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Xueshan Town, Weining County: mushroom planting supports the "prosperity umbrella"

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Weining carried out the third reading contest of "Reading the Most Distinctive · Calligraphy Honors the City of Guizhou"

(2024-05-24 15:31)

On May 17, Weining held the third reading contest of "Reading Foremost · Calligraphy Honors the City of Guizhou", which aims to expand the depth and breadth of public reading and further guide citizens to read more and better books. At the competition site, there were many wonderful recitation programs, such as "Rest assured, the powerful country has me", "Qinyuan Spring · Changsha", "Red Letter from Family - Zhao Yiman" and other classic recitation programs took turns to appear on the stage. The contestants vividly demonstrated the red classics, Tang and Song poetry, and modern poetry with abundant feelings [Detailed]

Weining No. 9 Middle School Campus Culture and Art Festival

(2024-05-14 09:56)

On May 6, the Ninth Middle School of Weining County held the May 4th Youth Campus Culture and Art Festival with the theme of "Aesthetic Education Infiltrates Campus, Art Nourishes the Soul". During this period, Weining Rongmei's voice number, video number and fast hand number were broadcast simultaneously, and more than 200000 people watched online and offline. The event kicked off in the modern dance performance of "Running Youth+Happy Boys and Happy Girls", such as "Loyalty to the Country", "Just Meet You", "Rise", "Beautiful China", "China in Tang Poetry", etc [Detailed]

40 years of wandering in Weining Autonomous County Rescue Station to help homeless people return home

(2024-04-30 16:10)

Recently, 59 year old Zhang Mouhong returned to his hometown after 40 years of absence under the escort of a rescue station in Weining Autonomous County. According to the staff of the aid station in Weining Autonomous County, on November 18, 2023, when carrying out the daily street patrol of the special rescue operation of "delivering warmth in cold winter", a ragged and street wanderer was found near an abandoned gas station near Wuligang Avenue in Weining Autonomous County. The person was unclear about his own situation, suspected of mental disorder, and could not mention [Detailed]

Publicity of scrapping vehicles in Liuqiao Street

(2024-04-19 16:21)

Liuqiao Street applied for scrapping one official vehicle (used by public institutions), and the details are as follows: The original agricultural service center of Liuqiao Street used your FWD659 (general official vehicle), which was registered in May 2010. It is a Toyota brand TV7163GL, with vehicle identification number of LFMAPE2C7A0232517, engine number of E712196, and was allocated to Liuqiao Street by Caohai Town Construction Office in 2014 [Detailed]

Industrial and Rural Areas in Yulong Town, Weining County: Fresh Melons Grab the "Fresh" Market

(2024-04-03 17:07)

Industry revitalization and agriculture enriching people. Relying on the unique natural advantages of Yulong Town and taking the market as the guide, Yulong Town will vigorously develop early maturing vegetables such as melons, eggplants and peppers, build the vegetable industry into a characteristic industrial pillar to promote agriculture and income, and drive the people to increase their income and become rich. Spring is full of vitality. Under the warm sun, the early maturing vegetable base in the industrial and rural areas of Yulong Town is bustling in the early morning. The successive small melons are growing happily. Yellow melons are blossoming under the green leaves, and new ones are emerging under the flowers [Detailed]