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Analysis of the 2024 Guizhou Civil Servant Examination Daily Practice (July 17)

2023-07-20 14:38:45 Civil Service Examination Network // Source: Guizhou Huatu Education

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        Guizhou Civil Service Examination Network synchronization Guizhou Provincial Examination Information Network release The 2024 Guizhou Civil Servant Exam will be held every day (July 17)! For more questions about Guizhou Province, please pay attention to Guizhou Civil Servant Examination Information Network / Guizhou Huatu Official WeChat official account (guizhouht)/ Exclusive VIP consultation channel , take part in the exam, take the model exam, and receive current affairs materials. Please read the following for details!

1. (Single choice question) The great anti epidemic spirit and the special endowment and cultural genes formed by the Chinese nation for a long time ________ are the inheritance and development of patriotism, collectivism and socialist spirit, and the vivid ________ of the Chinese spirit.

The most appropriate item to fill in the horizontal line is:

A. Interpretation from the same origin

B. A strip of water shows

C. Complementary display

D. Explanations that complement each other


The first step is to analyze the first blank. This empty space is matched with "special gifts and cultural genes". According to the following "the inheritance and development of patriotism, collectivism and socialist spirit", the great anti epidemic spirit inherits the characteristics and cultural genes of the Chinese nation that have been formed for a long time. Item A "comes down in one continuous line" refers to the inheritance relationship between certain thoughts, behaviors or theories, which is consistent with the context. Item B "A strip of water" refers to a strip of water separated from each other, as narrow as a strip of clothing. It means that the two sides are very close; Item C "Complement each other" refers to that two things complement and cooperate with each other, and neither is dispensable; Item D "complementing each other" means that the two cooperate or set off each other, so that the strengths and functions of both sides can be better displayed. All three do not reflect the meaning of "inheritance" and are excluded, so the answer is locked in item A.

The second step is to verify the second blank. "Interpretation" means explanation. "Vivid interpretation of Chinese spirit" conforms to the context and is also a common collocation.

Therefore, select the A option.


Source of the passage: People's Daily, Cohesion of National Endeavour with Great Anti epidemic Spirit

2. (Single choice question) Archaeology is not simply the excavation of precious cultural relics to present to the world, but a science of exploring the truth of history. Archaeology has a set of scientific theories and methods to guide field excavation, cultural relic protection and restoration, and later research. Behind every unearthed cultural relic, there is wisdom, sweat and hard work of the archaeologists.

The most appropriate item to fill in the horizontal line is

A. Serious and rigorous

B. Rigorous and serious

C. Strict

D. Strict and strict


The first step is to analyze the first blank. "Not... but" forms a contrast and juxtaposes, indicating that the content filled in the first blank corresponds to "simple excavation", and modifies "science" to express the attitude towards archaeology. Item A "serious" means to make people feel awe, and also means to be rigorous, strict, serious and in line with the literary meaning. The term "rigorous" in item B describes a serious and cautious attitude, not talking casually. It also means serious, cautious, strict and consistent with the literary meaning. Item C "Strict" focuses on being serious and tidy (mostly referring to the team), being strict in discipline, dressing neatly, and embellishing "scientific" inappropriately. Item C is excluded. Item D "Strict" refers to observing or implementing regulations and rules carefully, not deviating from the principle, not being careless, which is consistent with the text.

The second step is to analyze the second blank. Modify "scientific theories and methods". Item D is not in conformity with the text, and item D is excluded. Compared with "rigorous" in item A and "serious" in item B, although they have something in common, "rigorous" focuses on the way and attitude of doing things, and "serious" focuses on the attitude towards things, that is, seriousness. Modify "scientific theories and methods", "rigorous" is more in line with the text, excluding item B.

Therefore, select the A option.

3. (Single choice question) In the face of the unprecedented crisis of national survival, the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese people erupted like a volcano. All the sons and daughters of China, ________, jointly resist foreign aggression, fight for the nation, fight for the motherland, fight for dignity, and gather momentum. In this magnificent process, the Chinese people demonstrated to the world the national integrity of ________, the indomitable belief of ________, and the great spirit of resistance.

