Hangzhou Tourism Switch Cities

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Introduction to Hangzhou

Hangzhou is a big city in the southeast coast of China, the capital of Zhejiang Province.

Hangzhou has a long history of civilization. It is one of the seven ancient capitals in China and one of the first 24 famous historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council.
Hangzhou has attracted people from all over the world through the ages with its beautiful landscape and unique style. Hangzhou is one of the first tourist cities to open to the outside world after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1983, with the approval of the State Council, Hangzhou was listed as an open city in China's coastal open areas and a national key scenic tourist city.
Hangzhou has a relatively developed economy and culture, known as the "Land of Fish and Rice", "Silk House", "State of Cultural Relics" and so on. For hundreds of years, the saying "Heaven is above, Suzhou and Hangzhou are below" has been widely spread. "Heaven on Earth" is still the laudatory name of Hangzhou for people at home and abroad.
Hangzhou is located in the northwest of Zhejiang Province, bordering Hangzhou Bay in the east, Shaoxing, Jinhua and Quzhou in the south, Huzhou and Jiaxing in the north, and Anhui in the west. Hangzhou's administrative divisions have changed several times in history. In 1985, it had jurisdiction over six districts, namely Shangcheng, Xiacheng, West Lake, Jianggan, Gongshu and Banshan, and seven counties, namely Yuhang, Xiaoshan, Fuyang, Lin'an, Tonglu, Jiande and Chun'an. The total area of the city is 16596 square kilometers, of which the urban area is 430 square kilometers. The total population of the city is 5430500, of which the urban population is 1246700.
Hangzhou is located at the southern edge of Jiangnan ancient land, the southern edge of the Yangtze River Delta and the Qiantang River basin, with complex and diverse landforms. The northwest and southwest are the middle and hilly areas in western Zhejiang. The main mountain ranges are Tianmu Mountain, Baiji Mountain, Yuling Mountain, Qianligang Mountain, and Longmen Mountain. The mountains are undulating and the valleys are deep. There are karst development and belt plain distribution in both mountains and hills. The northeast and southeast belong to the North Zhejiang Plain, with low and flat terrain and dense river network, which has typical characteristics of "Jiangnan Water Town". The city's soil is mainly red soil and paddy soil, suitable for the growth of various plants. Hangzhou has many rivers and lakes, rich in water resources and hydropower resources. Qiantang River, the largest river in Zhejiang Province, flows through most areas of the city from southwest to northeast. Dongtiaoxi is distributed in Lin'an and Yuhang in the north, and its water flows into Taihu Lake. The land area of the city is about 66% of mountains and hills, 26% of plains, and 8% of rivers and lakes. Hangzhou is located in the subtropical monsoon zone. The city has four distinct seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter, with ample sunshine and rainfall. The annual average temperature is about 16 ℃, the frost free period is about 250 days, and the average precipitation is about 1400mm. The natural environment of Hangzhou provides favorable conditions for industrial and agricultural production and urban development.

According to the fossil identification of "Jiande human tooth" unearthed in the tortoise cave in Li's hometown of Jiande, ancient human Homo sapiens lived and multiplied in Hangzhou as early as 50000 years ago. From the archaeological excavations in Liangzhu and Laoheshan in the northern suburbs of Hangzhou, a number of ancient primitive village sites were found, and a large number of stone tools, pottery and jade were unearthed, which proves that the ancestors of Hangzhou people lived and lived in this pleasant land four or five thousand years ago. At that time, people were mainly engaged in primitive agricultural production, as well as animal husbandry, fishing, hunting and gathering. Agricultural production has entered the ploughing stage. Handicraft industry has begun to separate from agriculture, and has reached a high level in pottery manufacturing, jade processing, bamboo and wood production, silk and linen textile, etc. Archaeological relics show that Hangzhou ancestors at that time were in the late primitive society and were about to enter the civilized era.
Hangzhou started to set up Qiantang County and Yuhang County more than 2200 years ago in the State of Qin, both of which belong to Kuaiji County. At that time, Qiantang County was a small county in the mountains, surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing water on the southeast, and connected with the sea. Today's Hangzhou city is still in the sea. Later, due to the continuous accumulation of sediment under the Qiantang River and on the tide, it gradually became land. In the Liang and Chen Dynasties of the Southern Dynasties, Linjiang County and Qiantang County were successively set up, and Qiantang County was governed by the county. During the reign of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty, Qiantang County was changed into Hangzhou, and the administrative offices of Hangzhou and Qiantang County were moved to the foot of Phoenix Mountain to the west of Liupu, and the city wall of Hangzhou was built. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty also built the Jiangnan Canal, making Hangzhou the end of the Grand Canal that runs through the north and south of China. Since then, Hangzhou has changed its original position as a small county in the mountains, gradually becoming a hub between Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang Province, and a metropolis. By the middle of the Tang Dynasty, Hangzhou had become a commercial city with "treasures gathered and merchants gathered together". During their tenure, Li Bi and Bai Juyi, the governors of Hangzhou, built water conservancy, dug wells in the city to provide drinking water for residents, dredged and built embankments in the West Lake to irrigate farmland, which made Hangzhou's economy develop day by day and its population increase rapidly, becoming a "metropolis" and "famous county" in the southeast at that time.
