ice cream

Ice cream, also known as ice cream and ice cream, is a kind of frozen milk dessert and one of the common summer food. In its simple form, ice cream is a cold food made by mixing common foods (milk, cheese, cream, etc.) with some desserts and other seasonings. Ice cream is a kind of bulky frozen food made from drinking water, milk, milk powder, cream (or vegetable oil), sugar, etc., with appropriate food additives, through mixing, sterilization, homogenization, aging, freezing, hardening and other processes. Ice cream is a kind of high-grade foamed ice cream, which tastes delicate, smooth and cool. Ice cream is a delicious frozen milk product with alluring power. Nearly 800 years ago, ice cream originated in China.

Ice cream is a kind of food with high quality protein, high sugar and high fat. Ice cream has nutritional value. It is rich in high-quality protein, lactose, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and other nutrients, as well as other biologically active substances that are extremely beneficial to human beings. It has the function of regulating physiological function, balancing human osmotic pressure and pH value. Ice cream is popular in hot seasons because of its pleasant taste, delicate, smooth, cool, sweet, delicious, and various colors, which can not only help people cool down and relieve the heat, provide water, but also supplement some nutrition for the human body. When you have no appetite in summer, it is a good way to quickly replenish your strength and lower your temperature by tasting some ice cream. Ice cream is very popular with consumers and is a good project to join!

Franchise project
ice cream

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Pioneer of handmade Italian ice cream! Ice cream at No. e Ice Station - popular lovers, healthy and sweet station, is a pure handmade ice

Sundae Ice Cream

investment: 10~20 ten thousand

Sundae ice cream has introduced foreign advanced authentic ice cream taste, which is completely comparable to the taste and taste of well-known brands in Europe and the United States, and is more worth a visit

Free ice cream

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

The headquarters of Mengniu Ice Cream is located in the core area of Rudu, Inner Mongolia Helingeer Economic Development Zone, with total assets of more than 100

Turkish ice cream

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

The original stone soybean milk is pure soybean milk made by the stone milling method in the primitive era. It does not add milk essence and saccharin

Tcby ice cream

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

Shanghai Shida Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a global ice cream chain brand "tcby ice cream" in six provinces, one city and one lake in East China

Popbox ice shock

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

Popbox ice cream has many flavors, including Italian ice-cream, spaghetti, Aiwhirlwind ice cream, baked ice cream

Fried ice-cream

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, ice cream has entered thousands of households and become a daily leisure cold food suitable for all ages.

Yogurt ice cream

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

Yogurt ice cream only uses 0 fat yoghurt, which is fermented with imported strains of Bulgaria LACTINA Biological Company

Miaoyuan Ice Cream

investment: 1~5 ten thousand

Beijing Yufei Miaoyan Catering Management Center is a professional catering company focusing on entity operation and developing partners nationwide

ice-cream cake

investment: one Less than 10000

Looking for business opportunities in catering projects and welcoming the surprise of ice cream cake investment, Shenzhou Franchise Network is leading the field of catering brand agent franchise

Franchise article
How to join in ice cream

The summer is hot, the heat is hot, and the world is boiling. How can we lose the refreshing and sweet summer dessert ice cream? Ice cream should be everyone's favorite! Many people can't resist the delicious temptation of ice cream. Food is human nature. The design of ice cream type is enough to make you fascinated,

Nestle Ice Cream

According to market research, ice cream has become one of the dessert choices for many consumers. Nestle ice cream has added various flavors to the traditional ice cream to form a unique special food, which has attracted the attention of many food lovers. Some smart companies want to join, of course, before joining, know about Queque

How about ice cream

Every spring, when it falls, the whole ice cream industry will enter a recovery state. With the rising temperature, business will get better and better. Everyone who is dissatisfied with the current situation of life and wants to make a success of their career is also very concerned about the ice cream project at this time. Find a good project with cashier space and development potential,

How to join in ice cream home textile How to join in ice cream?

Every summer, ice cream may be a kind of food that many consumers love. Due to the enthusiastic pursuit of consumers, it has a stable market development position in the industry. Home textile ice cream provides consumers with a variety of flavors of products, attracting the trust and recognition of many consumers. For the smart choice

How about joining the specialty ice cream shop?

Nowadays, with the increase of professional women and the change of social environment, it has become an era of entrepreneurship for all, providing a favorable environment for the catering industry. As a favorite dessert of consumers in summer, ice cream has attracted the attention of many smart choice vendors. Of course, before the formal wisdom election

Tiptop ice cream tiptop ice cream agent

Ice cream is a kind of drink that people often eat, especially in hot summer, the market sales are more considerable. Ice cream stores can be seen all over the country. They operate a wide range of ice cream products, and consumers can choose freely according to their tastes. Tiptop ice cream is a

How to make ice cream with ice cream machine

First of all, if you want to join an ice cream project or run such a project, you must be able to use an ice cream machine, but most people won't, but don't worry, Xiao Bian tells you. So today, I will introduce you to the question of how to make ice cream with an ice cream machine. I hope it can help

How about joining the ice cream club? Ice cream joining conditions?

Ice cream has become more and more common in people's lives. Whether you are waiting for a bus on the road or on the way shopping, you will see ice cream machines one by one. Would like to buy one to eat. And now ice cream is not only eaten in summer. In winter, someone will eat an ice cream. although

How about ice cream? Do Ice Cream Franchise Stores Get Rich?

Put ice cream liquid in a small crispy cylinder. After passing an ice cream machine, the taste becomes very delicious. Many people can't stand this temptation. Every time they go out or see this ice cream machine, they will definitely want one to eat. Many people's taste buds have been conquered by it. Many people have seen the business opportunities, but

Does the ice cream cake shop join the ice cream shop?

Are you still worried about joining the venture? Still worrying about how to choose the entrepreneurial path? The following is a brief introduction to a brand that will allow you to operate well in spring, summer, autumn and winter. That is the New Robin Ice Cream Cake Franchise Shop. Of course, many people may question whether to do it or not

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Q&A on joining ice cream

Participating user [jmezzrhg]: Does ice cream make money?

2022-07-07 00:00:00

Participating user [bohemao]: Icemore frozen yogurt ice cream joined

2017-06-16 16:35:58

Participating user [Caboki]: Want to open an ice cream shop

2008-04-28 00:00:00

Franchised user [040306]: Open an ice cream shop in Wuhan

2009-05-15 00:00:00

Participating users [245153277]: How about joining Echo Ice Cream

2009-06-30 00:00:00
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