
Many people love tea. Generally speaking, tea is a drink made from leaves of tea trees, which can be directly soaked in boiling water. Tea is a dicotyledonous plant, about 30 genera, 500 species, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. The basic meaning of the word "tea" is "bitter vegetable". China is the hometown of tea. Tea making and drinking have a history of thousands of years. There are many famous products, including green tea, black tea, oolong tea, scented tea, white tea and yellow tea. After modern scientific separation and identification, tea contains more than 450 organic chemical components and more than 40 inorganic mineral elements. The organic chemical components and inorganic mineral elements in tea contain many nutritional and pharmacological components.

Since the reform and opening up, China's tea industry has entered a new stage of development relying on policy, investment and scientific and technological progress. Driven by the good social environment, China's tea industry has once again reached a new historical high - the country's planting area and output rank first in the world. According to the Forecast and Analysis Report on the Production and Marketing Demand and Franchise of China's Tea Industry from 2013 to 2017, in 2010, China's tea planting area was 1.95 million hectares, the total output of tea was 1.45 million tons, and the total annual output value of tea was 90 billion yuan. In 2011, China's tea exports reached 322600 tons, up 6.66% year on year, with an amount of 965 million US dollars, up 23.08% year on year, and both the number and amount of exports hit new historical highs. In addition, China's tea industry has received strong support and support from the local government, as well as the attention of the franchisees. The tea industry has begun to move towards large-scale, modern and formal, with great growth potential in the future. Choose tea franchise projects, seize potential business opportunities, and earn your own wealth in life.

Franchise project
Anhui leaf tea

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in catering projects and welcoming the investment surprise of Huiye tea, Shenzhou Franchise Network takes the lead in the field of catering brand agent franchise

Quanfu Tea

investment: 20~50 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in catering projects and welcoming the surprise of Quanfu tea investment, China Franchise Network takes the lead in the field of catering brand agent franchise

Qiuxi Tea

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Silver Coin Tea Factory in Anhua County, Hunan Province is located in the middle reaches of Zijiang River and the middle section of Zhexi Reservoir. mountain range. The altitude is more than 600 meters; Created on 1

Meihan Tea

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

"Meihan Flower Tea House" brand flower tea absorbs the spirit of heaven and earth, gathers the morning dew of the wilderness, gathers the spirit of mountains and rivers, and has beauty and whitening

Selenium rich tea

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Hefeng Selenium Enriched Tea Company is located in the famous Wuling Mountain Tea District in the southwest of Hubei Province in Enshi Autonomous Prefecture. Enshi has beautiful scenery and fresh air

Jinsong tea

investment: 5~10 ten thousand

Jinsong Tea was initially founded in 2006, and Guangdong Bacon Tea Industry Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009

Xinshang Tea

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

    Since its establishment in 2002, Fuzhou Xinshang Tea Co., Ltd. has been focusing on standardized R&D, production and sales

Cunxin Tea

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in catering projects and welcoming the investment surprise of Cunxincao tea, Shenzhou Franchise Network is leading the field of catering brand agent franchise

Japanese toon tea

investment: 50~100 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in catering projects, Yingrizhun Tea Investment Surprise, Shenzhou Franchise Network takes the lead in the field of catering brand agent franchise, the first time

Letter Tea

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Looking for business opportunities in catering projects and welcoming the surprise of Benxin's tea investment, Shenzhou Franchise Network is leading the field of catering brand agent franchise, the first time

Franchise article
Joined by American tea, a big brand of tea

As the world's priority tea production and consumption, China has a history of drinking tea for thousands of years, and tea has been integrated into our life. Nowadays, China's tea market seems calm, but in fact, it is surging, and many tea brands are brewing to occupy a piece of the market. US Tea Headquarters Launches US Tea Franchise Project

Advantages of American Tea

What are the advantages of joining US tea? This is the question of many people who pay attention to the smart choice of American tea. The small editor of the global franchise network provides you with the advantages of American tea franchise, and hopes to bring help and reference to your efforts to further expand the market and to join in the smart choice. Wisdom beauty tea joining, first of all

Tea brand magic weapon

It is the development goal of various enterprises. So how to better establish themselves in the tea market and seek cash receipts for various tea franchisees has become a more concerned issue for the majority of tea franchisees. The Sightseeing Tea Dahongpao Franchise Store summed up the relevant laws in the process, and shared them with everyone here.

How to join the tea brand

Tea drinking can not only cultivate one's moral character, but also serve as a leisure drink for entertaining guests. People in the north and south of China prefer to drink tea, but everyone has different hobbies for tea, so they choose different types of tea. Therefore, if you want to run a tea brand store, you should first have a complete range of tea types

Ranking of tea franchises

There is a demand for tea for every family. Most people will choose tea shops to buy tea because there are many kinds of products and the price is very cost-effective. If you want to choose a brand to open a store, let's share the ranking of tea franchises. Chinese tea Since the brand company became

How to join a tea company

Tea is a favorite drink of Chinese people. Adult men and women have the habit of drinking tea. There are many kinds of tea, including scented tea, green tea, black tea, black tea, fruit tea, etc. Flower tea has the function of beauty and beauty, and is especially popular among women. Flower tea is suitable for drinking in spring. Different kinds of tea have unique needs

What is the price of tea

Tea culture, as a very popular product in China, also has a long history. From ancient times to now, domestic hospitality will be dominated by tea. It can be seen that the domestic tea culture has developed for more than 7000 years, and now the characteristic tea drinks also let more people see the transmission of traditional culture. As the raw material of tea drinks, tea is in great demand. drink

Tea brand joining policy

Tea is very popular in the Chinese market. It is also a wide range of tea drinks. It has the function of self-cultivation and refreshment, so it is widely accepted and loved by customers. Therefore, the domestic tea project has developed very well and produced many brands. It can be seen that this project has great development potential and has also been started

Do you want tea to sober up

Now more and more people choose to drink tea, because most people think that drinking tea is very healthy, so most people think that they can drink tea at any time, and there is a very long saying that tea can sober up. So the following small series will introduce you to tea, tea and alcohol

Are the tea and tea on fire

Now people are paying more and more attention to their health, so more and more people are drinking tea. But most people don't know the results of tea, so most people still drink tea blindly. In fact, this is really very unhealthy, and you must pay attention to it. So the following editor tells you that the editor aims at

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Q&A on Tea Joining

Franchised user [0660]: How many kinds of tea are there?

2009-01-11 00:00:00

Participating users [18868896987]: How about drinking tea

2010-01-13 00:00:00

Participating users [5269744]: Want to do tea business!

2009-04-02 00:00:00

Franchised users [45]: How to open a tea shop

2009-04-27 00:00:00

Participating user [test433]: How to choose good tea

2009-06-01 00:00:00
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