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Tarris World Gift Bag Game Information

Tarris World Gift Bag Screenshot of the game

Introduction to Tarris World Gift Bag Game

The world should be like this, hard core reclamation MMORPG

This will overturn your understanding of traditional role-playing games over the years; Break your conventional impression of mmorpg in recent years.
All players will return to the pure and most classic RPG
——And all this should be so

Hello, I'm Yang Min, the producer of Taris World, and I'm also a hardcore MMOPRG player.
We hope to feel the charm of MMO again with the touch of the past and the players who have been washed by numerical values.
This is a MMORPG mobile game with the western magic world as the background,
This is a vast world of cross end connectivity,
It will subvert the numerical and economic system of traditional role-playing games for many years,
All players will return to the most classic and pure RPG era,
——And all this should be so.

1、 No more fear of being dominated by force
Our goal is to give up selling value and cancel payment isolation. Create a high-quality and recyclable game ecosystem. Do not sell attribute props, so that there is no force crushing brought by krypton gold between players, restoring a fair game environment comparable to charging for a long time.

2、 New people and return are always welcome in this world
The "season based" play method is used in Taris World. Each season will refresh the content of PVE, professional balance and PVP. This is a new "starting line". We will go to a new adventure, a new level and get new equipment together. Novice has no pressure to return without falling behind.

3、 Combination of trendy creativity and traditional playing methods
1. Enrich experience acquisition methods to reduce the difficulty of upgrading
Handsome and strange, branch line, exploration, play, the upgrading road is no longer single and boring, all roads lead to Rome.
2. Classic career, talent determined
Each class has two specialization schools to choose from. At the same time, you can use the talent tree of 81 to 41 to make subtle differences form a high degree of difference.
3. Copy design, it should be like this
In the process of running in and progress over and over again, you and your teammates will gradually have fetters, trust, memories and discussions, and eventually gain a great sense of achievement.
4. Do what you want, and you will get something
We try our best to restore the trading freedom of Duanyou and create an economic system close to the real market. You can rely on your life deputy to manage your own contacts and market.
5. True, PC mobile phone dual end interworking
The customized PC operation interface restores the end game level operation space and emphasizes the difference of PC operation experience!

"Return to the original heart, the game should be like this"
This time, we return to the essence of MMO; Draw every picture and polish every play. Because quality is the fundamental way for products to survive.

Tarris World

Platform: iOS、Android

Type: cosplay

Status: Full platform public test

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