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The first line of flood control and waterlogging prevention in Guizhou

(2024-06-21 14:08)

The recent rainstorm has blocked some highways and national and provincial trunk roads across the province, affecting the travel safety of the masses. The traffic people in Guizhou responded quickly, marched forward bravely, ran at the same time, fought against the wind and rain, and actively handled the rush to open roads to ensure the safety and smooth travel of the masses. Provincial Highway Bureau At about 6:00 on June 20, due to the superposition of rainstorm and continuous heavy rainfall, the G212 Lanlong Line managed and maintained by the Xifeng Highway Management Section collapsed at K1768 slope, and the K1774 section went out [Detailed]

Guizhou Railway Civil Aviation Safety and other business training courses started smoothly

(2024-06-14 11:17)

In order to further strengthen and enhance the comprehensive safety business capabilities of the provincial transportation system along the railway and the civil aviation airport. On June 12, during the 23rd month of work safety in the country, the provincial railway civil aviation safety and other business training courses sponsored by the Provincial Department of Transport and undertaken by the Provincial Railway Civil Aviation Center were successfully opened in Guizhou Communications Vocational and Technical College. Han Jianbo, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Department, attended the opening of the class and made a speech. Wang Changlin, secretary of the Party Committee of Guizhou Communications Vocational and Technical College, presided over the opening of the class [Detailed]

Carry Forward the Spirit of Scientists 2024 Guizhou Science and Technology Week Launched

(2024-05-31 09:05)

On May 25, the 2024 Guizhou Science and Technology Week jointly sponsored by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Association for Science and Technology kicked off in the Guizhou Provincial Geological Museum. During the activity week, the province will focus on the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of scientists and stimulating the innovation vitality of the whole society", carry out nearly 100 mass science and technology and science popularization activities with rich content, prominent focus and various forms, create a strong atmosphere of learning science, stressing science, loving science and using science, and promote the formation of science popularization and [Detailed]

Zunyi Center of Guizhou Highway Development Group: enhance talent training, prepare and empower to promote development

(2024-05-28 14:28)

In recent years, Zunyi Center of Guizhou Highway Development Group has strengthened overall coordination, highlighted the result orientation, created a good employment environment, and provided talent support for high-quality promotion of reform and development of the group company, centering on talent strengthening, talent empowerment, and talent innovation. Innovative work team. Build a talent gathering platform to adapt to reform and development Zunyi Center has continuously broadened its vision of selecting and employing talents, actively explored diversified paths for selecting cadres and talents, and focused on the development focus of operation and maintenance reform [Detailed]

 1 The picture shows the innovation team

Guizhou Provincial Department of Transportation held a symposium for some experts in the field of traffic engineering science and technology

(2024-05-24 14:23)

On May 21, Guizhou Provincial Department of Transport held a symposium of some experts in the field of transportation engineering science and technology, listened to the opinions and suggestions of expert representatives on the development of transportation in Guizhou, strengthened the talent support for the modernization of transportation, and worked hard to write the chapter of accelerating the construction of a transportation power in Guizhou. Zhang Yin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. At the symposium, Han Hongju, Zhang Shenglin, Mei Shilong, Long Wanxue, Ran Maolun, Hu Haiyang, Xiong Zhongqing from Guizhou traffic engineering science and technology field [Detailed]