A bosom friend knows Lv well Set and get the current line

In Java, we often encounter the situation of obtaining the current process. At the moment, we usually get it according to Thread. currentThread(). Let's see what we did when we implemented this sentence in the JVM. Simple case The following is a simple case. Get the current process and print the process name. The output is "main", that is, the main task process. Public class CurrentThreadTest} In the Thread class, currentThread
A bosom friend knows Lv well and stays at home every day and every month

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In Java, we often encounter the situation of obtaining the current process. At the moment, we usually get it according to Thread. currentThread(). Let's see what we did when we implemented this sentence in the JVM. Simple case The following is a simple case. Get the current process and print the process name. The output is "main", that is, the main task process. Public class CurrentThreadTest} In the Thread class, currentThread

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Set and get the current thread name

In Java, we often encounter the situation of obtaining the current process.

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