Mudanjiang Sasha Trading Co., Ltd

King Crab, Shrimp Crab, Scallop, Arctic Shrimp


contact information

  • Gao Yuefeng
  • 򈊡򈊨򈊦-򈊠򈊣򈊦򈊣򈊠򈊠-򈊦򈊦򈊦򈊨
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  • 2016-12-14
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Company Information

  • Mudanjiang Sasha Trading Co., Ltd
  • Sasha trade
  • Enterprise type: limited liability company (natural person)
  • Main products: King Crab, Shrimp Crab, Scallop, Arctic shrimp
  • Company address: Heilongjiang Mudanjiang East Xiaoyi Road, Jingfu Street
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  • Netizens in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang visited this page a month ago by searching Baidu for "Arctic Shrimp Crawler" on their mobile phones
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Enterprise directory » List of Mudanjiang Enterprises » List of Mudanjiang Food Enterprises » Mudanjiang Sasha Trading Co., Ltd
About us
Supplied products
contact us
Name: Mudanjiang Sasha Trading Co., Ltd
Tel.: 186-036300-6668
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊨򈊦򈊠򈊣򈊦򈊣򈊦򈊦򈊦򈊨
Address: East Xiaoyi Road, Jingfu Street
Main products
King Crab, Shrimp Crab, Scallop, Arctic Shrimp

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