The most appropriate item to fill in the underlined part is:

A. Unite and march forward bravely

B. Unite for success, die rather than surrender, persevere

C. Through thick and thin, brave and dauntless, able to bend and stretch

D. We are in the same boat, we will not bend, we will be firm


The first step is to analyze the first blank. According to the sign, the meaning of the first empty space is similar to that of "jointly resisting foreign aggression", reflecting the meaning of jointly resisting foreign enemies and uniting. Item A "Unity" refers to unity. Item B "Unite as one" means to unite as one. In item C, "Sailing in the same boat in the same storm" means to fight with the wind and rain together in the same boat, which is a metaphor for experiencing hardship together. Item D, "Working together in the same boat", is a metaphor for unity, mutual assistance and concerted efforts to overcome difficulties. The above options are consistent with the text.

The second step is to analyze the second blank. According to the sign, the meaning of "Erkong" is similar to that of "looking at death as if returning", which means not afraid of sacrifice. Item A "Courage for righteousness" refers to the courage to fight and the inability to reflect the meaning of sacrifice. Item A is excluded. Item B "prefer death to surrender" means that you would rather die than surrender. "Brave and fearless" in item C means very brave, fearless of difficulties and dangers. The term "prefer bending to bending" in item D refers to the fact that poplar wood will only break and will not bend and deform under external force; Later, it was used as a metaphor to describe that one would rather die than yield to compromise, which is in line with the literary meaning.

The third step is to analyze the third blank. According to the Dun sign, the meaning of the third empty and "indomitable" is similar, reflecting a strong will and moral integrity. "Perseverance" in item B describes firm belief, strong will, unshakable and consistent with the literary meaning. Item C "Flexibility" refers to the ability of people to adapt to various situations, be patient when frustrated, and be ambitious when they are successful. If the meaning is inconsistent, item C is excluded; The meaning of "will" in item D "firm will" and "belief" after the blank space are repeated, and the style is colloquial, excluding item D.

Therefore, select option B.


Go forward bravely: not afraid of difficulties and dangers, go forward bravely. Flexibility: It can bend and straighten. It refers to a person who can adapt to various circumstances, endure when frustrated, and display his ambition when he is successful.

Article source: Guangming Daily article "The spirit of the War of Resistance inspires us to march forward courageously"

4. (Single choice question) Studying the governance system of grass-roots government is conducive to reviewing the whole government governance system from the operational level, analyzing the logic of the construction of the government governance system from the bottom up level by level with the "________" method, and ________ the overall picture of the government governance system through the "small see big" method.

The most appropriate item to fill in the underlined part is:

A. Exfoliate and present

B. A glimpse of the leopard

C. To infer from a chart

D. Follow the vines to restore


The first step is to analyze the first blank. According to "the '________' method analyzes the logic of the construction of the government governance system level by level from bottom to top, and through the 'small to see the big' method", we can see that the meaning of the text is to use a bottom-up, level by level analysis method, and there are double quotation marks at the horizontal line, so the words filled in should be a visual statement. Item A "stripping the cocoon" describes the analysis of things is extremely meticulous, and step by step is very hierarchical. If it does not reflect "bottom-up", item A is excluded. Item B "peeping through the bush" means that only a small part of things can be seen. It means that what you see is incomplete or slightly gained, which does not conform to the context, and item B is excluded. Item C "Seeking the lead according to the diagram" is a metaphor for searching according to clues, and it is also a metaphor for working mechanically and rigidly. It does not reflect "bottom-up", and item C is excluded. Item D "Follow the vine to find a melon" is a metaphor for investigating things according to a certain clue. "Rattan" can be compared to the grass-roots government governance system, and "melon" can be compared to the whole government governance system, which can echo "bottom-up" vividly, in line with the cultural meaning. Answer lock D item.

The second step is to verify the second blank. According to the "Overview of ________ Government Governance System", the meaning of the text is to know what the government governance system looked like before by "seeing the big from the small". Item D "Restore" conforms to the text.

Therefore, select the D option.

5. (Single choice question) Open the book, and a long lost fragrance of ink will come to your face. Rub the paper, and you will feel very comfortable. The sense of taste, vision and touch suddenly came alive, and even the brain cells were particularly active. When you are tired of reading, close your eyes and have a rest. By the way, review the plot you just read and think about the author's ________; Seeing the wonderful description and incisive comments, I repeatedly reread and chant, and the beauty is ________.

