Zixing Community in Kaiyang: Good Employment after the "Targeted Policy" Epidemic

09:06, April 16, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
 The picture shows the grid workers of Zixing Community making statistics on employment demand in residents' homes. Photographed by Li Wenzhen
The picture shows the grid workers of Zixing Community making statistics on employment demand in residents' homes. Photographed by Li Wenzhen

The epidemic situation in recent days has had a certain impact on the employment of the masses. In order to enable some residents to obtain employment nearby, Yunkai Neighborhood Committee of Zixing Community in Kaiyang County adopted the "three in place" working method, implemented precise policies and targeted assistance, and effectively solved the employment problems of some residents.

Find out the supply and demand "bridge" of underframe. First, get in touch with the individual merchants and various enterprises in the jurisdiction in a timely manner, understand and find out the detailed information about the number of employees, types of work, personnel requirements and other aspects required by them, establish and improve the account of employment needs of individual businesses and enterprises, and complete the collection of "supply side" information; The second is online and offline linkage. By means of grid services, WeChat groups and home entry, the information on the expected employment direction, employment intention, target salary and other information in the jurisdiction needs to be investigated and recorded in detail. Then, by integrating the information resources of both sides, the "bridge" between employers and employees is built to improve the efficiency of information exchange and promote the parties to reach a labor agreement. At present, Yunkai Neighborhood Committee has solved the employment problem of more than 20 people for the construction site, express delivery, supermarket, property management and other industries in the area under its jurisdiction, helping the residents in the area under its jurisdiction to achieve their employment goals.

Plan channels and expand employment network. There are more than 60 stalls in Longjing Lane Convenience Service Point of Yunkai Neighborhood Committee. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of residents' entrepreneurial difficulties, Yunkai Neighborhood Committee adopts the form of charging only residents' health management fees, encourages residents to start their own businesses in this convenient service point, practically helps residents solve the problem of booth rental fees, and gives good entrepreneurial opportunities to residents who want to start businesses but lack startup funds, We have helped some residents in the district to achieve full employment. So far, 51 people have started their own businesses.

Stable "insurance" in tracking service. Yunkai Neighborhood Committee shall establish management files for entrepreneurs, assign responsibility to specific people, implement "one person, one file" and "one-to-one" tracking entrepreneurial services, convey relevant national preferential policies for entrepreneurship and employment support to support personnel at the first time, and understand their work, life, wages and benefits in enterprises and their enjoyment of relevant policies, Provide assistance to the support personnel in all kinds of difficulties, so as to help them overcome poverty, and let them embark on the road to prosperity as soon as possible. (Li Wenzhen)

(Editor in charge: Gao Linxiao, Chen Kangqing)

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