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Hangzhou Food Features

http://hangzhou.lvyou114.com     2007-01-05 Thank members for their pure ideals to provide this information

Su Dongpo, a great writer in the Song Dynasty, once praised "the prosperity of wine and banquet in the world is not like Hangzhou". Hangzhou cuisine is indeed extraordinary in taste, fresh in taste, elegant in color, and unique in taste. "Refreshing and chic" is the biggest feature of Hangzhou cuisine. Hangzhou cuisine is always fresh, tender, soft and smooth, soft, glutinous, mellow, refreshing and not greasy. In terms of material selection, the carving is delicate, fresh and tender, and local specialties are used well. In terms of cooking techniques, four methods are often used: frying, frying, stewing and burning. In this way, the natural color and flavor of the main ingredients can be maintained, and at the same time, the unique and exquisite shape of the dishes can be created. Hangzhou's famous dishes include "Mustard Fish Tripe", "Dongpo Pork", "West Lake Vinegar Fish", etc. Hangzhou's snacks should not be underestimated. Hangzhou, a city with thousands of years of history, has gathered many special snacks with different flavors, such as onion wrapped juniper, cat's ear, sliced Sichuan noodles, butter cakes, etc., which are unique and popular.

Let me add Hangzhou's delicious snacks

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