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2024 Recruitment Brochure of Guizhou Institute of Applied Technology Technicians (100 persons)

2024-06-19 09:04:30 Enterprise/state-owned enterprise recruitment website Source: Internet

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Recruitment Brochure of Guizhou Institute of Applied Technology Technicians

Established in September 2019, Guizhou College of Applied Technology Technicians is a full-time technical college approved by the People's Government of Guizhou Province. It is located in Fuquan City, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, covering an area of 247 mu, with a building area of more than 100000 square meters. All of it adopts British architecture and garden style landscape design. The campus is full of flowers, trees and evergreen trees. In 2022, it won the honorary title of "garden style unit" in Fuquan City. At present, there are more than 3000 students and more than 200 teaching staff. There are 11 majors, including nursing, chemical technology, digital media technology application, automobile maintenance, work robot application and maintenance, urban rail transit transportation and management, and e-sports service and management.

Guizhou College of Applied Technical Technicians is a pilot school of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security for the construction of work study integration majors, a standing director unit of Guizhou Provincial Association of Technician Education and Vocational Skills Training, a provincial training base for high skilled talents, a provincial public service brand unit, a talent training base for "Nanyue Housekeeping", a training base for health care skilled talents in Fuquan City The designated training institution for retired soldiers in Fuquan City has established the "Guizhou Wangtao Jade Chemical Technology Master Studio", a vocational skill evaluation institution in Guizhou Province, which can carry out more than 60 skills training and vocational skill grade evaluation for 20 types of work.

Guizhou Institute of Applied Technology Technicians adheres to the goal of "striving for every graduate student to obtain a high paid and stable job" in education and teaching management. The core goal of teaching management is to develop students' skills. It solidly promotes "monthly discipline activities, skills competitions, and achievements show year after year". The goal of moral education management is to cultivate students' comprehensive quality, Vigorously promote student autonomy, strictly implement the "five walks in" of the head teacher, build the "eight theme education" model, and establish the activity system of "class activities every day, department activities every week, and college activities every month", so as to protect the all-round growth of students and form a unique campus culture of "happy learning, happy growth, and happy life".

Keep the main road simple, and work hard. Standing at a new historical starting point, the college will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, adhere to the leadership of Party building, adhere to the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, combine the 14th Five Year Plan for Technician Education, run schools in a diversified way, develop connotation, and strive to create a first-class technical college with the purpose of "great love, self-improvement, focus and innovation", Cultivate talents of "new technicians, new skills and new qualities", serve regional economic construction, and provide technical talents support for high-quality development of local economy.

1、 Recruited position: recruiting teacher

(1) Job requirements:

1. Number of people: 100, including 30 boys and 70 girls.

2. Education requirements: senior high school or above

3. Aged 18-25;

4. Have strong language organization ability and communication ability, obey the work arrangement, and work for at least one month (30 days).

(2) Scope of work: enrollment promotion, reception (mainly by telephone, resources provided by the school), reception, consultation.

(3) Working time and place: 8 hours a day, specific time: 9:00-12:00, 15:00-17:00, 18:00-21:00, one day off from Monday to Thursday, normal work on weekends; The working place is the fixed office space of the school.

(4) Salary: basic salary 2100 yuan/month+full attendance 300 yuan/month+commission, free accommodation.

2、 Working period: from today to August 20.

3、 Guizhou Institute of Applied Technology Technicians reserves the right of final interpretation of this recruitment.

Tel: 0854-8256436

WeChat: 13314480665

Registration address: Qiannan Human Resources Development Co., Ltd. (the third floor of Guanghui Building, Duyun Pedestrian Street)

Original title: Recruitment Brochure of Guizhou Institute of Applied Technology Technicians

(Editor: liyulu)
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