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Resume of leaders

  •  Li Rui, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Li Rui
    Secretary of Municipal Party Committee
  •  Mayor Huang Wei Huang Wei

Introduction to Zunyi City

Zunyi, known as Bozhou in ancient times, began its name in the 16th year of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty. It took the meaning of "impartial and impartial, the righteousness of King Zunyi" from Shangshu. It covers an area of 30762 square kilometers, governs three districts, two cities and nine counties, Xinpu New Area and South New Area, with a registered population of 8 million and a population of nearly 2 million in the central urban area. It is located in the southwest main road to the sea, and the whole region is included in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It is the second largest city in Guizhou. [Details]