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Skills for preparing for the 2024 test in Guizhou Province: solving the maximum value problem with equation method

2024-01-09 10:11:13 Civil Service Examination Network // Source: Guizhou Huatu Education

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  Guizhou Civil Service Examination Network synchronization Guizhou Provincial Examination Information Network release Skills for preparing for the 2024 test in Guizhou Province: solving the maximum value problem with equation method For more questions about Guizhou Province, please pay attention to Guizhou Civil Servant Examination Information Network / Guizhou Huatu Official WeChat official account (guizhouht), participate in the exam, model test, and receive current affairs information. Please read below for details! Customer service consultation

In the line test, the difficulty of most examinees is the quantitative relationship, but it is also the quantitative relationship that determines the height of examinees' line test scores. However, because of the large amount of examination content, the examinee can grasp the knowledge points that are relatively easy to score, understand the characteristics of the question type, and get the score of the question type with more practice. Today, the editor explained one of the easy scoring test points - the most valuable question.

1、 Characteristics of the question type: The sum of several quantities is fixed, and the maximum (minimum) value of one quantity is calculated.

For example: 1. Give 17 apples to 4 children, and each child will get at least one apple, and each person will get different apples.

(1) The child who gets the most apples gets the most apples.

(2) If the number of apples shared by the children with the largest number of apples does not exceed 6, the number of apples shared by the children with the smallest number of apples will be the least.

Problem solving principles and methods

(1) The sum of several quantities is fixed. Find the maximum value of one quantity and make the value of other quantities as small as possible.

(2) The sum of several quantities is fixed. Find the minimum value of one quantity and make the value of other quantities as large as possible.

3、 Elaborate examples

[Example 1] 100 people participated in 7 activities. It is known that each person only participated in one activity and everyone participated in each activity, and the number of participants in each activity is different. So, how many people can participate in the activity with the fourth largest number of participants at most?

  A.21 B.22 C.23 D.24

[Answer] B. Analysis: according to the topic description, the number of participants in the seven activities is different, so it can be sorted from more to less. Assuming that the fourth most activity is attended by x people, the maximum value is required. According to the problem solving principle, the number of participants in other activities is as small as possible, then the number of participants from the first to the third is x+3, x+2, x+1, respectively, The fifth to seventh activities are 3, 2, 1, and the sum of the seven activities is 100, that is, x+3+x+2+x+1+x+3+2+1=100, and x=22 is obtained. The answer is B.

[Example 2] The investigation team leader assigned 327 investigation tasks to 5 team members. According to their personal abilities, each person was assigned different tasks. The person assigned the least task was assigned at most () investigation tasks.

  A.63 B.64 C.65 D.66

[Answer] A. Analysis: according to the topic description, the tasks assigned to the five team members are different, so they can be sorted from more to less. Assuming that the minimum number of people is assigned to x activities, the maximum value is required. According to the principle of problem solving, the rest are assigned as few as possible, then the number of participants from the first to the fourth is x+4, x+3, x+2, x+1, respectively, The sum of tasks assigned by five people is 327, that is, x+4+x+3+x+2+x+1+x=327, and x=63.4. Choose D.

[Example 3] 20 people in a company took the recruitment exam with a full score of 100, and the 60 mark was the pass line. The average score of 20 people was 88, and the pass rate was 95%. All the scores are integers, and they are different from each other. Ask the person who ranked tenth for the lowest score ().

  A.76 B.80 C.89 D.91

[Answer] C. Analysis: According to the topic description, 20 people have different scores, so they can be sorted from more to less. If the passing rate is 95%, the number of failed people is 20 × 5%=1 person. Assuming that the score of the tenth place is x, the lowest value is required. According to the principle of problem solving, let the rest score as high as possible, then the number of participants from the first to the ninth is 100, 99, 98... 92, and the number from the tenth to the nineteenth is x, x-1, x-2... x-9, respectively, The score of the 20th place is 59, and the total score of 20 people is 20 × 88=1760, then 100+99+98+97+96+95+94+93+92+x+x-1+x-2+x-3+x-4+x-5+x-6+x-7+x-8+x-9+59=1760, and x=88.2. So the answer is A.

4、 Summary

Through the above explanation, I believe you have a certain understanding of this type of topic. Then the question of the maximum value problem in the future public service examination can be solved according to the equation method. After more practice, the answer can be solved in a short time.

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