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Guidance for Application for Civil Servant Examination in Guizhou Province in 2024

2023-11-14 16:14:00 Civil Service Examination Network // Source: Guizhou Huatu Education

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    Guizhou Civil Service Examination Network synchronization Guizhou Provincial Examination Information Network release Guidance for applying for the 2024 Guizhou Civil Servant Examination: the main content of the test! For more questions about Guizhou Province, please pay attention to Guizhou Civil Servant Examination Information Network / Guizhou Huatu Official WeChat official account (guizhouht), participate in the exam, model test, and receive current affairs information. Please read below for details! Customer service consultation

Line test is the abbreviation of administrative vocational ability test. Like intelligence test, it belongs to the category of psychological test. It is used to test the candidate's knowledge, skills and abilities related to the proposed position, and it is a professional ability test to examine the general potential that the candidate must have when engaged in civil service work. The administrative ability test is one of the public written tests of the national civil servant examination, and it is also one of the most difficult ones.

The civil service examinations published by the central and state organs include written examinations (public subjects, professional subjects) and interviews. In the past, the written examination of public subjects was conducted according to A and B positions. The public subjects of written examination for Class A positions are Administrative Professional Competence Test (A) and Argumentation; The public subject of written examination for Class B positions is Administrative Professional Competence Test; The time of written examination and interview for professional subjects shall be notified by the recruitment department. Since 2006, both A and B categories have to take the same subjects, namely the Administrative Professional Competence Test and the Argument, but the Administrative Professional Competence Test has been set up separately. The line test is very difficult.

The Administrative Professional Competence Test mainly tests the basic qualities and ability elements closely related to the civil service career and suitable for examination through the objective paper and pencil test, including speech understanding and expression, quantitative relations, judgment and reasoning, data analysis and common sense judgment.

Speech understanding and expression. It mainly tests the ability of candidates to think and communicate in language and to quickly and accurately understand and grasp the connotation of written materials.

Quantitative relationship. It mainly tests the ability of candidates to understand and grasp the quantitative relationship between things and solve the quantitative relationship problems, mainly involving the analysis, reasoning, judgment, calculation, etc. of data relationship. Common questions include numerical reasoning, mathematical operations, etc.

Judgment reasoning. It mainly tests the examinees' ability to analyze and reason about the relationship between various things, involving the understanding, comparison, combination, deduction and induction of figures, words, concepts, relationship between things and written materials. Common questions include graphic reasoning, definition judgment, analogy reasoning, logic judgment, etc.

Data analysis. It mainly tests the comprehensive understanding, analysis and processing ability of candidates to various forms of text, charts and other data, which is usually composed of statistical charts, figures and text materials.

Common sense judgment. It mainly tests the basic knowledge that applicants should know and know, and the basic ability to use these knowledge to analyze and judge, focusing on the degree of understanding of national conditions and social conditions, and the basic quality of comprehensive management. It involves politics, economy, law, history, culture, geography, environment, nature, science and technology, life and other aspects.

Question type

The administrative vocational ability test involves a variety of question types. The questions will be combined in terms of question type, number, difficulty, etc. according to the purpose of the test and the situation of the applicants. The following is an introduction to some commonly used questions.

Speech comprehension

Quantitative relation

The first type: numerical reasoning. Each question is given a series of numbers, but one of them is missing. The candidate is required to carefully observe the relationship between the numbers in the series, find out the arrangement rule, and then select the most appropriate and reasonable one from the four answers to fill the vacancy, so that it conforms to the arrangement rule of the original series.

Judgmental reasoning

The first type: graphical reasoning. Each question is given one or two sets of graphs, and the candidate is required to find out the rule of graph arrangement through observation and analysis, and select one that conforms to the rule.

Data analysis

There are usually 1-5 questions in a paragraph of data. Candidates need to analyze, compare, speculate and calculate according to the information provided by the data, and choose the answer that meets the meaning of the question from the four alternative answers.

Common sense judgment

Common sense judgment mainly tests the applicants' understanding of the relevant national conditions and social conditions, the basic quality of comprehensive management, etc., involving the basic knowledge and application of politics, economy, law, history, culture, geography, environment, nature, science and technology, etc. The applicants are required to select the most suitable one through analysis, judgment and reasoning.

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The above is Guidance for Application for Civil Servant Examination in Guizhou Province in 2024 For more information about preparing for the examination of civil servants in Guizhou Province, please pay attention to Guizhou Huatu Education

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