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Local governments should address the problem of overburden of village level organizations, and promote grassroots cadres to go deep into the masses and provide good services

The officers are more energetic and pragmatic (when reducing the burden at the grassroots level, the cadres have more time and energy to implement)

Our reporter Shi Ziqiang, Fang Min, Huang Xian

08:36, August 11, 2021 | Source: People's Daily
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Grass roots work has a myriad of threads, and it is critical to do a good job in the construction of village level organizations. For a period of time, many village level organizations have faced problems such as too many forms of responsibility, too many administrative affairs, and too many inspection and evaluation items, which has distracted village cadres from serving the masses and focusing on development. Local governments have introduced a series of measures, such as signing fewer letters of responsibility, using digital systems instead of forms to prove, standardizing the listing of village level organizations, reducing the burden on village level organizations, motivating officials and improving service efficiency.

There are few letters of responsibility

Change the working mechanism, make plans and set a time limit according to the actual situation of the village

Since this year, 21 villages in Wuguanying Town, Jize County, Handan City, Hebei Province have not signed a letter of responsibility, and their work has not fallen behind. They have also won the second place in the assessment of 7 townships in the county.

In the past, Wang Zhanxiang, secretary of the Party branch of Jiazhuang Village, Wuguanying Town, signed more than 20 letters of responsibility a year. Wang Zhanxiang said frankly that there are many responsibilities, and the pressure of work is not small. Li Su, director of the comprehensive administrative service center of Wuguanying Town, said, "In the past, printing, issuing and receiving the letter of responsibility was also a burden for us, which involved a lot of energy back and forth."

There are too many and too many forms of responsibility. The village cadres are under great pressure. The efficiency of the officers is not high and the work effect needs to be improved. At the end of last year, Jize County formulated a relevant working mechanism for reducing the burden at the grass-roots level. It worked hard to improve the assessment mechanism and remove excessive traces, so as to loosen the constraints on grassroots cadres and encourage them to think about doing things, dare to do things, and do more things. Since this year, with Wuguanying Town as the representative, Jize County has further reduced the burden of grassroots cadres by reforming the responsibility of village level organizations.

How can 21 villages in Wuguanying Town implement their work if they do not sign the responsibility certificate? "Not signing the letter of responsibility does not mean not paying attention to the work or assuming responsibility. Now it is time to face the gong and drum. At the work arrangement meeting, the party branch secretaries of each village claimed the task, set a time limit according to the actual situation in the village, and report the progress of relevant work in a timely manner." said Mu Jiangang, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Wuguanying Town.

In order to promote the implementation of relevant work, Wuguanying Town set up a supervision team according to the report of each village to check the progress on the spot, find problems on the spot and put forward rectification suggestions. After the village has rectified, the supervision team will check the rectification. Mu Jiangang said, "We have constantly optimized the supervision and inspection mechanism and listened to the difficulties of grassroots cadres' feedback in a timely manner. We not only promote grassroots cadres to shoulder their responsibilities, but also try to help them solve their problems."

"Not only in the village, but now there are fewer letters of responsibility signed by the villages and towns. Township party members and cadres have more time and energy to go to the village to help the village level organizations do practical things. The work of the two levels in the village has formed a 'concert', which has promoted the implementation of various policies." said Cui Jiawei, the mayor of Wuguanying Town. In the road hardening work of villages, Jiazhuang Village recycles construction waste and saves a lot of money; Yeguanying Village mobilized the masses from door to door, and each household sent one labor force to participate in the renovation of hutongs, saving labor costs.

Not enough forms

Full sharing of data, reduction of repeated collection of information, and refinement of form materials

"There were more than 100 matters under management, but now there are only 46. With the help of the digital platform, we are no longer trapped by trivial matters." Qiu Songwei, secretary of the General Party Branch and village director of Hengxiwu Village, Xiaofeng Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, was very happy.

Previously, due to the lack of data support, it was normal for grass-roots cadres in Anji County to repeatedly fill in forms and submit materials. What data is needed by which line often requires multiple and repeated reports from grassroots cadres. Village cadres are busy filling in forms and reporting, and they often have to work overtime to be competent.