During the Five Dynasties, Qian Liu, a Lin'an native, founded the State of Wuyue and established Hangzhou as its capital, which was then called Xifu or Xidu. At that time, there were many wars in China, many places in the north suffered from war, and some metropolises declined. Only because the Qians royal family implemented a series of policies of "protecting the territory and ensuring the people", the Wuyue kingdom suffered less war damage, the society was relatively stable, and the economy and culture continued to develop. As the capital of Wuyue State, Hangzhou began to become the political, economic and cultural center of Zhejiang (including some areas in northern Fujian and southern Jiangsu today). The Qian royal family also attached importance to the development of maritime transportation, and carried out trade and cultural exchanges with northern and southern regions and some overseas countries; It has also built a stone pond to defend the sea, expanded the city wall of Hangzhou for many times, built a "sub city" inside, and built a "Luocheng" outside; Therefore, Hangzhou, a new city, has further risen to catch up with and surpass other cities in eastern Zhejiang, western Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu.
During the Northern Song Dynasty, Liangzhe Road was set up and Hangzhou was the road administration. After further development, especially the achievements of Su Shi and others who served as local officials twice in Hangzhou in municipal construction, not only made Hangzhou's economy and culture more prosperous and developed, but also made the West Lake landscape more beautiful. At that time, people praised it as "the first state in Southeast China with beautiful lakes and mountains".
After the Song Dynasty crossed the south, they first took Hangzhou as their destination, then officially established Hangzhou as their capital, and upgraded Hangzhou to Lin'an Mansion. Hangzhou became the political, economic and cultural center of the country in the Southern Song Dynasty, providing many favorable conditions and opportunities for the development of the city. With the migration of the Song Dynasty to the south, a large number of people from the north migrated to Hangzhou, resulting in a sharp increase in the population of Hangzhou. According to Xianchun's Lin'an Annals, the population of Lin'an Prefecture at that time had reached more than 1.24 million, of which the population of Qiantang County and Renhe County, where the government is located, reached more than 430000. In addition to the royal families, nobles, officials and rich gentry, there are also a large number of scholars and artisans engaged in agriculture, handicrafts, commerce, catering services and other industries. They settled in Hangzhou and promoted the economic and cultural development of Hangzhou. According to the records of Mengliang Record, Old Wulin Stories, and Capital History, there are 414 lines of industry and commerce in Lin'an, 22 types of handicraft workshops, and more than 170 kinds of small commodities. Among them, the silk weaving industry is the most prosperous. In addition to a large number of private workshops, there are also large-scale government run workshops such as the Silk and Brocade Yard. The silk tapestry, silk ramie, and silk, silk, silk, brocade, and satin produced by them are famous at home and abroad, and Lin'an is known as the "Silk House". Handicrafts such as paper making, printing, porcelain making and shipbuilding are also quite developed. At that time, Lin'an was not only the most prosperous commercial city in China, but also one of the main foreign trade ports, and also a famous tourist destination. At four o'clock a year, merchants and tourists gathered, streets and alleys were full of shops, and post houses and hostels were everywhere. The cultural and educational undertakings in Lin'an are quite developed. In addition to the national educational institutions such as Imperial College, Martial Arts and Medicine, there are also various schools such as government schools and county schools. There are also many people engaged in various cultural arts among the residents. In order to meet the needs of political, economic and cultural development, the Southern Song Dynasty also focused on municipal construction, building palaces and official offices, expanding city walls, building roads, regulating rivers, dredging the West Lake, and building gardens, thus making Hangzhou more prosperous and beautiful. In the Southern Song Dynasty, more than 150 years, it was the heyday of Hangzhou's urban development in the feudal society.
When the Song Dynasty was overthrown and the Yuan Dynasty was established, the city of Hangzhou was greatly damaged. Lin'an Mansion was renamed Hangzhou Road, and became the seat of the provincial government of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Although Hangzhou's political position has declined, it is still an important town in southeast China. Its prosperous industry and commerce and beautiful West Lake scenery still attract businessmen and tourists from all over the world. Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, once called Hangzhou "the most beautiful and luxurious city in the world".
