
Cocks crow and dance Dither to watch the video together

Dithering, together, watch, video, right, just can, see, what, brush,

Why do two people watch videos together? Recently, Tiao Yin launched a new video watching function. We can invite multiple friends to join the room and like videos together. At the same time, we can also like and comment on videos
Summer is coming to you, and some small things are happening orderly.

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Lose Both - Ditto Watches Video Together

Learning without thinking is labor lost; thinking without learning is perilous.

Get free WPS members and rice husk members to collect hyperlinks and suggestions

Because of the copyright problem of Office, many friends are using WPS. The software functions are similar, but WPS is free. Of course, there are also some paid functions, such as using PPT templates and online materials, WPS members also have free PDF to WORD, document repair, image to text, and so on. Today, when we master QQ, we will share the collection entrance of many WPS members and rice husk members. Since we can't stack them, we suggest that you collect them for a few days before they expire.

How to extract short video copy? One click short video copy extraction

For friends who often make short videos, it is troublesome to extract other people's copy. Generally speaking, listening to one hand typing and repeatedly watching wastes a lot of time. Go to Watermark WeChat applet to launch new functions to help you extract short video programs with one click. Just copy the short video link and paste the link in the applet. It only takes a few seconds to turn the voice in the short video into text, which is super simple and convenient. The operation steps are as follows: first, copy the short video on the short video platform

Regular QQ number, QQ hot number, Tianyi QQ number recycling rules - control QQ

At present, there are many channels for QQ registration, such as ordinary QQ accounts, email registration accounts, mobile phone registration, and QQ smart numbers purchased from QQ officials. Some numbers may not be used frequently. Everyone knows that QQ accounts will be recycled if they are not used for a long time. What are the recycling rules for these account numbers? 1、 General QQ number recycling rules: 1. Fail to log in 3 days after registration