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Notice on Trial Employment of Civil Servants by Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels in 2024 (4361 persons)

2023-11-10 13:19:35 Civil Service Examination Network // Source: Internet

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Announcement of Beijing Municipality on the Recruitment of Civil Servants in 2024

In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Civil Servants, the Regulations on the Recruitment of Civil Servants and other laws and regulations, the Beijing Municipal Civil Servant Bureau will organize and implement the 2024 annual examination for the recruitment of first grade chief staff members and other civil servants at or below the level of equivalent posts. Relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

Attachment of position table: List of Civil Servants Employed in the 2024 Examination of Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels

1、 Application conditions

(1) Basic requirements

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2.18 years old or above, 35 years old or below (born from November 1987 to November 2005);

3. Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system;

4. Have good political quality and moral character;

5. Have the physical condition and psychological quality to perform the duties normally;

6. Have the ability to work in line with the requirements of the position;

7. College degree or above;

8. Have other qualifications required by the proposed position specified by the Beijing Civil Servant Authority.

In addition to some special positions and highly professional positions, municipal authorities mainly recruit people with more than two years of grass-roots work experience, and district and lower level authorities mainly recruit fresh college graduates. If the recruitment position clearly requires grass-roots work experience, applicants must have corresponding grass-roots work experience. Grass roots work experience refers to working in county (city, district, banner), township (town, street) party and government organs, village (community) party organizations or village (neighborhood) committees, as well as various enterprises and public institutions (public institutions managed by reference to the Civil Servant Law are not included). The experience of working in the army regiment and the units below the regiment level, the experience of ex soldiers in active service in the army, and the experience of working in the municipal organs directly under the Central Government can be regarded as grass-roots work experience. The above grass-roots work experience is calculated by November 2023.

For grass-roots posts in streets, towns and villages located in difficult and remote areas, in accordance with the requirements of Opinions on Doing Well the Examination and Employment of Grass roots Civil Servants in Difficult and Remote Areas and Implementation Opinions on Doing Well the Examination and Employment of Grass roots Civil Servants in Difficult and Remote Areas of our City, we will reduce the educational requirements, relax professional conditions, and not limit the length of work and experience Separate measures such as marking the qualified score line of the written examination, and appropriately lowering the entry threshold. New civil servants who are recruited according to the policy of appropriately lowering the entry threshold shall serve for a minimum of five years (including the probation period) in the grass-roots organs in the difficult and remote areas of the area (system) they are applying for. Those who have not completed five years of service shall not exchange (including public selection) to the higher authorities and the organs in the non difficult and remote areas, nor to other regions of the city and other provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) (including those in difficult and remote areas). In addition, according to relevant regulations, the minimum length of service of newly recruited township civil servants in the township is 5 years (including the probation period).

Active servicemen, non fresh graduates in school, civil servants in service and staff of organs (units) managed by reference to the Civil Servant Law cannot apply for the examination.

Those who have been criminally punished for crimes, dismissed from the Communist Party of China, dismissed from public office, listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law, found guilty of fraud and other serious violations of employment discipline in the recruitment of civil servants at all levels, and those who have been dismissed for less than 5 years as public servants and staff of organs (units) managed by reference to the Civil Service Law, As well as other situations where the laws and regulations stipulate that the employees shall not be employed as civil servants, they shall not apply for examination.

Candidates shall not apply for positions that constitute the situations listed in the first paragraph of Article 74 of the Civil Servant Law after employment, nor shall they apply for positions in the employing units where persons who have husband wife relationship, direct blood relationship, collateral blood relationship within three generations or close marriage relationship with themselves serve as leading members.

(2) Other requirements

1. The recruitment positions for 2024 graduates are limited to those graduates of ordinary institutions of higher learning who are included in the national unified enrollment plan, whose training mode is non targeted, who graduate on time and have obtained corresponding academic degrees, including: graduates from Beijing; Non Beijing undergraduate or above (including undergraduate) fresh graduates from ordinary colleges and universities in Beijing; Fresh graduates of non Beijing students with bachelor's degree or above (including bachelor's degree) who have obtained "three good students" and "excellent student cadres" at school level or above or "excellent student scholarships" at school level or above during the period of study of the highest degree in ordinary institutions of higher learning outside Beijing (unless otherwise limited, the above qualifications are not required for applying for special positions).