In the Ming Dynasty, Hangzhou Road was changed into Hangzhou Mansion, and it was the headquarters of Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang Chief Executive. In the Qing Dynasty, it was still called Hangzhou Prefecture, the capital of Zhejiang Province. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hangzhou's industry and commerce developed further. In addition to traditional silk production, famous handicraft products such as "five Hangzhou" (Hangzhou scissors, Hangzhou fans, Hangzhou flour, Hangzhou thread, Hangzhou tobacco) have appeared. In the silk weaving industry, there also appeared the sprout of capitalist production mode characterized by wage labor. In terms of culture and education, the establishment of academies is prevalent. There have been such famous academies as Chongwen Academy, Fuwen Academy, Ziyang Academy, Gujing Jingshe Academy and Qiushi Academy. Since the Yuan Dynasty, the West Lake has not been renovated for a long time and gradually abandoned. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, dredging was carried out many times. In particular, during the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, Yang Mengying, the governor of Hangzhou, pushed aside all suggestions and carried out large-scale dredging of the West Lake. Kangxi and Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty made many patrols to Hangzhou, which also promoted the renovation of the West Lake.
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Hangzhou gradually became a semi feudal and semi colonial society. After the Sino Japanese Sino Japanese War of 1894, the Qing government was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which humiliated the country and humiliated the country. Hangzhou was opened as a trading port, and a shopping mall and a Japanese concession were set up in the Gongchenqiao area. In the Japanese Concession, all administrative and judicial powers are occupied by the Japanese side, making it a "country within a country". The Japanese side set up a police station, ran newspapers, set up various enterprises, shops, postal offices, banks, etc., and colluded with local ruffians, gangsters, and gang forces to open the so-called "six restaurants" (smokehouses, brothels, gambling houses, theaters, teahouses, and restaurants) in the Hetong shopping mall in the concession, and carried out extensive economic and cultural aggression.
The victory of the 1911 Revolution ended the rule of thousands of years of feudal dynasties in Hangzhou. After the founding of the Republic of China, Hangzhou Prefecture was abolished, and Hangzhou County was established from the original Qiantang and Renhe counties, directly under Zhejiang Province, as the provincial capital. In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), Hangzhou City was set up in the urban area and some suburbs of Hangzhou County. Since then, Hangzhou has been the municipality and capital of Zhejiang Province.
Since the founding of the Republic of China, Hangzhou once became a place where old and new warlords fought. In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), the Japanese army invaded China on a large scale and occupied Hangzhou. During the Japanese occupation, Hangzhou suffered unprecedented disasters. The Japanese invaders burned, killed and looted everywhere, and countless anti Japanese patriots and civilians were killed. A large number of civilians were killed in Qiaosi, Songdian Village, Fuyang and other places in the suburbs, leaving the site of the "1000 person pit". The Japanese aggressors also carried out the policy of controlling the economy, plundered all kinds of strategic materials, and destroyed all kinds of municipal facilities and historic sites crazily. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the people of Hangzhou were still in deep trouble because of the Kuomintang government's anti Communist and anti people policy.
After Hangzhou became a semi feudal and semi colonial society, on the one hand, it deepened the contradictions between imperialism, feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism and the masses of the people; on the other hand, it began to change the closed door state formed in the long-term feudal society, and promoted the rise of modern industry, commerce, culture and education. A number of silk factories, cotton textile factories, machine manufacturing factories, thermal power plants, paper mills, match factories and other modern machinery factories have emerged in Hangzhou. According to incomplete data in the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), Hangzhou's mechanism industry had 28 industries, 226 households and more than 10800 employees at that time. The modern financial industry, postal and telecommunications industry, and modern transportation industries such as roads, railways, shipping and aviation also developed from scratch. Hangzhou's modern education started early. There were many famous schools, such as the National Zhejiang University, the National Art College, the Provincial First Normal School, and the Provincial Hangzhou Senior High School. However, under the oppression of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, the development of modern industry, commerce, culture and education in Hangzhou was difficult. Especially during the Japanese occupation and after the victory of the Anti Japanese War, many industries and units have been in a moribund plight due to the crazy destruction of the Japanese aggressors and the corrupt rule of the Kuomintang government.

