tea industry
The tea industry has covered many categories such as Pu'er tea, black tea, green tea, health care tea, etc. Many products represented by Pu'er tea have been awarded by the Organic Food Development Center of the Environmental Protection Administration The "organic" (natural) food certificate has won the international, ministerial and provincial gold and silver awards for many times, and has passed the EU international organic certification. It is exported to Hong Kong and Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Europe and America Etc.
Franchise project
Guixiangshan Tea Industry

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in food projects to welcome the investment surprise of Guixiangshan Tea Industry, Shenzhou Franchise Network is leading the field of food brand agent franchise

Three thousand tea farmers

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Seeking business opportunities for food projects and welcoming the surprise of 3000 tea farmers' investment in tea, China Franchise Network is the leading food brand agent in the field of franchising

Chuanhe Tea Industry

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Fujian Chuanhe Tea Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, integrating planting, harvesting, R&D, production, sales and operation,

Pingyue Tea Industry

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Pingyue Tea (Fujian) Co., Ltd., formerly known as Fu'an Changchunxiang Tea Co., Ltd., was founded in 2001 as a woman

Tianfang Tea Industry

investment: one Less than 10000

Anhui Tianfang Tea Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., founded in 1997, is a leading enterprise in poverty alleviation with high standards and one of the top 100 tea enterprises

Elegant tea industry

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Anxi elegant tea industry is a collection of Anxi Tieguanyin ecological planting, preliminary production, refining, production, processing, development, sales and tea culture transmission

Fuyuan Tea Industry

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Fujian Fuyuan Tea Industry Co., Ltd. originated in Xinzhai, Xianghua Township, Anxi County, the hometown of famous tea Tieguanyin, and became famous a hundred years ago

Chongqing Tea Industry

investment: 20~50 ten thousand

Chongqing Tea Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. was established with the approval of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, integrating brand promotion, marketing and tea culture

Confucian tea industry

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Fujian Confucian Tea Industry Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise established in August 2008. The company takes Anxi Tieguanyin as the carrier

Monkey King Tea Industry

investment: 20~50 ten thousand

"Monkey King" is one of the earliest registered tea brands in China. She has her own personality and reflects the wise demeanor between the lines, especially in

Franchise article
Conditions for joining Xiaguan Tea Industry

The company did not put forward too strict conditions for the franchisees to join the Xiaguan Tea Industry. You only need to have a concierge of no less than 80 square meters and prepare a start-up fund of no less than 400000 yuan to pay for various expenses. In addition, recognize the brand culture, accept the company's business model, and aspire to be the operator with the brand

Conditions for joining Xiaguan Tea Industry

The Chinese have always had the habit of drinking tea, so there has always been a lot of market for tea consumption. There is also a good market foundation for operating tea product stores. Xiaguan tea brand project has a history of 119 years. Since the establishment of the project, we have insisted on providing good tea products to the market and insisting on quality first

Franchised brands of tea shops

Tea is very common in people's lives, and it is also a healthy drink. Therefore, people have a large demand for tea products. Therefore, if you choose tea projects, you can gain a larger market. At present, there are many tea brand stores in the market, giving customers more choice, so entrepreneurs see business opportunities

Fujian Chunlun Tea Group

In the tea industry, everyone knows Fu Tianlong and Fu Tianfu of Fujian Chunlun Tea Group. His brother Fu Tianlong is the chairman of the group, and his brother Fu Tianfu is the president of the group. In 1965, the two brothers came to the world ten minutes later. Fu Jiaben lived in Qinghe, Shandong Province for generations and became a general. In the Ming Dynasty, Japanese invaders in the south became more and more serious. Fu Jiaxian

Advantages of joining Yuantai Tea

Nowadays, there are many smart choices for home accessories. As the prospect of home accessories industry is very good, the smart choice also hopes to enter this field and earn a bucket of gold. However, the fierce market competition also makes the smart choice of home accessories very cautious when choosing a brand to join, hoping to find a deep brand

Longrun Tea enriches the people

As well as the increasing pressure in the field of mobile phone retail distribution, Longyue Telecom's leading position in mobile phone retail in Guangzhou has been severely challenged. Guopod and other national chains have reduced their procurement costs by relying on huge procurement volume and buyout. Price is a great magic weapon for them to win customers. Longyue Communication has always been

Is Longrun Tea's joining credible?

Many people are optimistic about the tea market and Longrun tea industry. What about Longrun Tea? Is it really possible to successfully operate Longrun Tea? Now let's pay attention to Longrun Tea! It's not good to just make cars behind closed doors, Longrun Tea Chain

Joining Conditions of Junde Tea

Tea is a traditional culture in China. Junde Tea has formed an independent brand marketing model after several years of development, bringing different experiences to consumers, so it has a leading brand position within the industry. It is a wise choice for some smart players to join. Of course, we should understand before joining

How to join Qiangui Tea

Tea drinking is a dietary habit of the general public. People will buy different kinds of tea products to meet their taste buds. Therefore, tea shops have become places where people often patronize. The emergence of Qiangui tea brand brings one-stop shopping experience to consumers, and various products meet the needs of current consumers

Six advantages of joining Mingzhengyinshun Tea, based on the tea market

With the development of social economy, people's living standards have been greatly improved, and the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle has become an inevitable trend today and even in the future. When it comes to health, we have to mention the proportion of tea in it. Tea has a long history. From ancient times to the present, it has been used in people's life

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Q&A on Tea Industry Joining

[binbinzheng]: Conditions for joining Chuanhe Tea

2013-02-04 15:46:33

Franchised user [05106314]: What enterprises are purchasing tea dregs?

2011-03-28 00:00:00

[binbinzheng]: How much does Guyi Tea cost to join?

2014-02-07 09:29:30

Franchised users [804156363]: How to avoid joining Zhongguan Tea?

2014-05-07 10:43:03

Participating users [123831187]: I don't have much capital. I want to open a tea shop and sell Tieguanyin and Pu'er tea. Where can I buy tea wholesale?

2009-06-25 00:00:00
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