the basic requirements of local social development on students' quality development.

Option C, compulsory course, refers to the public course that students must learn according to national, local or school regulations, which is developed to ensure the basic learning ability of all students. Its leading value lies in cultivating and developing students' commonness, reflecting the basic requirements for students.

Option D, elective course, refers to the course that allows individuals to choose according to the characteristics and development direction of different students, which is developed to adapt to the students' personality differences. Its leading value lies in satisfying students' interests and hobbies, and cultivating and developing students' good personality.

In the question stem, the leading value of compulsory courses lies in cultivating and developing students' commonness. Therefore, options A, B and D are not consistent with the meaning of the question, so they are excluded. So the answer to this question is C.

6. [Answer] ACD. Analysis of public education: This question examines the basic characteristics of the teaching plan in China's compulsory education stage. The curriculum plan of compulsory education in China should have three basic characteristics: mandatory, universal and basic:

(1) Mandatory. The compulsory education teaching plan is not an ordinary teaching plan, it is the specific guarantee for the implementation of compulsory education by the state, and its formulation is based on the compulsory education law. That is to say, the compulsory education teaching plan is the implementation plan of the compulsory education law, which reflects the basic spirit of the compulsory education law. Therefore, it is mandatory.

(2) Universality. The scope of application of the compulsory education curriculum plan is much wider than that of the ordinary curriculum plan. The training objectives and curriculum settings stipulated in the compulsory education curriculum plan are aimed at most schools, most regions and most students in the country, neither too high nor too low, and adhere to the principle of "keeping the bottom line, not the top line".

(3) Fundamentality. The role of the compulsory education curriculum plan is to fully guarantee the comprehensive and harmonious development of students' various qualities. The courses should be complete, and the class hours of each course should be more important than others. We should thoroughly change the past exam oriented education or higher education, make it truly a quality education, and ensure that students' ideological quality, scientific and cultural quality, health quality, psychological quality, labor quality, and professional quality are comprehensively improved.

Therefore, the ACD option is selected for this question.

7. [Answer] BCD. Analysis of public education: This question examines the content of the curriculum standards. The curriculum standard is the concretion of the curriculum plan, and is the guiding document of the teaching content of each subject in the curriculum plan in the form of an outline. It stipulates the teaching purpose and task of the subject, the scope, depth and structure of knowledge, the teaching progress and the basic requirements of relevant teaching methods. Curriculum standards are the direct basis for textbook compilation, teaching, evaluation and test proposition, and also an important standard for measuring the teaching quality of various subjects. Including (1) preface; (2) Curriculum objectives; (3) Content standards; (4) Implementation suggestions; (5) Appendix. Therefore, BCD is selected for this question.

Option A, curriculum plan, is a guiding document related to teaching and educational work formulated by the national education authority according to the educational purpose and educational tasks of different types of schools. The curriculum plan is the overall planning of the curriculum, which makes a comprehensive arrangement for the teaching, production, and extracurricular activities of the school. The curriculum plan includes: (1) the setting of teaching subjects (the first question); (2) Discipline order; (3) Class hour allocation; (4) School year preparation and school week arrangement.

8. [Answer] √. Analysis of public education: This question aims to examine the content of the national curriculum. According to the design and development of the curriculum, the curriculum is divided into national curriculum, local curriculum and school curriculum. Among them, the national curriculum can also be called the "national unified curriculum". It is a curriculum prepared and approved by the central educational administrative agency, and its management power belongs to the central educational authority. The national curriculum belongs to the first level curriculum. The purpose of the national curriculum preparation is to ensure the training objectives of general education determined by the country and the world's advanced level of general education, and stipulate that students should master Basic knowledge And basic ability. The curriculum plan, curriculum standards (syllabus) and teaching materials of the national curriculum shall be uniformly examined and approved by the state. Without approval, local governments shall not change them at will. The national curriculum has the characteristics of foundation, unity, guidance and stability.

To sum up, the national curriculum should not be easily changed. Therefore, this topic is correct.

9. [Answer] √. Analysis of public education: This question is about curriculum resources. Curriculum resources refer to the source of curriculum elements and the necessary and direct conditions for implementing curriculum. Textbooks should not and cannot become the only curriculum resources.

At present, there are three main parts of curriculum resources available. One is the curriculum resources on campus, such as laboratories, libraries and various teaching facilities and practice bases; Second, curriculum resources outside the school, including extensive social resources and rich natural resources such as libraries, museums, exhibition halls, science and technology museums, factories, rural areas, the military, scientific research institutes, etc; The third is information curriculum resources, such as the development and utilization of information technology on campus, and network resources on campus and off campus.

Compared with traditional textbooks, curriculum resources are rich, abundant, and open. With its specific image, liveliness, and the ability of students to participate in themselves, it gives students a variety of information stimulation, mobilizes students' multiple senses to participate in activities, stimulates students' interests, immerses students in the scene, increases knowledge, cultivates ability, and cultivates sentiment in pleasure, This is irreplaceable by traditional textbooks.

Therefore, this statement is correct.

10. [Reference answer] Analysis of public education:

Mr. Tao Xingzhi did not directly criticize the beating behavior of students, but guided students step by step to help them realize their wrong behavior. This kind of teaching behavior of Mr. Tao Xingzhi is very consistent with the student-centered education idea advocated by the current new curriculum education idea.

(1) The student view of the new curriculum reform believes that students are developing people, unique people, and independent people. In the process of teaching, we should fully realize that students are individuals with great development potential and development needs, and each student has its own unique side. Therefore, teachers should treat students with tolerance psychology, fully believe that every child can become a talent, and promote the growth of students through step-by-step guidance. In the materials, Mr. Tao Xingzhi did not criticize Wang You directly when he hit him, but realized the motivation behind his behavior and promoted Wang You's change through step-by-step guidance. Recognize that developing people can make mistakes, and teachers can not recognize students with their own will, but constantly guide students. All of these fully reflect the student view of the new curriculum reform.

(2) The teaching concept of the new curriculum reform proposes that in the teaching process, we should focus on students, attach importance to the cultivation of ability and methods, attach more importance to the results and the guidance of the process, and pay attention to the overall development of students. These ideas require teachers to treat students with respect and appreciation, not only to see the problems, but also to explore the highlights. In the process of teaching, we should learn to gain, experience and comprehend. Tao Xingzhi explored Wang You's advantages step by step and guided Wang You, making Wang You realize his mistakes, in line with the principle of facilitation, and fully reflecting that teachers should treat students with an appreciative view.

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(Editor in charge: xza)

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