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2024 Guizhou Provincial Examination Speech Comprehension Emotional Color Cleverly Solve Logic Fill in the Blank

2023-11-20 13:34:02 Civil Service Examination Network // Source: Guizhou Huatu Education

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   Guizhou Civil Service Examination Network synchronization Guizhou Provincial Examination Information Network release 2024 Guizhou Province Test Language Understanding Emotional Color and Clever Logic Fill in the Blank! For more questions about Guizhou Province, please pay attention to Guizhou Civil Servant Examination Information Network / Guizhou Huatu Official WeChat official account (guizhouht), participate in the exam, model test, and receive current affairs information. Please read below for details! Customer service consultation 】  

The so-called "emotional color" refers to an emotional tendency of the author to the object or topic discussed, which mainly includes positive, negative and neutral. As we know, the logical blank filling questions are about notional words, idioms and function words. Some of these three words can be classified into "commendatory words" or "derogatory words". If the paragraphs and options of the logical blank filling questions have emotional tendencies, then we can use the technique of "feeling the same" to solve the questions, That is, the emotional color of the words filled in the horizontal line should be as consistent as possible with the emotional color of the context. Give an example to illustrate:

For example: The night is getting thicker and the river breeze is slowly blowing. On the brightly lit streets, the sound of selling is ________. People put aside the high pressure and indifference of the cement forest in the daytime, and in the busy alleys ________ where people are crowding one after another, the night life of the century old city begins in the night of ________. The most appropriate item to fill in the underlined position is:

A. Wandering in the ear with laughter

B. Shuttle up and down in disorder

C. From here to there, the stream flows and the people are bustling

D. The sound is heard, the stroll is noisy

According to the characteristics of the question type, it can be determined that this is a logical blank filling question. Of course, we can solve the question one by one, but the first two blanks of this question are not very good at eliminating interference items, and the breakthrough point is in the third blank. According to the content of "setting aside the high pressure and indifference of the cement forest in the daytime" and "bustling alleys", the sentiment of the passage is positive, and the third empty space should also reflect the positive sentiment. "Laughter" in item A refers to happy talk and laughter, which is consistent with the context and emotion, and item A is reserved. Item B "disorderly" refers to very messy and disorganized; Item D "Noisy" refers to noisy sounds; Both of them have derogatory meanings, which are not consistent with the emotional color of the passage. Items B and D are excluded. Item C "hustle and bustle" refers to people coming and going, which is very lively and conforms to the positive emotional color of the context. Item C is reserved.

Look back at the second empty space. "Wandering" in item A refers to walking back and forth, meaning to be hesitant. The emotion is negative and excluded. Item C "lingering" refers to being reluctant to leave, which reflects people's love for the "night life in the century old city". The emotional color is positive and consistent with the context. So select item C.

Of course, the emotional color of the passage of this question is the same from beginning to end, but some questions are not the same, and there can be two emotional colors at the same time. Therefore, the application of the "emotional color" technique needs to be determined according to the passage of the specific topic. In the logical blank filling question, it needs to be determined by combining the emotional color of the preceding and following passages filled in the blank at the horizontal line.

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