[Lianxiang Island Health] How to do frost health care to nourish yin, moisten dryness and prevent dampness

2016-10-20 11:29:36   Source: China Franchise Network   1328 people participated
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This Sunday, October 23, is the frost season. At this time, nature is in a transition stage to winter, and we humans should also put aside the "autumn freeze" to prepare for a healthy winter.

When frost falls, the temperature difference between day and night increases. In addition to timely adding clothes, people should pay special attention to the warmth of the waist and legs. When the frost falls on the solar term, it is advisable to supplement the diet. There is a folk saying: "It is better to make up for the winter than to make up for the frost", emphasizing the importance of making up for the frost.

"Nourishing yin and moistening dryness" also needs to prevent "dampness"

Frost care: nourishing yin and dryness

Although the frost falling solar term has reached the late autumn, the "autumn dryness" has not completely disappeared. Due to the existence of autumn dryness, the dryness pathogen is very easy to hurt body fluid. Once the body fluid is consumed, dryness will appear, which is manifested by the lack of saliva in the tongue, dry stool, dry skin and even chapped skin. The lung likes moistening but hates dryness. The function of the lung will inevitably be affected. A series of autumn dryness symptoms will appear, such as dry nose and throat, hoarseness, dry cough with little phlegm, thirst and constipation.

It can be seen that the principle of "nourishing yin and moistening dryness" still needs to be grasped for frost curing. Hu Sihui, a doctor of the Yuan Dynasty, said in "The Essence of Drinking and Eating" that the qi in autumn is dry, and it is better to eat hemp to moisten its dryness. Therefore, during the frost season, we should eat more soft food such as sesame, honey, tremella, green vegetables, as well as fresh pears, grapes, bananas and other fruits that are rich in water and nourish the lungs. In addition, we should also go to bed early and get up early. Early sleep can nourish yin, and early rise can cultivate yang, so as to benefit the lungs and make the body fluid sufficient and energetic.

Frost curing: moisture prevention

It should also be reminded that although the climate in autumn is dry, the impact of dampness on the human body should also be noted. At this time, the residual heat of summer heat is not exhausted, and the yin qi is heavier than before. In case of autumn rain, it is necessary to prevent the evil yin of moisture from trapping the spleen yang and causing edema or diarrhea. If the spleen is injured by dampness in autumn, the root of the disease will be planted for the onset of chronic bronchitis and other diseases in winter. Therefore, moisture prevention in autumn is also very important, but at this time, health preservation and moisture prevention should mainly focus on the diet of removing dampness and resolving stagnation, and strengthening the stomach and spleen. Such as lotus seeds, Yi rice, winter melon, lotus root, yam, etc.

How to keep healthy when frost falls? How to keep healthy when frost falls? Five kinds of fruits and vegetables are recommended to nourish yin and dryness

1. Autumn pear

It is a good choice to eat autumn pears in frost season. Pear tastes sweet, cool and slightly sour. It has the effect of clearing heat, promoting fluid production, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm. It is a good fruit for preventing autumn dryness. Raw pear has the effect of clearing away heat and slowing down, producing fluid and moistening dryness, clearing the heart and reducing fire; It can clear heat, moisten lung, dissipate phlegm and stop coughing. It is more useful if served with water chestnut, honey, sugar cane, etc.

2. Apple

A large number of apples come into the market before and after the frost, and then eat apples for health. The large amount of vitamins and malic acid contained in apples can promote the decomposition of fat accumulated in the human body, make the stool soft and easy to excrete. Therefore, eating apples can help to moisten the intestines and clear the bowels, see the stool dry, and prevent obesity.

3. Persimmon

In some parts of our country, red persimmons are eaten during frost season. There is a saying that "when frost falls, small persimmons are eaten without runny nose.". Persimmons have high nutritional value, and their vitamin and sugar content is about 1-2 times higher than that of ordinary fruits. If a person eats one persimmon a day, the vitamin C taken can basically meet half of the daily requirement.

4. Radish

As the saying goes, "Radish is better than ginseng in autumn and winter". In autumn, people are prone to upper respiratory tract infection symptoms such as dry throat and sore throat, repeated coughing, and difficulty in spitting sputum. Radish has the functions of digestion, resolving phlegm and asthma, clearing heat and smoothing qi, swelling and removing blood stasis. When catching a cold, people can eat some crisp, delicious, fresh and tender radish, which not only appetizes and helps digestion, but also nourishes the throat, resolving phlegm and smoothing qi, and preventing colds.

5. Yam

In autumn and winter, the human body is prone to deficiency of both qi and blood, which is a good time to eat yams. Yam has the effect of clearing away heat and slowing down, treating febrile diseases, reducing blood sugar, etc. It has excellent use in strengthening spleen and stomach, lung and cough, and lowering blood sugar.

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