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Bank of Guizhou: The loan balance of "four modernizations" exceeded 220 billion yuan

19:19, April 9, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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Recently, Bank of Guizhou (6199. HK), which is listed in Hong Kong stock market, released its 2023 annual performance announcement, which comprehensively demonstrated its steady operation and transformation development achievements under the complex financial environment: the asset scale grew by 8% to the highest level in history, and the growth rate of loan scale was significantly higher than that of deposits and assets, highlighting the advantages of credit extension. In 2023, the revenue will increase to 11.345 billion yuan, and the net profit will reach 3.653 billion yuan. At the same time, the capital adequacy ratio will rise steadily, and the risk control indicators will be better than the national average.

As one of the important financial institutions in southwest China, the Bank, centering on the core strategy of "four new" and "four modernizations" in Guizhou Province, promoted steady operation and green transformation development. The accumulated loan balance of "four modernizations" reached 220.763 billion yuan, an increase of 6.23% over the end of 2022, playing a role of "financial blood" for high-quality economic and social development in Guizhou Province.

Revenue increased to 11.345 billion yuan, and capital adequacy ratio rose steadily

In the past year, Bank of Guizhou (06199. HK) closely focused on the strategic positioning of "four new" and "four modernizations" in Guizhou Province, adhered to the responsibilities of small and medium-sized banks, actively responded to external challenges and promoted internal transformation. The Bank's business scale achieved steady growth, with the asset scale reaching 576.786 billion yuan, up 8.06% year on year; The scale of loans and deposits also grew at the same time, up 13.09% and 9.17% respectively.

It is worth noting that the loan scale of Bank of Guizhou is higher than the asset scale and deposit scale in terms of growth rate, which indicates that the Bank's competitive advantage in credit supply and broad local economic prospects also lay the foundation for steady development of performance.

 Prepared by: Institute of Listed Companies in Financial Industry. Data source: Juling Finance

Prepared by: Institute of Listed Companies in Financial Industry. Data source: Juling Finance

In terms of operating efficiency, Bank of Guizhou maintained overall stability and met market expectations. During the reporting period, the Bank realized an operating income of 11.345 billion yuan and a net profit of 3.653 billion yuan.

In terms of risk control, the regulatory indicators of Bank of Guizhou are also better than the national average level of commercial banks, the non-performing loan ratio remains at a low level of 1.68%, the provision coverage rate is up to 287.71%, and the loan allocation ratio is up to 4.83%.

Bank of Guizhou has made achievements in consolidating its capital base and enhancing its ability to resist risks. In 2023, the Bank's capital adequacy ratio will reach 13.30%, of which the core tier one capital adequacy ratio and tier one capital adequacy ratio will be 11.25% and 12.16% respectively, up 0.05 and 0.26 percentage points from the previous year, providing capital guarantee for its business development.

At the same time, the liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk and other major indicators of Bank of Guizhou have all reached the standard, showing a sound financial situation.

 Prepared by: Institute of Listed Companies in Financial Industry. Data source: Juling Finance

Prepared by: Institute of Listed Companies in Financial Industry. Data source: Juling Finance

Empowered the "four modernizations" with financial power, and the balance of "four modernizations" loans reached 220.763 billion yuan

As a regional bank deeply rooted in Guizhou, Bank of Guizhou closely focuses on the overall situation of reform and development of Guizhou Province, takes the "four new" direction - breaking new roads, opening new bureaus, seizing new opportunities, and making new achievements as the guide, fully serves the "four modernizations" field - new industrialization, new urbanization, tourism industrialization, and agricultural modernization, and actively performs the social responsibilities of financial enterprises.

In the field of new industrialization, Bank of Guizhou supports technological innovation and industrial upgrading of enterprises through innovative financial products and services. By the end of 2023, the balance of new industrialization loans had reached 25.19 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 42.38%, and the loan amount was 17.856 billion yuan.

In the field of new urbanization, Bank of Guizhou actively participates in urban infrastructure construction and promotes the integrated development of urban and rural areas. By the end of 2023, the balance of new urbanization loans had reached 152.418 billion yuan, with a loan amount of 20.746 billion yuan.

In the field of tourism industrialization, tourism loans, tourism insurance and other services are provided to promote the rapid development of tourism. By the end of 2023, the balance of loans for tourism industrialization had reached 18.726 billion yuan, an increase of 7.27% year on year, with a loan amount of 4.35 billion yuan.

In the field of agricultural modernization, Bank of Guizhou actively supports rural economic development and farmers' income increase by providing financial services such as agricultural loans and agricultural insurance, and its financial products such as "agricultural revitalization loan" and "intangible cultural heritage revitalization loan" are highly praised. By the end of 2023, the balance of agricultural modernization loans had reached 24.429 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 61.41%, ranking first among the "four modernizations", and the loan amount was 9.584 billion yuan.

 Prepared by: Institute of Listed Companies in Financial Industry. Data source: Juling Finance

Prepared by: Institute of Listed Companies in Financial Industry. Data source: Juling Finance

The balance of green loans increased by 11.93%, helping to achieve the dual carbon goals

In the context of global promotion of the "double carbon" goal, Bank of Guizhou has made remarkable achievements in the field of green finance. The Bank has formulated the Financial Strategic Plan of Bank of Guizhou (2021-2025) and related actions of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality", aiming to promote green and sustainable development under the leadership of "Equatorial Bank", "green bank" and "carbon neutrality bank".

In 2023, Bank of Guizhou will further refine the implementation plan to ensure the orderly implementation of the Green Gold strategic plan. As one of the first local legal financial institutions incorporated into carbon emission reduction tools in Guizhou Province, the Bank continued to make breakthroughs in green financial product service innovation, successfully launched and implemented carbon emission reduction support tool linked loan business, and provided strong support for green and low-carbon transformation of industrial enterprises.

By the end of 2023, the balance of green loans of Bank of Guizhou has reached 52.194 billion yuan, accounting for 15.72% of the total loans of the whole bank, which is higher than the average level of the whole country and Guizhou Province. Compared with the previous year, the bank's green loan balance increased by 5.564 billion yuan, a significant increase of 11.93%. Among them, the balance of corporate green loans was 52.09 billion yuan, accounting for 22.29% of corporate loans, an increase of 0.77 percentage points over the previous year. These data show the strong growth momentum and positive contribution of Bank of Guizhou in the field of green loans.

At the same time, Bank of Guizhou also focuses on improving the influence of green financial brand. In March 2023, the Bank successfully hosted the "Asian Financial Cooperation Alliance Green Finance Committee Establishment Conference and Small and Medium sized Bank Financial Innovation and Development Forum", which built an important platform for green financial exchanges between small and medium-sized banks inside and outside the province.

The rapid growth of green loan balance of Bank of Guizhou benefits from the digital transformation of finance. The bank successfully launched the financial management system, which fully covered the functions of green asset identification, environmental benefit measurement and carbon accounting of investment and financing business, significantly improved the specialization and refinement level of the whole bank in green financial management.

Looking forward to the future, Bank of Guizhou will promote high-quality financial development of the whole bank around six aspects of "increasing investment, innovating products, improving management, optimizing structure, controlling risks and expanding influence", and contribute more financial power to building a green low-carbon supply chain and strengthening resource conservation, intensive circulation and efficient utilization. (Gui Yinxuan)

(Editor in charge: Wu Feng, Chen Kangqing)

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