Those who have returned home from abroad and obtained a foreign degree from January 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024, but have not confirmed their work units, may apply for the position limited to new graduates. Including: returned students with permanent residence in Beijing; Returned overseas Chinese who are not permanent residents of Beijing and meet the requirements of the Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality on Promoting Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship and Work in Beijing (JZF [2009] No. 14).

2. The recruitment positions that require "the minimum length of grassroots work experience" to be more than 2 years (including 2 years) are limited to those who have permanent residence in Beijing, personnel and administrative relations in Beijing, and have more than 2 years (including 2 years) of grassroots work experience as of the time of application for the civil service examination (excluding graduates from non Beijing sources in 2023 and former graduates from non Beijing sources whose household registration files are kept in the school) Enter for the exam.

3. The recruitment positions that require "the minimum length of grassroots work experience" to be "unlimited" are limited to those who have permanent residence in Beijing and personnel administrative relations in Beijing as of the time of application for the civil service examination (excluding graduates from non Beijing sources in 2023 and former graduates from non Beijing sources whose residence records are kept in the school) And those who meet the requirements for the recruitment of new graduates in 2024.

4. The recruitment positions for retired college students and soldiers upon the expiration of their service are limited to those who meet the requirements of the Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Employment of Retired College Students and Soldiers, including 2024 fresh graduates (excluding vocational or junior college graduates from other places) who joined the armed forces in the city during their school years and returned to school after retirement upon the expiration of their service; Retired soldiers who have completed their active service and performed well when they enlisted from the city in the year of graduation and were discharged from active service in 2023.

Retired soldiers from Beijing college graduates who have served in the military for more than five years (inclusive) can apply for positions that are open to retired college students who have completed their service.

5. The recruitment positions for the disabled are limited to those who hold the People's Republic of China Disabled Person Card, including the following two categories: first, the disabled with permanent residence in Beijing and personnel administrative relations in Beijing as of the time of civil service examination registration (excluding graduates from non Beijing sources in 2023 and former graduates from non Beijing sources whose residence files are kept in the school); Second, 2024 new disabled graduates from ordinary colleges and universities listed in the national unified enrollment plan, whose training mode is non targeted, who graduate on time and obtain corresponding academic degrees, including: new disabled graduates from Beijing; Graduates from ordinary colleges and universities in Beijing who are not from Beijing and have bachelor's degree or above.

6. The recruitment positions for service grassroots project personnel are limited to those who are on the job at the time of application, such as Beijing Rural Revitalization Assistant and other local service grassroots project personnel whose contracts expire in 2024.

2、 Application procedure

(1) Position Query

The number of candidates, specific positions, qualification conditions, etc. of each recruitment authority are detailed in the Beijing Civil Servant Recruitment Manual for the 2024 Annual Examination of All Levels of Authorities (hereinafter referred to as the "Recruitment Manual"). Candidates can consult the website of the Capital Window (www.beijing. and the website of Beijing Organization and Workers (www.bjdj.

If you need to consult the major, education background, degree, qualification conditions, grass-roots work experience, notes and other information in the Recruitment Manual, please contact the recruitment authority directly. The consultation telephone number of the recruitment authority can be queried through the Recruitment Manual.

For details of registration policy, registration network technology, examination room arrangements and other matters, please refer to the Guide for Civil Servants Enrolled in the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Authorities at All Levels.

Attachment of position table:

(2) Online registration

The application for this exam is made online, according to the following procedures:

1. Submit the application for examination. Candidates can visit 9:00 on November 13, 2023 to 18:00 on November 17, 2023 During this period, log in to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform"( ), the WeChat official account of Beijing People's Society or the APP of Beijing People's Society, and submit the application. Candidates can only select one position in one department (company) to register. When registering, applicants should carefully read the letter of commitment of integrity, and the submitted application information and electronic materials should be true, accurate and complete. Applicants who provide false application materials will be disqualified once verified. Those involved in forging or altering relevant certificates, materials and information to defraud examination qualifications will be dealt with seriously in accordance with relevant regulations.