The people of Hangzhou have a glorious tradition of patriotism, democracy and revolution. As early as the third year of Yongming (485) of Emperor Qiwu in the Southern Dynasty, a peasant uprising led by Tang Yu ("Yao" in the upper part and Yu "in the lower part) broke out in Fuyang County, and the State of Wu, a peasant regime centered on Qian Tang County, was once established. In the ninth year of Emperor Yangdi's Daye of the Sui Dynasty (613), Liu Yuanjin, a native of Yuhang, led a peasant uprising, which attracted more than 100000 people. In the third year of Yonghui of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty (653), Chen Shuozhen, the female leader of the Muzhou peasant uprising, led her troops to capture large areas of land such as Tonglu and Yuqian. In the first year of Xuanhe in the Northern Song Dynasty (1120), a large-scale peasant uprising led by Fang La broke out in Muzhou. The uprising army once captured more than 50 counties in six states, including Muzhou, Hangzhou, Wuzhou, Quzhou, and so on. In the 10th and 11th years of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty (1860 and 1861), the Taiping Army occupied Hangzhou twice, especially for the second time, which lasted for two years. In terms of politics, economy, culture, etc., it implemented some policies in favor of the poor. On the eve of the Revolution of 1911, many revolutionary pioneers in Hangzhou did a lot of work in propagating revolutionary ideas, developing revolutionary forces, organizing revolutionary armed forces, and so on. After the Wuchang Uprising in the third year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty (1911), the people of Zhejiang and Hangzhou immediately established a new army, recovered Hangzhou at one fell swoop, established the Zhejiang military government, and sent troops to join the Jiangsu Zhejiang Allied Army, making great contributions to the recovery of Nanjing.
After the Revolution of 1911, the people of Hangzhou continued their heroic struggle against imperialism and feudalism. The May 4th Movement in 1919, the eighth year of the Republic of China, opened the prelude to the new democratic revolution. The people of Hangzhou carried out large-scale patriotic marches and strikes, strikes, and strikes, and founded progressive publications such as Zhejiang New Tide and Qianjiang Review. In September of the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921), a vigorous peasant movement broke out in front of Xiaoshan Yamen, and the first peasant association organized and led by the Communist Party of China was established, leading peasants to carry out rent reduction and fight against hegemonism. In the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), the local organization of the Communist Party of China in Hangzhou was established. The leading masses fought hard to promote Kuomintang Communist cooperation and oppose the old and new warlords. Many revolutionaries were jailed and died bravely for this. During the War of Resistance against Japan, the people of Hangzhou, under extremely difficult conditions, carried out the anti Japanese and national salvation movement and armed struggle in various ways. At the beginning of the War of Resistance against Japan, our army and air force stationed in Hangzhou fought against Japanese invaders for many times. The New Fourth Army launched a protracted anti Japanese guerrilla war in the suburban counties of Hangzhou, constantly attacking the Japanese and puppet forces. The CPC Shanghai Staff and Workers Committee, the Party Committee of Southern Jiangsu District and the Party Committee of Eastern Zhejiang District have successively sent personnel to Hangzhou to establish a point line and carry out concealed struggles. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the people of Hangzhou, in order to oppose the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang and cooperate with the People's War of Liberation, launched a patriotic democratic movement with the main content of anti betrayal, anti civil war, anti persecution and anti hunger. Students went on strike and workers went on strike one after another. In October of the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), after the massacre of Yu Zisan, the chairman of the Student Autonomy Association of Zhejiang University, by the Kuomintang authorities, the Hangzhou people launched a vigorous mass movement against persecution, for freedom and for survival, and received support and solidarity from all parts of the country and international righteous people, which dealt a heavy blow to the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang. On the eve of the national victory of the War of Liberation, the people of Hangzhou, under the leadership of the Hangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, fought to protect factories, schools and bridges, and finally ushered in the liberation of Hangzhou on May 3, 1949. Since then, Hangzhou, a beautiful city known as "heaven on earth", has returned to the embrace of the people and embarked on the path of socialism.

When Hangzhou was liberated, the old society left a mess of withered industries. According to incomplete data, on the eve of liberation, there were more than 50000 unemployed and low-income poor people in Hangzhou urban area, accounting for more than 10% of the total population. In 1949, the city's GDP (calculated at the current price, the same below) was only 255 million yuan, less than 90 yuan per capita; The city's total industrial output value (calculated at constant prices in 1980, the same below) is 141 million yuan. After liberation, the people of Hangzhou, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the people's government, tried to restore and develop the national economy while carrying out social reforms such as suppression of counter revolution, land reform and democratic reform. As the people became the masters of the new society, the socialist relations of production with public ownership as the main body were gradually established, which significantly liberated the productive forces of society and enabled Hangzhou's economy and all aspects of construction to develop rapidly. By 1957, Hangzhou's GDP had reached 704 million yuan, an increase of 1.43 times over 1949 (at comparable prices); The total industrial output value of the city reached 608 million yuan, an increase of 3.3 times over 1949; The total agricultural output value also increased from 338 million yuan in 1949 to 640 million yuan in 1957.
