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The 13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Second People's Congress of Panzhou

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2024 Panzhou Tourism Culture Promotion and Tourists' Tour

(2024-04-03 14:15)

From March 27 to 29, the 2024 Panzhou Tourism Culture Promotion and Tourists' Tour Tour Activity of "Manshan Blossom · Summer Resort Panzhou" was successfully held. The purpose of the activity is to focus on the hot spots of spring flower appreciation tour and summer summer vacation tour, increase publicity and promotion efforts, expand the tourist market in peak tourist season, and promote the sustainable development of tourism and culture market in Panzhou City by "inviting in". On March 27, the 2024 Panzhou Tourism and Culture Promotion Conference of "Blooming Flowers in the Mountains · Summer Resort Panzhou" was held in Panzhou [Detailed]

Panzhou Forest and Grassland Fire Control Work Conference Held

(2024-03-27 14:21)

On March 25, Panzhou Forest Grassland Fire Control Work Conference was held. Yang Yinming, Deputy Secretary of Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of Panzhou Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Xiao Ming, Deputy Secretary of Panzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Liu Bo, vice mayor of the municipal government and director of the municipal public security bureau, attended the meeting. Yang Yinming pointed out that in the near future, the weather continues to be sunny, windy and dry, especially when the Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, people's activities such as visiting and sacrificing, outings and tourism are increasing significantly, and it is difficult to prevent and extinguish the fire on the forest and grassland in the city [Detailed]

Panzhou: "Home Gate" Employment, Enrich Farmers and Promote Harmony

(2024-03-20 14:21)

In recent years, Panzhou has used various channels to create employment opportunities for relocated people, while encouraging people to actively start their own businesses, promoting people's "home front" employment, presenting a beautiful home scene of living and working in peace, happiness and harmony. Panzhou Hongyin Electronic Processing Factory, located in Cherry Garden Community, the relocation site of Yidifu in Lianghe Street, is a small and micro enterprise that relocated people to start their own businesses and drive employment. Hu Qing was one of the first people to move from Shuangfeng Town to Cherry Garden Community. 2022… [Detailed]

Panzhou: improve the municipal infrastructure and enhance the function of urban carrier

(2024-03-04 15:58)

In recent years, Panzhou has focused on the construction and management of urban infrastructure, constantly increased investment, strengthened various work measures, accelerated the urban renewal action, and gradually improved the municipal infrastructure, which has greatly improved the function of the city carrier and significantly improved the degree of civilization. Since 2020, 46 back streets and alleys have been reconstructed, 2 urban parks have been renovated and upgraded, and 1 domestic waste incineration power plant, 1 temporary food waste disposal center, 2 domestic waste sorting centers have been built [Detailed]

Panzhou: Set up checkpoints to strengthen publicity, conduct strict inspection and build a "safety net" for forest fire prevention

(2024-02-26 15:56)

In recent days, Panzhou has set up 407 forest fire prevention checkpoints in key forest sections, and more than 600 cadres and workers from municipal departments have gone to the front line to carry out forest fire prevention assistance work. Fire sources are strictly prohibited from entering the mountain, and the mountain, people, and fire are effectively guarded. We firmly grasp the "entrance gate" of forest fire prevention, and strive to build a "safety net" of forest fire prevention. At the forest fire prevention checkpoint at the south gate of Moon Mountain Park, staff from Hongguo Sub district Office, Moon Mountain Community, Panzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau [Detailed]