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Mushroom cooling: the same as "Gu cooling", which means "girl" in network terms. "Mushroom cool" and "Gu cool" are both the nickname of "girl" on the Internet. Some local dialects pronounce ning as liang, nian as lian, and the most obvious is the pronunciation of n and l in Hunan dialect

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

Talents, ability and discernment, talent and insight. Currently, Youcai is generally called "rape" online. What does Youcai mean? 1. Talented; Ability 2. Outstanding talent (mostly in literature and art). 3. Talent 4, talent; Intelligence 5

System advantages:

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What does mushroom cool mean? Gu Liang, the antonym of Gu Liang and Gu Liang, the synonym of Taoduoduo

What does Youcai mean? Rape _ Taoduoduo _ online neologism _ Taoduoduo resources

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What we have

Book Search Master

The third-party source warehouse of the book search master is a novel reading software with super many high-quality resources. This software has very comprehensive novel resources

What's cool with mushrooms

Mushroom cooling: the same as "Gu cooling", which means "girl" in network terms. "Mushroom cool" and "Gu cool" are both the nickname of "girl" on the Internet. Some

What is talent

Talents, ability and discernment, talent and insight. Currently, Youcai is generally called "rape" online. What does Youcai mean? 1. Talented; Have ability

Hulk a

The Hulk app downloads the latest cracked version of this movie watching software, which is designed for young users. It can bring you a lot of fun and various videos you want to watch

What is a beautiful dog

Beautiful dogs are also called musty dogs, charming dogs, Migu, Meinu, etc. What does a beautiful dog mean? A beautiful dog will praise every beauty. Anything different from your own opinion will be deducted


Since it is the Year of the Rooster, the topic of "chicken" is of course indispensable. Today, the word of Ji'er Bang is called "Ji'er Bang Hard" and "Ji'er Bang"