After the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts, and capitalist industry and commerce was basically completed, the people of Hangzhou carried out a comprehensive and large-scale socialist construction with great enthusiasm, and a momentum of great development appeared in all aspects of work. However, due to people's lack of understanding of the objective laws of socialist construction and the influence of "Left" erroneous ideas such as taking class struggle as the key link and being eager for success, Hangzhou's economic development and modernization have gone through a tortuous path. The anti rightist struggle in 1957 and the subsequent political movements have led to the expansion of class struggle and dampened the enthusiasm of cadres, intellectuals and the people. In the "Great Leap Forward" and the movement of people's communalization that began in 1958, there were "Left" mistakes mainly manifested in high indicators, blind command, pompous style and "communist style", which caused serious imbalance in the proportion of the national economy. In the early 1960s, after implementing the policy of adjustment, consolidation, enrichment and improvement, the economic situation improved rapidly. But soon, the ten year civil unrest of the "Cultural Revolution" began again, causing greater damage and losses to the cause of socialist construction. Nevertheless, thanks to the joint efforts of the vast number of cadres and the people, Hangzhou's economy and all aspects of construction are still moving forward in twists and turns. By 1978, the city's GDP had reached 2.84 billion yuan, an increase of 2.14 times over 1957; The total industrial output value of the city reached 4.396 billion yuan, an increase of 6.23 times over 1957. In particular, a large number of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises newly built and expanded during the "Great Leap Forward" have been consolidated, improved and expanded through continuous construction, rectification and transformation. The steel machinery industry in the middle of the mountain, the light textile industry in Gongchen Bridge, the electronic instrument industry left behind by ancient villages, the food industry outside Wangjiang Gate Xiaoshan Longshan Chemical Industry and other major industrial areas.
After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in 1978, Hangzhou, like all parts of the country, has implemented an ideological line of seeking truth from facts, and a new situation of bringing order out of chaos and reform and opening up has emerged. By criticizing the influence of the long-standing "Left" erroneous ideology and implementing a series of policies in politics, economy, culture and other aspects, we have mobilized the enthusiasm of the broad masses of cadres and the people to build socialism and promoted the gradual development of reform and opening up.
In rural areas, the majority of farmers, with a pragmatic and creative spirit, have gradually implemented the agricultural production responsibility system in the form of household contract linked production. By 1984, 98% of the field crops, 82% of the collective forests, 90% of the fish ponds and commune enterprises in the rural areas of Hangzhou had implemented the system of joint production responsibility. At the same time, the separation of government and commune was widely implemented, and the rural collective economic management system of integration and separation was gradually established. The widespread implementation of the responsibility system of agricultural production has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers for production. While vigorously developing agricultural production, it has actively developed diversified business and commodity economy. Township enterprises have sprung up, and Hangzhou's rural areas have witnessed unprecedented prosperity.
The smooth progress of rural reform has promoted the gradual development of urban reform. Focusing on invigorating enterprises, urban reform will streamline administration and delegate power, reduce taxes and transfer profits, expand and implement the autonomy of enterprises, establish and improve various economic responsibility systems, and gradually make enterprises become business entities that operate independently, assume responsibility for their own profits and losses, develop themselves and restrain themselves. Focusing on the central link of invigorating enterprises, we will carry out supporting reforms such as the planning system, the price system, the financial system, the circulation system, and the labor and wage management system. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of developing the socialist market economy, we should vigorously develop commodity circulation, promote horizontal economic ties and cooperation, and encourage the development of urban and rural individual and private economies. Actively expand opening up, carry out economic exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries, develop production with supplied samples, processing with supplied materials, assembly with supplied parts, and compensation trade, and begin to directly introduce foreign capital and set up joint ventures, cooperation and sole proprietorship enterprises.
Although Hangzhou's reform and opening up is just the beginning, it has been like a strong spring wind blowing across the urban and rural areas. All aspects are full of vitality and vitality, and all undertakings are developing at an abnormal speed. From 1978 to 1985, the city's GDP increased by 15.2% annually on average, much higher than the average annual increase of 7.2% in the previous 29 years; The city's total industrial output value increased by 18.7% annually on average, which is also higher than the average annual increase of 12.6% in the previous 29 years. In industrial production, township enterprises have developed rapidly, and the proportion of the city's township industrial output value in the city's total industrial output value rose from 6% in 1978 to 25% in 1985. The development of the tertiary industries, such as commerce, transportation, post and telecommunications, finance and tourism, has also been greatly accelerated, and its proportion in the city's GDP has risen from 18.1% in 1978 to 24.8% in 1985. In terms of municipal construction, the pace of transformation of the old city has been accelerated. The ancient Zhonghe River and Donghe River have been thoroughly harnessed, and a large number of new houses have sprung up. The original situation of "beautiful West Lake, dilapidated city" is rapidly changing.

