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be careful! Guizhou higher education self-taught examination time has been adjusted

2020-05-27 10:44:54 Civil Service Examination Network //gz.huatu.com/ Source: Guizhou Learning Network

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According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China on the schedule of postponing the national self-taught higher education examination in the first half of 2020, and in combination with the actual situation of Guizhou Province, the relevant matters of the self-taught higher education examination in Guizhou Province in the first half of 2020 are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Test time adjustment

The National Higher Education Self study Examination, which was originally scheduled to be held from April 11 to 12, 2020, was postponed to August 1 to 2. The examination subjects on August 1 and 2 correspond to the examination subjects arranged on April 11 and 12, respectively. The relevant examination courses and the version of the teaching material outline remain unchanged (the new teaching material and outline originally scheduled to be launched in April 2020 are also postponed to be launched in August).

2、 Change and refund arrangement of the original application course

On January 16, 2020, our province has completed the relevant registration work for the original April examination. In order to effectively safeguard the interests of the examinees, the examinees are allowed to make a re selection of the original courses. The re selection is based on the principle of giving up all the original courses before re applying for the relevant courses.

The registration system will be open from June 8 to June 12. During this period, candidates can log in Candidates who apply for refund or change the course of application and decide to give up the exam will cancel the course of application from June 8 to 9, and those who need to change the course of application or change the place of examination will also cancel the original course of application from June 8 to 9, and then re register and pay the fee from June 10 to 12, and will not be accepted after the deadline. The registration fee for cancelling the course will be returned before July 30 according to the original path of the order information submitted by the examinee when registering before.

This re selection is limited to candidates who have applied for the exam and successfully paid the fees. During this period, new students are not allowed to register for the exam. Candidates can log on to the website on July 23 and 31, 2020: Print the exam notice.

3、 Contact information

If you have any questions, you can consult the city (state) recruitment and examination unit. The contact information is announced as follows:

Unit name


phone number


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Wang Feng



Xia Yan



Chen Jian



Wu Tinghe



Liu Qiong



Tian Yongke



Beam formwork



Bai Mingxian


Southwest Guizhou

Wang Wenwu



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