2. Query the qualification review results. Applicants should log on to the "General Platform for Personnel Examination in Beijing", the WeChat official account of Beijing People's Society or the APP of Beijing People's Society from November 13, 2023 to November 18, 2023 to check whether they have passed the qualification review. Those who have passed the qualification examination can not apply for other positions. From 9:00 on November 13, 2023 to 18:00 on November 17, 2023, those who fail to pass the qualification examination can apply for other positions; If the application for examination has not been examined, the applicant may contact the recruitment authority where he or she applies for the examination, and withdraw from the application and apply for another position.

Qualification review runs through the whole process of employment. If an applicant is found not to meet the qualification requirements in each link, his qualification or employment qualification may be cancelled.

(3) Online payment

Those who have passed the qualification examination must log in to the "General Platform for Beijing Personnel Examination" from 0:00, November 18, 2023 to 24:00, November 21, 2023 to make payment. Those who fail to complete the payment within the time limit will be deemed to have automatically waived their application qualification.

The registration fee will be exempted for the registered poor family members, urban subsistence allowances and candidates for the disabled position. See the Guide for Civil Servants Enrolled in the 2024 Examination of Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels for the specific exemption process.

(4) Online printing of admission card

After the payment is successful, applicants should download and print their test admission cards from the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" between 9:00 on November 28, 2023 and 16:30 on December 3, 2023.

3、 Examination content and time

(1) Written examination

1. Content. The written examination includes public subjects and professional subjects. Public subjects include administrative vocational ability test and argumentation. Among them, the administrative vocational ability test is an objective question, and the argument is a subjective question, with the full score of 100 points. For details, please refer to the Outline of Written Examination for Public Servants in the 2024 Examination of Beijing Authorities at All Levels.

Candidates for the position of People's Police of the public security organ will also take the professional subject examination. Please check the outline of the examination on the website of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

2. Time. The time of public subject examination is:

9:00-11:00 am, December 3, 2023 Administrative Professional Competency Test

14:00-16:30 p.m. on December 3, 2023

The examination time for the professional subjects of the people's police position of the public security organ is:

14:00-16:00 p.m. on December 2, 2023.

——Recommended test preparation materials——

[Data recommendation]—— 2024 Guizhou Provincial Examination Preparation Book

[1 yuan line test question] 2024 Guizhou Provincial Examination Examination Questions (paper package mailed to home, free sprint course for national examination~)

[Online course recommendation]—— 2024 Guizhou Civil Servant Written Examination System Promotion Class (10 sessions)

Candidates shall attend the examination at the corresponding place according to the time specified on the examination permit. When taking the exam, you must carry both the examination permit and your valid resident ID card (consistent with the registration).

3. Score inquiry. After the completion of the written examination, the competent civil service department of Beijing will study and determine the minimum qualified score of the written examination for all kinds of posts, and will give preferential policies to grass-roots posts such as streets and towns located in difficult and remote areas, and posts specially recruited for the disabled. Candidates can log on to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform", the WeChat official account of Beijing People's Society or the Beijing People's Society APP in January 2024 to query the written test scores and the minimum qualified score line.

The written test scores of the people's police positions in the public security organs shall be respectively 40%, 30% and 30% of the scores of the administrative vocational ability test, argumentation and professional subjects, and the written test scores of other positions shall be respectively 50% of the scores of the administrative vocational ability test and argumentation.

(2) Interview and professional ability test

According to the proportion of interviewees specified in the "Recruitment and Examination Manual", the Beijing Civil Servant Competent Department determines the candidates for interview and professional ability test for each position in the order of written examination scores from high to low, and publishes them on the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform".

Candidates who participate in interviews and professional competence tests must undergo qualification review, which includes the examination of candidates' household registration, identity, educational background and relevant grades, qualifications, qualification certificates and other materials required by the qualification conditions of the position for which they are applying. Where the main information in the relevant materials is untrue, which affects the results of the qualification review, the recruitment organ has the right to cancel the candidate's qualification to participate in the interview.

After the qualification review, the number of candidates who have reached the minimum qualified score in the written examination of public subjects and the proportion of the planned number of candidates who are less than the specified interview proportion will be adjusted. The transfer position, the list of candidates who meet the transfer conditions, and the contact information of the transfer position will be published on the "Beijing Personnel Examination Common Platform". The online registration is adopted for reallocation registration. Only those who have passed the written examination and meet the qualifications of the position to be reallocated can participate in the reallocation. The candidates for reallocation shall be determined according to the order of the written examination scores of the reallocation applicants from high to low. Specific matters such as qualification reexamination, transfer registration and written examination results will be announced at the same time.

