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2024 Notice on Investigation of Recruitment of Civil Servants (People's Police) in Qiannan Prefecture (the third batch)

2024-06-06 08:41:24 Civil Service Examination Network // Source: Qiannan Organization Work Network

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Notice of Qiannan Prefecture on the Investigation of Unified Public Recruitment of Civil Servants (People's Police) in 2024 (the third batch)

According to the provisions of the Announcement of Guizhou Province on the Public Recruitment of Civil Servants (People's Police) by Provincial, Municipal, County and Township Authorities in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Announcement of Recruitment), it is planned to inspect the candidates who pass the physical examination in batches through written examination, interview, physical evaluation, physical examination and other procedures. Relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Organizational leadership

Under the unified organization of Qiannan Prefecture Leading Group for Public Recruitment of Civil Servants, the investigation work is carried out by each recruitment unit or county (city) competent department of civil servants.

2、 Object of investigation

For the list of qualified personnel, as well as pregnant candidates who did not undergo chest X-ray examination but passed other physical examination items according to the regulations, see the annex for details.

3、 Related matters

(1) The investigation was carried out in accordance with the Measures for the Investigation of Civil Servants' Recruitment (Trial) (ZZF [2021] No. 11), the Notice of the Ministry of Public Security on Printing and Distributing the Measures for the Political Investigation of People's Police's Recruitment by Public Security Organs (GTZ [2020] No. 11), the Detailed Rules for the Investigation of Civil Servants' Recruitment in Guizhou Province (QZF [2024] No. 2) and other relevant provisions, highlighting the political standards, Comprehensively understand the morality, ability, diligence, performance and integrity of the candidates for the investigation, and strictly control politics, character, ability, style and integrity. During the investigation, those who have one of the conditions listed in the "Conditions for Not Applying for Examination" in the Recruitment Announcement after being examined and approved by the provincial and municipal (prefectural) competent departments of civil servants, or who have failed to obtain the educational background and degree certificates required for the recruitment of 2024 ordinary higher education graduates by December 2024, will be disqualified from entering the next link.

(2) Those who give up the inspection or fail to pass the inspection will be disqualified from entering the next link, and the vacant positions will not be filled. The competent department of civil servants of Qiannan Prefecture will record the candidates who give up the investigation without proper reasons into the integrity file according to the provisions of the Measures for the Implementation of Integrity Management in the Examination and Employment of Civil Servants in Guizhou Province (for Trial Implementation).

(3) The investigation objects shall actively cooperate with the investigation work and keep the communication unblocked. If the telephone number changes, they shall actively contact the recruitment unit.

(4) All the subsequent recruitment information released by the competent civil servant department of Qiannan Prefecture will be posted on the "Qiannan Organization Work Network"( )”Please check it in time and keep the communication unblocked. If you have any questions that need to be inquired and answered, please call the relevant telephone number in time to learn about them. The consequences caused by the examinee's failure to read them in time shall be borne by the examinee himself.

4、 Discipline supervision

The investigation work shall be subject to the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision department at the same level and all sectors of society, and shall resolutely put an end to such undesirable phenomena as fraud and favoritism.

Tel: 0854-8233456

Supervision Tel.: 0854-8222293, 0854-12388 (the second discipline inspection and supervision team dispatched by Qiannan Prefecture Commission for Discipline Inspection)

   Annex: List of Investigators (the third batch) of Qiannan Prefecture to recruit civil servants (the People's Police) to the public in 2024

Qiannan Prefecture Leading Group Office for Public Recruitment of Civil Servants

June 5, 2024

Original title: Notice on the Investigation of Qiannan Prefecture's Unified Public Recruitment of Civil Servants (People's Police) in 2024 (the third batch)


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