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[Fried Dumpling] Welcome to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > Frying
  • Total number of stores zero home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangzhou
  • Date of establishment 2002-02-01
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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Recommended franchise projects

Introduction to fried pot stickers

 Pan fried Dumpling Franchise

Advantages of fried pot stickers

 Pan fried Dumpling Franchise

Any catering brand store hopes to have more staff and good business, so as to increase its turnover and have a higher profit point. There are many snack brand stores in the industry. In order to attract customers, some methods and skills are needed. Only after doing well, can the business in the store be good. The taste of fried dumplings is excellent, attracting many customers, and traditional snacks are more popular with customers. How can the fried pot stickers franchise store retain customers? For most entrepreneurs, they should also pay attention to the methods of running stores, and can make efforts from the following points.

1、 Affordable price, customer satisfaction

Most customers like the shops they visit, and they also pay attention to the price of the delicious food they like, which should be within the range of their consumption ability, so the price of fried pot stickers must be affordable, which can be the same as the market price. Let customers be satisfied with the food and service prices here, so that consumers are willing to visit again.

2、 Delicious, crispy and delicious

Pot stickers are traditional snacks, but after improvement, the taste of pot stickers is more distinctive, and they can use fresh meat ingredients and vegetables to make pot stickers of various flavors. During the production process, you can also add chives and sesame seeds to make it more delicious. The bottom is crispy, the filling is soft, and the dough is strong. It tastes crispy and delicious. In terms of material use, we should not resort to opportunism. We must choose high-quality materials for procurement.

3、 Preferential activities to drive customer consumption

In order to protect new customers, the prices of dishes in the store should be affordable, and some coupons can also be issued. Customers can also give two more when they buy. After customers feel affordable, they believe that the business in the store will be better and better. You can also prepare free dishes for customers, or adopt limited quantity and time discount, which can also drive the popularity of the store.

4、 The restaurant is clean and the customers are in a good mood

The environment of the fried pot stickers restaurant must be kept clean and tidy, both the tableware and the environment in the restaurant. Every customer doesn't want mosquitoes and flies in the store, which affects the mood of consumption and is also unsanitary to the food. The tableware, tables and chairs in the restaurant are neatly placed, giving customers a cleaner and more comfortable feeling. Light music can also be played in the restaurant to make customers feel relaxed, so that consumers also like to patronize regularly, which can drive the sales in the store.

How to keep customers in the fried pot stickers franchise store? If you want to run the store well, retain customers and make the business in the store more popular, you can learn from the above aspects. It will be easier for entrepreneurs to manage food and snacks. As long as customers are satisfied, the business of the store will not be bad, and I believe it will also bring higher profits to the franchise store.

Franchise conditions of fried pot stickers

1. I and my family are healthy and enthusiastic about the industry.
2. People who recognize and accept the company's business philosophy and model and are interested in entrepreneurship.
3. Have a good sense of cooperation and good business reputation.
4. Able to devote themselves to the operation and have certain market observation ability.

Franchise process of fried pot stickers

1. Submit application
If you leave a message online, the headquarters will send the relevant manager to contact you.
2. Understanding projects
The project manager has in-depth communication with the project to understand its contents.
3. Propose investigation
The project manager communicated the time of visiting the headquarters and made an appointment.
4. Invited investigation
Determine the time to visit the headquarters, and the product teacher will prepare the products in advance for reception.
5. Headquarters inspection
Waiting for you to come to the headquarters, visit the company, do project survey, and taste the products.
6. Headquarters training
After you decide to join the potstickers frying project, the training staff of the headquarters will arrange your training time.
7. Assessment completion
The assessment will be carried out according to the theoretical training and technical training until you can operate the store by yourself.
8. Operational Services
The headquarters provides site selection services before opening, and relevant teachers of the headquarters provide one-on-one guidance during opening, and irregular operation guidance after opening.

Franchise information of fried pot stickers

  • Brand name: Fried Dumpling
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Guangzhou
  • Brand establishment time: 2002-02-01
  • Development mode: Single store franchise
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bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • This project is good. Please contact me when you see it. Thank you

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to fried dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 18:57:08 From China  39.177.37*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to fried dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 01:49:23 From Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province  58.100.84*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within one million yuan.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to fried dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 07:39:04 From Ganzhou, Jiangxi [Mobile]  39.158.235*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to fried dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 16:04:22 From Wuhan City, Hubei Province [Telecom]  58.48.176*
  • Hello? You used to want my shop, but now it's free. Shunjing Garden, Longgang Central City

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to fried dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 01:25:47 From Zhangye City, Gansu Province  42.88.249*
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