Due to its superior natural environment, Hangzhou has become a new type of city with strong economic strength and high cultural and educational level after the long-term hard work and development and construction of the people. It is not only the political center of Zhejiang Province, but also the economic and cultural center of Zhejiang Province.
In 1985, Hangzhou's GDP reached 9.049 billion yuan, or 1675 yuan per capita; Including 3633 yuan per capita in urban areas.
In terms of agricultural production, Hangzhou is a region with relatively developed diversified economy. It is not only rich in grain and oil crops such as rice, but also rich in silkworm cocoons, cotton and flax, tea, bamboo and wood, aquatic products, vegetables, fruits, etc. In 1985, the city's total grain output reached 1.8 million tons, with an average annual yield of 814 kilograms per mu. The output of ramie in Hangzhou accounts for about one third of that of the whole country, and that of tea accounts for about one fourth of that of the whole province.
Handicraft production in Hangzhou has always been quite developed. Modern industry has gradually sprung up in the past hundred years. Now, it has formed an industrial structure dominated by processing industry, combined with light and heavy industries, with relatively complete categories and advanced technology. In 1985, there were 128 large and small industries, 5800 small and medium-sized enterprises above the township level (including 89 large and medium-sized enterprises), 750000 employees, and a total output value of 14.635 billion yuan. In 1984, Hangzhou has entered the ranks of 10 cities with industrial output exceeding 10 billion yuan. Hangzhou's industrial products occupy an important position in the whole province, and some products also have a certain impact in the country. In the traditional silk and textile production, the output of silk, cotton yarn, cotton cloth, knitwear, chemical fiber, sacks and other products takes the first place in the province, and it is an important production base for export textiles. Among the more than 50 categories of products in light industry, the output of 23 categories of products, such as machine-made paper, beer, bicycles, watches, soap, and light bulbs, ranks first in the province. Among them, 8 categories of products, such as sewing machines, thermos bottles, and copper plate paper, are exclusively produced in the province. In the machinery and electronic industries that have developed rapidly since liberation, more than 7000 varieties and specifications have been produced, and a large number of famous brand products have emerged, such as air separation equipment, industrial steam turbines, surface grinders, marine gearboxes, etc.
Hangzhou is located at the lower reaches of the Qiantang River and the southern end of the Grand Canal. With the opening of Shanghai Hangzhou, Zhejiang Jiangxi and other railways and the rise of highways and aviation, it has relatively convenient land and water transportation and has long been the center of material distribution and commodity exchange in the surrounding areas. Especially since 1978, with the gradual development of reform and opening up and the socialist market economy, domestic and foreign trade has become more prosperous. In 1985, the total retail sales of social goods in the city reached 4.1 billion yuan, 2.7 times more than that in 1978, and 14.4 times more than that in 1952. In 1985, the city's total value of foreign trade acquisitions reached 727 million yuan, an increase of 74% over 1978. Horizontal ties in economic life are expanding, and various forms of economic union and collaboration are developing widely. According to incomplete statistics, in 1985, 2570 enterprises in the city established economic and technological cooperation relationships with more than 6500 units inside and outside the province, of which three quarters were cooperation projects with cities and counties in the province.
Hangzhou's education has a long history. Now we have established a complete system of early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, higher education, and various vocational and technical education, adult education, and social education. In 1985, there were more than 4800 full-time schools of all levels and types in the city, with more than 710000 students. In higher education, in addition to the well-known Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts at home and abroad, there are 20 universities, including Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Institute of Technology, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Zhejiang Medical University, Zhejiang Silk Institute of Technology, Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering, Hangzhou Business College, and Hangzhou Normal University, with nearly 37000 students, which has trained a large number of construction talents in all aspects for both inside and outside the province.
In modern times, western science and technology began to be introduced into Hangzhou, and some modern science and technology were successively adopted in industrial and agricultural production, construction, transportation, medicine and health. After liberation, Hangzhou's science and technology have made great progress. In 1985, the city had nearly 300 scientific and technological research institutions of all levels and types, including the United Nations International Rice Research Center, the Second Institute of Oceanography of China, scientific research institutions set up in Hangzhou by relevant departments of the State Council, and more than 50 provincial scientific research institutions. There are more than 60000 scientific and technical personnel in the city. Various scientific research institutions and scientific and technological personnel in Hangzhou account for about three quarters of the province.
