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Hezhang County, located in the northwest of Guizhou Province, is a typical karst mountain area with a total area of 3250 square kilometers, governing 30 townships (towns, streets) and 481 villages (communities), with a total population of 873000. There are 26 ethnic groups living in the territory, including Han, Yi, Miao, Hui, Bai, Buyi, etc. The highest point of the county is located at Xiaojiucaiping, the roof ridge of Guizhou, with an altitude of 2900.6 meters, and the lowest point is located at Chajie River, Guda Township, with an altitude of 1230 meters and an average altitude of 1996 meters.
Hezhang is rich in resources, containing 25 kinds of metal and non-metallic minerals such as coal, iron, lead and zinc. The coal reserves are about 5.7 billion tons, and the proven reserves are 3.075 billion tons; The iron ore reserves are 1.08 billion tons, and the proven reserves are 654 million tons; The reserves of lead and zinc ore are 7.9762 million tons, and the amount of metal is 1.139 million tons, which can be called the "cornucopia" of Wumeng Mountain.

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