The recruitment organ shall be responsible for the interview and professional competence test. For specific matters such as time and place, please refer to the interview announcement published on the website of the recruitment organ or directly consult the recruitment organ by telephone.

Some recruitment authorities organize professional competence tests at the interview stage. See the Recruitment Manual or the interview announcement issued by the recruitment authority for the setting of professional competence tests, test contents and other matters.

Two working days after the interview, the candidates' interview, professional ability test results and comprehensive scores will be published on the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform". Candidates can log on to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform", the WeChat official account of Beijing People's Social Security or the Beijing People's Social Security APP to query their scores. The calculation method of comprehensive scores is: if no professional ability test is organized, the scores of written examination and interview shall account for 50% respectively; For those who organize professional competence tests, the proportion of written test scores accounting for 50%, interview scores and professional competence tests accounting for 50% in total, of which the professional competence test scores generally do not exceed 15% of the comprehensive scores.

4、 Physical examination and inspection

The recruitment organ shall determine the candidates for physical examination and investigation according to the order of comprehensive scores from high to low. For the position where the ratio of the number of individual interviewees to the number of employment plans is less than 3:1, the candidate's interview score should reach the average score of all the interviewers interviewed in the same set of interview questions or the interview qualification score line determined by the recruitment authority in the interview announcement before entering the physical examination and inspection.

The recruitment organ shall be responsible for physical examination and investigation. The items and standards of physical examination shall be in accordance with the General Standards for Civil Servant Employment Physical Examination (Trial) and the operation manual. For posts with special requirements for physical conditions such as the people's police of public security organs, the relevant physical examination items and standards shall be implemented in accordance with the Special Standards for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial).

The investigation highlighted the political standards and was carried out by means of field visits, individual conversations, review of personnel files (student status files), inquiry of social credit records, interviews with myself, etc., mainly to understand the political quality, moral quality, ability quality, psychological quality, learning and work performance, discipline and law compliance, honesty and self-discipline of the candidates for investigation, And whether there are situations that should be avoided, physical and mental health conditions, and the degree of matching with the recruited positions. Some municipal recruitment organs carry out balance investigation.

According to the needs of the position, some recruitment authorities will evaluate the psychological quality of candidates, and the evaluation results will be used as an important reference for selecting the best candidates. For the position of people's police in the public security organ, the physical fitness required by the candidates to perform their duties will be evaluated. The evaluation items and standards shall be in accordance with the Physical Fitness Evaluation Items and Standards for People's Police Recruitment by Public Security Organs (Provisional). Those who fail the physical fitness evaluation shall not be identified as candidates for employment.

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》》》 The 2024 Guizhou Provincial Examination will be announced in December, and the written examination will be held in January? (Click "Appointment" to send out a short message notice) 《《《

5、 Publicity

After the physical examination and investigation, the recruitment authority will select the best candidates according to their comprehensive scores, physical examination results and investigation results, and publicize them on the website of the recruitment authority. If the recruitment authority has no website, it will be publicized on the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform". The publicity content includes the name of the recruitment authority, the position to be employed, the name, gender, the examination permit number, the graduate school, the work unit, etc., and the telephone number to report the situation to accept social supervision. The publicity period is 5 working days.

6、 Employment approval

At the expiration of the period of publicity, the recruitment organ shall go through the formalities of examination and approval for the employment of personnel who have no problems or whose problems reflected do not affect the employment; Those who report problems affecting employment during the publicity period and verify them, shall not go through the examination and approval procedures; If it is difficult to verify the problems reflected for the time being, the application will be postponed, and it will be decided whether to go through the employment approval procedures for them after the investigation.

7、 Supplementary employment

The positions that are vacant during the recruitment period or that need to be supplemented in time due to the new employment demand of the recruitment organ will be recruited in a unified way for the society. Additional employment announcements, positions and related matters will be published through the Windows of the Capital website and the Beijing Organizing Group website.

Beijing Municipal Civil Service Bureau

November 2023

   General rules for recruitment of civil servants for the 2024 annual examination of Beijing municipal authorities at all levels

   Application Guide for Civil Servants Employed in the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels

   Outline of Written Examination for Public Subject of Civil Servants for 2024 Examination of Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels

Original title: Announcement on the Recruitment of Civil Servants in the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels

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