Hangzhou's medical and health undertakings also have a long history and a certain foundation. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, famous doctors and famous stores have emerged in large numbers. After the Revolution of 1911, western medicine developed rapidly and modern medical institutions were established one after another. In 1985, there were 59 hospitals at and above the county level in the city, including the First and Second Affiliated Hospitals of Zhejiang Medical University, Zhejiang Hospital, Provincial People's Hospital, Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other provincial key hospitals, as well as Zhejiang Cancer Hospital and other key specialized hospitals.
Hangzhou's cultural and artistic undertakings have always been quite prosperous. In 1985, there were 27 performance groups in the city, including Yueju Opera, Kunju Opera, Peking Opera, music, song and dance, acrobatics, and quyi. Xiling Seal Engravers Society, located in the isolated mountain of the West Lake, is the first art group in China to study gold and stone seal cutting, calligraphy and painting, and is famous at home and abroad. Hangzhou is very active in literary creation. News, publishing, books, natural history, radio, television, sports and other undertakings also have a considerable foundation and scale, and occupy a central and leading position in the province.

Hangzhou is not only the political, economic and cultural center of Zhejiang Province, but also a famous scenic tourist city at home and abroad. This is due to its unique natural environmental conditions and social and historical conditions, which have gradually formed through long-term development.
Hangzhou is called a beautiful city mainly because of its beautiful West Lake. The West Lake was originally a small bay in Hangzhou Bay, but later became a lake due to natural changes and isolation from the sea. Through continuous dredging and construction over the ages, many scenic spots have emerged in and around the West Lake. These scenic spots have their own characteristics. They have both the beauty of natural scenery and the power of human creativity. They dress the West Lake as a colorful bright pearl. They also have the differences between morning and evening, the changes of wind, snow, rain and fog, the differences of appearance in spring, summer, autumn and winter, which have been admired by countless Chinese and foreign people from all ages.
Hangzhou has become a desirable tourist destination because of its beautiful natural scenery and rich history and culture. Hangzhou's long history has left an extremely rich cultural heritage. More than 1000 cultural relics and historic sites have been found in various places, including 5 national cultural relics protection units, 30 provincial cultural relics protection units, and more than 140 municipal and county cultural relics protection units. Among them are the sites of "Liangzhu Culture", the Liuhe Pagoda, the White Pagoda and the Baochu Pagoda built in the Wuyue State period, the Lingyin Temple built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Phoenix Temple built in the Tang Dynasty, the famous statues of Feilai Peak, Ciyun Ridge, Yanxia Cave, etc., the ruins of the imperial city and the official kiln of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Wenlan Pavilion and Xiling Seal Engraver Society built in the Qing Dynasty, and the patriotic generals Yue Fei, Yu Qian The tomb of Zhang Cangshui, Qiu Jin, Xu Xilin, Zhang Taiyan and other pioneers of the 1911 Revolution. When people come to Hangzhou, they can not only enjoy the beauty of lakes and rivers, but also experience historical and cultural relics and be influenced by patriotism.
Due to its political, economic and natural environment, Hangzhou has become a place of great talent. Many cultural celebrities through the ages, such as the famous poets Bai Juyi, Lin Hejing, Su Dongpo and Lu You, the famous artists Ma Yuan, Huang Gongwang, Wu Changshuo, Li Shutong, Huang Binhong, Pan Tianshou, Feng Zikai and Chang Shuhong, the famous thinkers and writers Gong Zizhen, Lu Xun, Yu Dafu and Xia Yan, the famous dramatists and performing artists Hong Sheng and Gai Jiaotian, The famous scientists and inventors Shen Kuo, Bi Sheng, Mao Yisheng, Zhu Kezhen, Su Buqing, Qian Xuesen, the famous educators and scholars Cai Yuanpei, Ma Xulun, Chen Wangdao, Shen Junru, Ma Yinchu, etc., have all forged an indissoluble bond with Hangzhou. They left many footprints and works in Hangzhou, adding luster to Hangzhou and enhancing its popularity.
After the liberation of Hangzhou, the Communist Party of China and the People's Government attached great importance to the protection, development and construction of the scenic spots and historic sites of the West Lake, making the original scenic spots more dazzling and adding many new scenic spots. In order to fundamentally improve the water quality of the West Lake and the surrounding environment, large-scale dredging was carried out on the West Lake, the pollution in the West Lake Scenic Area was comprehensively treated, the mountains around the West Lake were planted with trees, and the West Lake water diversion project was started in 1985. The Qiantang River water was used as the new water source of the West Lake, so that the mountains, water and scenery of the West Lake were greener.