The most appropriate item to fill in the underlined part is:

A. Spring and autumn brushwork celebrates each other

B. The implication is bowing

C. What's not on the line

D. Praise and praise the minor words


The first step is to make a breakthrough in the second empty space. The unprecedented "change" represents progressive progress. Before the progressive progress, it said that "when you see the wonderful description and brilliant comments, you will repeat them and chant them again and again". After the progressive progress, you need to be similar to the above semantic meaning, increase the degree, and emphasize the recognition of "beauty". Item A "Celebrate each other with the crown" means that when one person becomes an official, others celebrate each other, and there will be an official to do, which is derogatory; "Bowing down" in Item B refers to losing integrity and yielding to others; Item C "Celebrate with your hands" indicates happiness. All three are inconsistent with the context, excluding items A, B and C. And item D, "Knocking and praising", describes appreciation of other people's works, which is in line with the context. The answer locks the D option.

The second step is to verify the first blank. "Meaningful words" refer to implicit and subtle words, profound and important meaning, which conform to the context.

Therefore, select the D option.


Spring and Autumn Calligraphy: It is said that Kong Zixiu's Spring and Autumn Annals contains praise and criticism; Later, it was called the writing technique of writing with twists and turns and meaning of praise and criticism as Spring and Autumn Writing Technique. Implicit meaning: implied meaning not directly stated. Implicit meaning: It refers to the meaning between words, that is, the meaning indirectly disclosed but not explicitly stated in words. Celebrate with your hands on your forehead: hold your hands together and lift them to your forehead to express your happiness.

6. (Single topic) After the long Middle Ages, the Western society ushered in the period of cultural enlightenment and ideological liberation. During this period, western philosophers put aside the problem of ontology and studied epistemology, that is, "how people know the external world". The external world ________ can be understood? In the eyes of ordinary people, this is not a problem at all. ________ In the eyes of philosophers, this is a big problem.

The most appropriate item to fill in the underlined part is:

A. How to concentrate or

B. Seriously, but

C. No distractions

D. Concentrate on whether but


The first step is to analyze the context. More contextually, the first empty space should reflect seriousness and concentration. Item B "serious" originally refers to a classic that conforms to moral standards. Later, it was used to describe a solemn and serious attitude. (sometimes ironic). Not in line with the context. Exclude item B. The second step is to analyze the second empty context. According to "ordinary people don't think it's a problem at all" and "philosophers think it's a big problem", it can be seen that the words filled in the second empty space should reflect that the sentence where the second empty space is is a problem. C "Can you" is inserted as a rhetorical question, which means that the outside world cannot be understood. If it does not conform to the context, item C is excluded. The third step is to analyze the third blank. The meaning before and after the text paragraph is a turning relationship, and the A "or" is excluded. Therefore, select the D option.

7. (Single choice) Fill the words in the following options in the horizontal lines of each sentence in turn. The most appropriate group is:

(1) For western sinologists, if you want to interpret A Dream of Red Mansions, you must not only understand the author's life, but also overcome several difficulties to ________ and understand its unique artistic charm.

(2) Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest genius in the Renaissance, was an artist and philosopher, as well as an engineer, physicist and biologist. He achieved ________ achievements in each of the above fields in his time.

A. Climb high and look far and pay homage to generals

B. Visit the house and the general

C. Go to the top of the room

D. Reach to the top and reach the summit


The first step is to analyze the first blank. It can be seen from the above "Only after several difficulties can we..." that the first empty word is the result of overcoming difficulties, and it should reflect the meaning of "step by step, step by step". Items B and C "going into the hall and entering the room" refer to learning from simple to deep, step by step, reaching a higher level, in line with the context. Items A and D "climb high and look far" mean to climb high and see farther. It also means to have a high level of thought and vision, which does not conform to the context. Items A and D are excluded.

The second step is to analyze the second blank. According to the context, the words filled in should match the "achievements" below. Item B "visiting the forum" is interpreted as the appointment of a general or an important task. No one in the text has entrusted him with an important task or appointed him as a general, which does not conform to the context, so item B is excluded. The definition of "reaching the peak" in item C is to reach the peak, which means to reach the highest point, to describe the excellent accomplishments, corresponding to the above information such as "artists and philosophers", and in line with the context.

Therefore, select the C option.

8. (Single choice question) Guangdong is accelerating to open a new situation of high-quality development. From top to bottom, from inside to outside, from you to me, everyone and entrepreneurs are running with all their strength, showing the warm atmosphere of () and the new atmosphere of ().

