Uncover the secret why Guiyang Fengli Decoration is so popular for "one yuan exclusive benefits"?

2016-11-01 16:02:00 Guiyang Fengli Decoration Collection   Print Font size: T | T WeChat sharing
[Abstract] On October 30, 2016, in order to celebrate that China Fengli Decoration Group Guiyang Branch won the first place in the Guiyang decoration industry trading list for five consecutive months, Fengli Decoration Group held a large-scale "one yuan home decoration rush purchase benefit" with major material merchants.

two thousand and sixteen year ten month thirty In order to celebrate the continuous development of China Fengli Decoration Group Guiyang Branch five This month, Fengli Decoration Group won the first place in the list of transactions in Guiyang decoration industry. Fengli Decoration Group, together with major material merchants, held a large-scale "one yuan home decoration rush purchase benefit".


At noon that day, I just arrived at Fengli Decoration group Located on the 5th floor of Xiongjun International Building, Yunyan District, Guiyang At the store, I was frightened by the crowd crowding at the door.


In such a crowded crowd, there are also owners and sales staff who are taking a group photo after signing the bill. They all have warm smiles on each other's faces, which makes my face warm from the cold wind.


As the owners of the store kept pouring in and entered the activity hall, I realized that the bustling scene in front of the store was just a microcosm of the hall.


The hall is full of guests, and people are buzzing with voices. There are staff who are coming and going to receive the owners to enjoy afternoon tea, salespersons who are introducing the owners with activity materials, and owners who walk around Fengli Decoration Company to learn about the situation …… eight thousand The square meter material exhibition hall was packed to the brim.





Although the auxiliary materials exhibition area is not large also There are still a lot of people. The staff are professional and conscientious in explaining the decoration process that Fengli Decoration is proud of for the owners who need it. Every wall, every pipe, and every paper film has its meaning. They spare no effort to create a high-quality, healthy home.






Out of the auxiliary materials exhibition area, next to it is the model room of Fengli Decoration Group. Look at these three or five friends gathering to enjoy delicious afternoon tea and desserts, which is like a cold model room? The so-called home is just like this






During the event, there were many owners who successfully signed the bill and then went on stage to win the welfare of the event. An owner who needed to decorate the villa went on stage to smash the golden egg, and after drawing a lucky gift, he gladly accepted the interview of the host.

"Is this your first visit to Fengli Decoration? We all say that you should shop around. Have you ever been to other companies before?"

"Fengli is my consulting company."

"Then you didn't make a comparison and chose Fengli Decoration without hesitation. What impressed you?"

"Quality and building materials are the basic things for decoration. Through the understanding of the two, I feel I can trust them with my home and continue to suffer from chaos."


What kind of magic does Fengli Decoration in Guiyang have, so that owners can trust their villas, wedding rooms, etc. to them?









Fengli said, "I would rather explain the price all my life than apologize for the quality all my life."

Fengli said: "We only want to inherit the classic home culture."

Fengli said, "We believe that only perfect quality is worth our pride."

Fengli said, "We call it Fengli Decoration."


Fengli Decoration Group

Ambassador of Timach Process Communication, Germany

Address: 5th, 6th and 19th floors of Xiongjun International at the intersection of Weiqing Road and Zaoshan Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang City

Tel: 0851-8591-9766

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