While strengthening the protection and construction of the West Lake Scenic Area, Hangzhou has also developed and built new scenic spots around the West Lake, such as Lingshan Fantasy, Yaolin Wonderland, Lingqi Cave, Qiandao Lake, Tianmu Mountain Nature Reserve and so on. The "two rivers and one lake" scenic spot (Fuchun River, Xin'an River, Qiandao Lake) was listed as a national scenic spot along with the West Lake Scenic Spot in the early 1980s.
Hangzhou has always been a desirable place for tourists at home and abroad due to its numerous scenic spots and historical sites and rich tourism resources. In the decades after liberation, many visiting heads of state and government, other foreign guests and overseas Chinese have visited Hangzhou. Chinese leaders including Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping and others have also come to Hangzhou for meetings, work or rest for many times, and many important events have been recorded in Hangzhou. Since 1978, with the gradual rise of reform and opening up, Hangzhou's tourism has accelerated its pace of development. In 1985, the city received 238400 person times of foreigners, overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, an increase of 3.46 times over 1978; It received 15.5 million domestic tourists, 1.6 times more than that in 1978. The vigorous development of tourism has promoted the rapid development of catering services, transportation, posts and telecommunications, domestic and foreign trade, economic cooperation, etc., and has played a positive role in promoting the modernization of Hangzhou.
As the political, economic and cultural center of Zhejiang Province, as well as the national key scenic tourist city and historical and cultural city, Hangzhou has many advantages, which provides favorable conditions for building a socialist modern city. However, with the continuous development of modernization, some disadvantages of Hangzhou are increasingly exposed. Although Hangzhou is rich in natural resources, it lacks energy, raw materials, such as coal, oil and steel, as well as deep-water ports. Hangzhou is densely populated, with only 0.57 mu of arable land per capita, lower than the national and provincial average. Although Hangzhou is a city with outstanding people and industrious and intelligent people, many old ideas still affect the full play of people's enthusiasm and creativity, which is incompatible with the requirements of building a modern socialist city and developing a socialist market economy.
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the People's Government, the people of the whole city are adhering to the basic line of "one center, two basic points" with the spirit of unity, pioneering and hard work, accelerating the pace of reform and opening up, further giving play to Hangzhou's advantages in all aspects, promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, vigorously promoting the cause of socialist modernization, and building Hangzhou into a prosperous, strong The new "paradise on earth" of democracy and civilization.

Hangzhou Cuisine

·Pearl Taro Cake · Youdonger ·Scallion wrapped juniper crispy taro paste cup ·Fried Snow Pear, Papaya Crisp

Hangzhou Specialty

·Wang Xingji Fan, Shaozhiyan Brush, Hangzhou Silk

Hangzhou Tourism Features

Tortoise Pond, a scenic spot on the west line of the West Lake At the Yanggong Causeway in the future, there is a pool of clear water in front of us. This is the tortoise pool. When it rains, the rain splashes on the surface of the tortoise pool and gently ripples away. Looking ahead along the broad water surface, there is a row of tall and straight fir trees, standing in spirit against the cold wind in early spring West Lake South Line Scenic Spot: West Lake New World West Lake Xintiandi is a garden and a leisure tourist attraction with rich history and culture. Based on Hangzhou's unique gardens and historical buildings, it combines nature and fashion, history and modernity, and finally forms an international level, integrating world famous brands, such as drinking, retailing, culture and entertainment Zhujiali (one of the new fifteen scenic spots of the West Lake) Zhujiali is the main area of Meijiawu Tea Culture Village Phase II renovation project, which is located to the east of Meiling Road, the old village of Meijiawu, with an area of about 68400 square meters. It is said that during the Wu and Yue period of the Five Dynasties, after the King of Wu and Yue built a temple in Yunqi Fortress, a family with the surname of Mei settled in the dock three miles outside the temple, and then gradually expanded Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park is located in the west of Hangzhou downtown, only 5 kilometers away from the West Lake, covering an area of about 10 square kilometers. The first phase of the scenic spot currently open is about 3.2 square kilometers. It is the only national wetland integrating urban wetland, agricultural wetland and cultural wetland in China at present
Hangzhou Tourism:
Tourism in Chun'an County Fuyang Tourism Hangzhou Tourism Jiande Tourism Lin'an Tourism Tourism in Tonglu County Fuyang Tourism