Weining, Guizhou: Busy Vegetable Harvest and Picking, Prosperous Rural Industry

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 Vegetable planting greenhouses in aerial photography cooperatives. Tu Min, people.com.cn
Vegetable planting greenhouses in aerial photography cooperatives. Tu Min, people.com.cn

People's Daily Online, Weining, June 26 (Tu Min) On June 25, villagers were collecting the last crop of zucchini in 30 greenhouses in the Professional Cooperative of Beneficial Farmers in Kaiga Community, Longchang Town, Weining County, Bijie City. After harvesting, these greenhouses are replanted with Chinese cabbage after soil turning and fertilization.

In recent years, Weining County has taken advantage of the local high altitude to vigorously develop the cultivation of alpine cold vegetables. The Yimin Farmer Professional Cooperative, located in the narrow and long valley, was established in 2019. It transferred about 200 mu of local villagers' land to build 274 greenhouses to plant efficient crops such as zucchini, peppers, tomatoes and strawberries. Local villagers increase their economic income through land transfer, guaranteed minimum dividends, and working in the cooperative's house.

At present, the cooperative has attracted 600 villagers to work here every month, and the annual income of the villagers who work in the cooperative's internal affairs has increased by more than 2000 yuan every month.

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(Editor in charge: Gu Lanyun, Chen Kangqing)

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