
Wholesale refers to commercial activities specialized in bulk commodity transactions. Wholesale comes into being with the development of commodity economy. The development of commodity production and commodity exchange has increased the purchase and sales of commodities, expanded the circulation range, and made it difficult or inconvenient for producers to exchange commodities directly with each other and between producers and retailers. As a result, there is a wholesale business that purchases commodities directly from producers and resells them to other producers or retailers, There is a division of labor between wholesale and retail within the commercial department. Wholesale business is generally operated by wholesale enterprises. The quantity of commodities sold in each batch is large, and they are sold at preferential prices.

As an important part of commodity circulation, the development of wholesale industry plays an important role in saving the cost of the whole society, reducing transaction costs, improving circulation efficiency and promoting economic growth. From the development experience of foreign wholesale industry, although the ratio of wholesale and retail trade is on the decline, the volume of wholesale commodity transactions is still on the rise and it still plays an important role in commodity circulation. The 2013-2017 in-depth research and development strategy research report of China's wholesale industry shows that in 2010, China's large and medium-sized wholesale enterprises reached 19482, the number of employees at the end of the year reached 2.748 million, the purchase of goods was 15.76 trillion yuan, the sales of goods was 17.43 trillion yuan, and the inventory of goods at the end of the period was 1.21 trillion yuan. The income from joining wholesale projects is considerable.

Franchise project
Clothing wholesale network

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

We have chosen our clothing wholesale network. We choose Success 1. Create fashionable and trendy products for you

008 Local wholesale

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

008 Local wholesale is an e-commerce platform dedicated to providing procurement services for small and medium-sized stores in the same city, serving local procurement

Jian'an Spring Festival Couplet of Xizhangzhuang Town

investment: 20~50 ten thousand

Xizhangzhuang Jian'an Chunlian Wholesale Co., Ltd. has established a professional technology research and development center and a testing center with advanced equipment,

Franchise article
Wholesale Children's Wear Manufacturers Wholesale

Now many people begin to pay attention to their external image, even children. Many parents hope their children can wear beautiful clothes, so they will buy high-quality children's clothing for them, which has driven the development of the whole children's clothing market. Many friends engaged in wholesale children's clothing manufacturers have earned. Wholesale Children's Wear Factory

Red wine wholesale franchise

Now we can use red wine on many occasions, and red wine is loved by many people. Some people want to join the project of wine wholesale, but after all, they have first access to the industry. Many people do not know the conditions and specific processes of wine wholesale, because they do not know how to join

Wholesale of children's clothing

No matter how poor children are, no matter how hard they are, the children's market has always been the focus of social attention, based on people's traditional consumption concept. The one-child policy has promoted the improvement of the quality of the children's market, and the economic development has led to the emergence of more high priced and high-quality children's goods. The current two child policy has further improved the quality of the children's market

Dongguan Baby Clothing Wholesale Baby Clothing Wholesale

Dongguan Baby Clothing Wholesale Co., Ltd. is a mother and baby products company integrating research and development, production, foreign trade, national chain and wholesale. It is a complete supplier of mother and baby products in major shopping malls, supermarkets, counters, specialty stores and individual department stores in the Pearl River Delta. Its products are also exported to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, the United States, Canada, Australia, etc

Dongguan Baby Clothing Wholesale Clothing Wholesale

Dongguan Baby Garment Wholesale Co., Ltd., established in May 2004, is an entity that independently develops, designs, plans, produces, sells and serves women and babies' clothing and supplies. The "Little Ice Bear" brand originated in France. Based on years of brand operation, it has a sound commodity base and a qualified market

Mengniu Wholesale Mengniu Pure Milk Wholesale

There are more and more milk drinks now. Many convenience stores and supermarkets have all kinds of brands on the shelves. In order to meet everyone's demand for products, people more recognize brand products, especially Mengniu products, which are very popular. Mengniu Wholesale, Mengniu Pure Milk Wholesale, if you want to know about the brand, you can also refer to the following

Where is the fishing gear wholesale cheap

Nowadays, there is no shortage of fishermen in our society. Many people will travel to fish in their leisure time. Fishing is also a hobby of many people. And according to the survey, the number of people who like fishing is also increasing. This shows that the development prospect of opening a fishing gear store is very good. But many entrepreneurs

Hong Kong style dim sum wholesale

Baldheaded Food Co., Ltd. is subordinate to Hong Kong Baldheaded Food Co., Ltd., which was established in May 1996, mainly produces and operates quick-frozen foods such as Hong Kong style snacks. Our company produces our own brand "" Hong Kong style crystal dumpling series products, which have won the trust and support of consumers with their good taste and coverage in the national market

Wholesale of auto accessories

Franchise auto supplies wholesale is now a popular franchise project. With the popularization of automobiles, the automotive supplies industry has gradually reached a climax. At present, more and more people want to join in the wholesale of auto supplies, but many people still have many unknown places. Now I will introduce the automobile

Seafood wholesale market is good

Nowadays, with the improvement of national goals and the improvement of people's living standards, seafood wholesale has been favored and praised by more entrepreneurs. More and more people pay more attention to health and diversity in diet. Many people have abandoned the previous terrestrial supplements and targeted seafood oysters with better taste and more nutrition Guangdong

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Q&A on wholesale franchise

Franchised user [840089095]: Where is wholesale?

2010-09-26 00:00:00

Participating user [CHEN456789]: Where is the wholesale of wall stickers

2009-05-22 00:00:00

Participating users [951746747]: Tianjin Where Wholesale Shoes

2009-06-10 00:00:00

Franchised users [3321705]: Where to wholesale wine bottle umbrellas?

2009-06-15 00:00:00

Participating users [165063817]: Ali Wholesale has skills?

2009-06-24 00:00:00
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fifty six Hengda Filial Piety Shoes
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