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Self service decoration

  1. Controversy over flip gas stoves continues, and the way to choose reveals the new trend of kitchen

    This paper discusses the advantages and characteristics of flip gas stoves and non flip gas stoves, and analyzes them from the aspects of appearance design, safety, cleaning convenience, stability and function diversification, aiming to provide consumers with a comprehensive shopping guide and help them make a more suitable choice for their own kitchen in the modern home trend.

  2. It's dry upstairs. What's the matter with the leakage downstairs? Pay attention to these details when decorating

    This paper discusses the hot issue of "What's wrong with upstairs dry and downstairs leakage?" Starting from the common causes of house leakage, it analyzes the factors such as building structure, pipeline aging and improper decoration construction, and provides the methods to prevent and solve the problem of water leakage. These measures can effectively reduce the occurrence of water leakage and ensure the comfort and safety of family life.

  • How much is it to backfill the toilet with ceramsite per cubic meter of labor? It is a must to know for home renovation
  • Is it true that big crude salt is put in the house? Analysis of common myths about home geomancy
  • Can the washing machine be transported horizontally? Details you have to know about household appliances handling
  • How to flush the toilet without water? Emergency measures add convenience to home
  • Which model of Bull switch socket is good? Shopping guide and home matching skills
  • What is the five-star standard of property, and interpret the new experience of high-end community service
    1. Four rooms become three rooms, and the living room is more than twice as wide
    2. Simplicity+logs, beautiful people and beautiful homes
    3. Get rid of "unlucky", ordinary house type can also have a sense of sophistication