Since last year, Anji County has vigorously carried out the creation of "no form" and "no certificate" village communities. By building a digital system, breaking data barriers, and on this basis, it has innovatively launched digital applications, reducing the duplication of forms, certificates, and cumbersome workflow. Anji County has built an urban digital brain, collecting 3.5 billion pieces of data from 44 departments and 87 systems. Relevant departments and village organizations can use data interfaces to import data according to work needs, greatly reducing the repeated collection of information and comprehensively reducing the number of forms.

"Full sharing of data will naturally reduce the duplication of efforts at the grass-roots level." Pan Liangjun, head of the grass-roots political power and community governance section of Anji County Civil Affairs Bureau, said, "Up to now, Anji County has reduced 50 forms filled in by village communities, with a cancellation rate of 34%; 74 items of certification related to village communities in the area of administrative approval and public services have been cancelled, with a cancellation rate of 100%."

Anji County not only subtracts from repetitive work, but also adds to improve data functions. Anji County Big Data Bureau, in conjunction with multiple departments, has broken through the data barrier, established a digital platform of "enjoying peace of mind" integrating subsidy distribution and database functions, and realized the "one click distribution" of 70 livelihood subsidies, which not only facilitates the masses to handle affairs, but also reduces the workload of grassroots cadres.

When you enter the village committee of Hengxiwu Village, you can see the big screen of the "Digital Hengxiwu" platform. The screen intuitively displays 234 items and processes of serving the people, such as farmers' housing construction, loans, Anji white tea sales, etc.

Click the "Digital Hengxi Dock" platform to see four characteristic modules: "contradictions do not go out of the village, garbage does not go out of the village, business does not go out of the village, and entrepreneurship does not go out of the village". Each module has functions such as automatic data collection. Qiu Songwei said, "Everyone can understand what the village wants to do for the villagers and what services they can provide."

In order to promote the implementation of various digital reforms, the Office of Anji County Party Committee has set up a digital management organization for each township department, which is specifically responsible for the digital reform work of the unit. A grass-roots cadre in Anji County said, "The digital system is' on duty ', and forms prove' offline '. We have reduced the burden, made it convenient for the masses, and digital reform has played an important role."

The listing is insufficient

Clarify the list of responsibilities and rights, and concentrate on doing the things that should be done in the village

Talking about the signs hung at the door of the village committee before, Fan Xingyun, the secretary of the Party branch of Xiedu Village, Fengshan Township, Dafang County, Guizhou Province, said frankly, "At most, there are 13. If there are more signs, our burden will become heavier."

In order to effectively reduce the burden on village level organizations, Dafang County formulated and issued the Implementation Plan for Promoting the Work of Alleviating the Burden of Villages (Communities), which lists 14 responsibilities and rights of grass-roots mass autonomous organizations to perform according to law, 20 responsibilities and rights of grass-roots mass autonomous organizations to assist the government, and 9 responsibilities and rights of villages (community areas) to create qualified and reserved projects. Based on the list, Dafang County requires that all departments at all levels should not transfer work items within their own responsibility to village level organizations, and focus on solving the problems of "who can list in the village" and "which brands can list in the village". Up to now, all townships (towns and streets) in Dafang County have cleaned up more than 200 institutional signs.

Dafang County focuses on both "top down" and "bottom up", and implements institutionalized, list based and process based management in terms of access to village affairs and effect monitoring. "From top to bottom", strictly control the entry of new items into the village, clarify the approval procedures for item access based on laws, regulations and policies, and establish a village (community) work access system; "From bottom to top", adopt regular statistics, real-time research and other methods to dynamically track the effect of the list.

Li Xinghua, the person in charge of the comprehensive business unit of Dafang County Civil Affairs Bureau, said, "After the implementation of the plan, the phenomenon of administrative departments at all levels randomly apportioning work to the village has become less. Village cadres can say 'no' to things outside their responsibilities and powers, and concentrate their efforts on doing the things that should be done in the village." Fan Xingyun felt more direct about such changes. Fan Xingyun pointed to the gate of the village committee and said, "Now there is only one horizontal and two vertical sign here. The sign of the convenient service station rises horizontally, and the sign of the party branch and the village committee rises vertically. It is neat and refreshing!"

Originally published in People's Daily (the 11th edition on August 11, 2021)

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiaqian (intern), Chen Kangqing)

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