Fishing gear shop
Fishing gear shop is a shop selling various tools for fishing and collecting economic animals in the water. According to the structural characteristics and operation principle, the fishing gear sold can be divided into four types, including net fishing gear, fishing gear, rake barbed gear and cage kettle. In the fishing gear store, the more well-known and popular fishing gear brands include Pacific Fishing Tackle, Dijia TICA Fishing Tackle, Yuyuwang, Guangwei Fishing Tackle, Popular · Laogui, Bihai Fishing Tackle, Yutuo etuoh Fishing Tackle, etc.
With the continuous progress of society, the fishing boom is gradually popular. According to statistics, the number of fishermen increases by 200% every year. Fishing is not only a hobby but also a leisure sport. Fishing is called water golf. So some franchisees can't help but scratch their fists and be eager to try. Taking a city with 700000 people and a medium-sized city with a population of 5 million under its jurisdiction as an example, the annual amount of fishing gear consumption is approximately 5 million yuan, of which 4 million yuan is used for urban fishermen. It can be seen that fishing has been popularized rapidly in towns and villages, so we can know that fishing gear stores are very good.
Franchise project
Wangjiangting Fishing Tackle

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Zhongkui Fishing Gear, a century old fishing gear store of Zhongkui, has great potential in the industry of intelligent selection of fishing gear, providing good fishing supplies and services

Yiguolian Fruit Store

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in retail projects and welcoming the investment surprise of Yiguolian Fruit Store, Shenzhou Franchise Network is the leading retail brand agent in the field of franchising

Hospitality Convenience Store

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in retail projects and welcoming the investment surprise of hospitality convenience stores, China Franchise Network is the leading retail brand agent in the field of franchise

Meishilai Convenience Store

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Looking for retail project opportunities and welcoming the investment surprise of Meishilai convenience store, Shenzhou Franchise Network is the leading retail brand agent in the field of franchise

Longwanghe Fishing Gear Shop

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in retail projects and welcoming the investment surprise of Longwang Hate Fishing Gear Shop, Shenzhou Franchise Network is the leading retail brand agent in the field of franchise

Hua's Fishing Gear Shop

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in retail projects and welcoming the investment surprise of Huashi Fishing Gear Shop, Shenzhou Franchise Network is leading the field of retail brand agent franchise

Yuyuwang Fishing Gear Shop

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Looking for retail business opportunities and welcoming the investment surprise of Yuyuwang Fishing Gear Store, Shenzhou Franchise Network is the leading retail brand agent in the field of franchise

Imported fishing gear store

investment: 20~50 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in retail projects and welcoming the investment surprise of imported fishing gear stores, Shenzhou Franchise Network is leading the field of retail brand agent franchise

Xionghuo Fishing Gear Shop

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

The characteristic business model of Xionghuo Fishing Gear Company enables this brand to form a bigger relationship with traditional brands

Fishing gear store

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in retail projects and welcoming the investment surprise of fishing gear stores, Shenzhou Franchise Network is leading the field of retail brand agent franchise

Franchise article
Fishing gear shop Franchise agent of fishing gear shop

Many people like fishing. A fishing rod can calm people's anxiety and trouble. As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do something well, he must first sharpen his tools. If you want to bring fruitful fishing results, you need to go to a professional fishing gear store to buy relevant equipment. What are the franchised agent brands of fishing gear stores

Is the fishing gear shop open? Is the fishing gear shop good

As one of the popular leisure ways, the rise of fishing has driven the development of the fishing gear market. If you are a discerning and intelligent choice, joining a fishing gear store is really a good choice. Many people who have not been exposed to this industry do not know much about the market of the fishing gear shop, and do not know that before its development

Which is better to join the fishing gear shop?

There are many fishing enthusiasts, who like fishing, love fishing, and indulge in it. Fishing can not only give your body a temporary rest, but also find your soul a place to live. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to the cultivation of hobbies, and many people choose to fish. Some wisdom

How to select a site for a fishing gear shop?

A successful fishing gear store depends on many aspects, such as market positioning, joining policy, product structure, market potential, etc. However, in terms of specific operation, site selection, store management strategy, and the service level of shop assistants are more important. First, conduct business district analysis so-called

Which is better to join the fishing gear shop

Which is better to join the fishing gear shop? This is a question raised by many franchisees aiming at the fishing gear market, and the answer to this question will help franchisees to achieve entrepreneurship in this regard. After many investigations, I have come up with some answers to this question. If you are also interested in the fishing gear market, follow me

Site selection analysis of fishing gear shop

The establishment of a successful fishing gear store depends on many aspects, such as market positioning, franchise policy, product structure, market potential, etc. However, in terms of specific operations, site selection, store management strategy, service level of shop staff, etc. are more important. Business circle analysis should be given priority The so-called quotient

How to join a fishing gear store

Fishing is a popular leisure activity with high participation, which is suitable for young and old people. Accordingly, the market prospect of fishing gear is more bright. Many farsighted and wise businessmen want to do fishing gear franchise business. So, how to join a fishing gear store? Next, we will make up the four seas fishing gear -- the star brand of fishing gear

Which is better to join the fishing gear shop

Nowadays, fishing is indispensable in people's leisure life. In ancient mythology, Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteer took the bait, which shows that he likes fishing very much. Because fishing is not only a pleasure, but also a good way to cultivate one's morality, so joining a fishing gear store is a good choice

Which is a good fishing gear store

Now people are more and more pursuing the quality of life, but the pressure of life is also deeply troubling people, so people will choose appropriate relaxation methods, such as keen on fishing. Now whether the elderly are fishing again, it is also popular with the majority of young people, so Dejiameng Fishing Gear Shop is a good choice, but in the end

Which is a good fishing gear shop?

In the market, many joining projects in different industries have attracted the attention of these industries, as well as the fishing gear industry. Many fishing enthusiasts have very high requirements for fishing gear. Many franchisees of fishing gear stores also want to choose a popular brand to join

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Q&A on joining fishing gear store

Participating users [1830488506]: What are the fishing gear brands on the list of fishing gear franchise stores?

2013-03-04 14:20:25

Joined user [baozhang1]: How about joining a fishing gear store?

2009-06-04 00:00:00

Participating user [colin120]: What should we pay attention to when joining a fishing gear store?

2009-06-04 00:00:00

Participating user [cliff]: How much does it cost to join Zhongkui Fishing Gear Shop?

2012-12-18 16:55:05

Participating user [drawing]: Dijia Fishing Gear Wholesale Is there a 4.5m rod for Dijia Fishing Gear?

2009-11-13 00:00:00
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