A. Spiritual

B. Take the lead

C. Strive to prosper

D. Time waits for ten thousand horses to gallop


The first step is to analyze the first blank. According to the above "everyone", the warm atmosphere displayed should mean "many people". Item A, "Dragon Leaping and Tiger Leaping", refers to vigorous and powerful movements when running and jumping, and also refers to rising up and doing something, which is not in line with the cultural meaning. Item A is excluded. Item B is a flat ground where "one horse can run flat", which does not conform to the text, so item B is excluded. In item C, "Strive to be the first" is in line with the text. Item D "Ten thousand horses galloping" thousands of horses are running and prancing, which is consistent with the meaning of the text.

The second step is to analyze the second empty space. According to the above "speed up" and "run", we can see that the time is urgent and the speed is fast. Item C "Prosperity" describes the luxuriant and vigorous vegetation; It is later used to refer to the scene of vigorous development and prosperity of the cause, which does not conform to the context, and item C is excluded. Item D "Time waits for no one" races against the clock. Time will not wait for us. It means to cherish and make full use of time, which is in line with the text.

Therefore, select the D option.

9. (Single choice question) Fill in the following words on the horizontal line in turn. The most appropriate group is:

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), high pressure anti-corruption has successfully ________ corrupt officials and, to a large extent, ________ officialdom. However, the supervision of power cannot rely solely on movement. As Comrade Wang Qishan said, addressing the symptoms is to gain valuable time for addressing the root causes.

A. Shock conversion

B. Deterrence reversal

C. Shake and turn

D. Deterrence conversion


The first step is to analyze the first blank. According to "high pressure anti-corruption" and "corrupt officials", the words filled in the first blank should emphasize that anti-corruption has played a deterrent role to corrupt officials and made them afraid. The "shock" of items A and C, on the one hand, can refer to the violent shaking of the land; on the other hand, it can refer to the intense shock or emotion to the heart, and the sharp ups and downs or fluctuations of the spirit or mood. It is usually used for some good things, which is not in line with the text. Items A and C are excluded. The "deterrence" in items B and D refers to making the other party fear and yield with momentum or power, which is consistent with the text.

The second step is to analyze the second blank. According to the meaning of the passage, the second empty space emphasizes a causal relationship, meaning that the anti-corruption movement has changed the corrupt atmosphere in the officialdom. The "twist" in item B refers to the correction or change of the development direction or current situation of things, generally in a good direction, consistent with the text. The "conversion" of item D refers to change and replacement, but there is no meaning of "from bad to good", which does not conform to the context, so item D is excluded.

Therefore, select option B.

10. (Single choice question) Lin Zexu went to the boy's test when he was young. Because of the crowd, his father carried him into the examination room. Seeing his father and son like this, the examiner jokingly said, "riding his father as a horse", which caused ________ and made Lin Zexu's father very embarrassed. Who knows, Lin Zexu blurted out, "I hope my son will become a dragon". Full court ________. Lin Zexu's answer not only relieved his father's ________, but also revealed his father's desire for children to become useful.

The most appropriate item to fill in the underlined part is:

A. Clap your hands and applaud your ecstatic predicament

B. Sadly, they are in a dilemma of dismay

C. Laugh and exclaim with embarrassment

D. A lot of cheers, exclamations and embarrassment


The first step is to analyze the first blank. According to "the examiner joked: 'riding a father as a horse'... made Lin Zexu's father very embarrassed", the empty space should reflect the meaning of "the examiner teased Lin Zexu's father and son, causing others to laugh". Both item A "clapping" and item D "cheering" emphasize applauding and applauding others; In item B, "sigh" focuses on sighing, helplessness and disapproval. These three words are inconsistent with the context, excluding items A, B and D. While item C "roar with laughter" means "the whole room laughs at the same time", which is in line with the context. The answer is locked in option C.

The second step is to verify the second empty space and the third empty space. The second empty space "amazed" focuses on full praise, which can reflect everyone's appreciation for Lin Zexu's witty response to resolve the embarrassment. The third empty space "embarrassment" corresponds to the previous "embarrassment" and conforms to the context.

Therefore, select the C option.


Crazy with joy: both surprised and happy, happy to go crazy. It describes a person who is overjoyed and excited. Disappointed by consternation: changed his face in fear. Described as very surprised. Embarrassment: A very difficult situation. Embarrassment: ① difficult to deal with; ② (look, attitude) unnatural.

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