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Zhenyuan, Guizhou: diversified planting land "generates gold"

May 13, 2024 08:43 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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Breeze and drizzle make spring attractive. Entering the tobacco industry complex in Zhenyuan County, Guizhou Province, several modern standard planting greenhouses were arranged in order. The flue-cured tobacco seedlings grown in the greenhouses were green and ready to be transplanted.

"After the tobacco seedlings are transplanted, they will be planted with scallops and pumpkins immediately." Li Hongxian, a technical promoter of Zhenyuan County Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, told reporters that the annual output of honey, watermelon, rape and cabbage can reach 56 tons by using 15 quadruple tobacco seedling greenhouses.

It is one of the "functions" of Zhenyuan tobacco industry complex to plant fruits and vegetables in the idle period of the flue-cured tobacco seedling greenhouse. Here, efficient planting modes such as tobacco rice rotation and tobacco vegetable stubble have not only realized the combination of land use and nutrition, but also gradually formed a new pattern of multi industry integration and development.

 The tobacco field rotates golden chrysanthemum. Photographed by Pan Hong

The tobacco field rotates golden chrysanthemum. Photographed by Pan Hong

Zhenyuan County has been planting flue-cured tobacco on a large scale for more than 40 years. In order to broaden the income increasing channels for tobacco farmers, Zhenyuan County Tobacco Monopoly Bureau has built a tobacco industry complex in Yongxi Township in 2020, which is mainly based on tobacco and integrates green vegetables, ecological rice, ecological breeding and other industries, and actively carries out comprehensive utilization of tobacco facilities to provide more people with employment opportunities.

"The construction of the complex covers 2 villages and 7 groups in Yongxi Township, with a total area of more than 5000 mu." Li Hongxian introduced that, centering on the overall goal of "strong tobacco, beautiful tobacco areas, and rich tobacco farmers", the tobacco industry complex efficiently uses seedling raising and baking facilities and the idle period of tobacco fields, adopts the model of "village collective+cooperative society+leading enterprises+farmers", and strives to promote the integrated development of agricultural industry to achieve diversified income increase.

"Tobacco+medicine", "tobacco+rice" rotation planting was carried out on the rotation land to explore "tobacco+beans" interplanting planting; Cooperate with Yongxi Township Government to successively plant 500 mu of "tobacco+vegetables" such as rape, cabbage and cabbage; Planting melons, fruits and vegetables in the idle period of nursery greenhouses... In 2023, the construction of Zhenyuan County's tobacco industry complex will cover 108 planting subjects, with 4234 mu of flue-cured tobacco planting area, 366 mu of rotation area, 1350 mu of succession, intercropping, etc., and a total income of 37.53 million yuan.

 In the nursery shed, the flue-cured tobacco seedlings are green and luxuriant. Photographed by Wang Xiufang, reporter of People's Daily Online

In the nursery shed, the flue-cured tobacco seedlings are green and luxuriant. Photographed by Wang Xiufang, reporter of People's Daily Online

In addition, Zhenyuan Tobacco Industry Complex has also established a biomass pellet processing plant in the form of "cooperatives+companies" to provide fuel for more than 500 biomass ovens in the county and surrounding ovens. At the same time, through policy support, technical training and other ways, we will continue to cultivate a professional team of chemical workers, solve the employment problem of local rural idle people, and provide talent support for the development of industrial complexes.

Industry is the foundation for rural revitalization. Taking the construction of tobacco industry complex as an opportunity, Zhenyuan County, on the basis of stabilizing the tobacco industry, develops diversified planting according to local conditions, which not only improves land income, but also provides reference for local tobacco farmers. Li Zhongming is one of the beneficiaries.

Li Zhongming is a villager in Dongtou Village, Yongxi Township. Before 2019, like most young people in the village, he worked everywhere. "The cultural level is low, and he can only engage in manual labor. Every day, he cannot earn money." Recalling the days when he used to work, Li Zhongming had no choice but to shake his head.

Yongxi Township is the core key tobacco area of Zhenyuan County, and flue-cured tobacco is the local traditional advantageous industry and pillar industry, as well as an important source of income increase for villagers. In 2020, Li Zhongming decided to return to his hometown to start his own business. Seeing that 70% of the people in the village were planting flue-cured tobacco, he was determined to give it a try and successfully won the 8 mu flue-cured tobacco planting plan.

 In the flue-cured tobacco seedling greenhouse, mature apple balsam pear hung all over the branches. Photographed by Zhang Hongfei

In the flue-cured tobacco seedling greenhouse, mature apple balsam pear hung all over the branches. Photographed by Zhang Hongfei

Inspired by the tobacco industry complex, Li Zhongming pondered his own diversified income growth path. "They grow vegetables in seedling greenhouses, but I want to make a different income increase project by raising fish in rice fields." Li Zhongming combines his own reality, while planting flue-cured tobacco, he also develops the sideline of fish farming, and has walked out of a road of "planting+breeding" to increase income.

The core of complex construction is to achieve industrial integration and development. The tobacco industry complex in Zhenyuan County is based on the local characteristic advantageous agricultural industry, establishes a stable "tobacco+" planting mode, promotes the industrial development to scale, standardization and characteristics, and realizes the transformation of the tobacco industry from "one branch stands out" to the agricultural industry "full of spring". (Wang Xiufang, Pan Yun)

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiaqian, Chen Kangqing)

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