Party discipline learning and education | Guiyang High tech Zone: focus on "management, learning and promotion" to promote effective coverage of party discipline learning and education for mobile party members
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Party discipline learning and education | Guiyang High tech Zone: focus on "management, learning and promotion" to promote effective coverage of party discipline learning and education for mobile party members

High tech Zone Financial Media Center

2024-06-21 10:22:37

"The expert's explanation of the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China was simple and profound, which made me clearly and deeply aware of the political position and political responsibility that a party member should have." At the Party Mass Service Center of Science City, Guiyang High tech Zone, a mobile party member said after listening to the symposium.

Since the learning and education of party discipline, Guiyang High tech Zone has focused on the weak areas of mobile party members, and promoted the learning and education of mobile party members to achieve actual results through "management, learning and promotion".

Pay attention to "management" and dynamically master the foundation. Establish a dual management mechanism for inflow and outflow, guide 236 grass-roots party organizations to check and update the information of floating party members every month, and keep abreast of the latest developments; Relying on 9 building party branches and 1 floating party branch, strengthen the management of floating party members in enterprises without party organizations in the park, so that floating party members can participate in learning nearby.

Guide "learning" and promote deepening and practice. Make good use of the "online learning" method, build a two-way contact mechanism between incoming and outgoing party members, use the "Red Collar Hi tech" learning platform, timely transfer the knowledge of party discipline learning and education online, and push learning messages; Organize "mutual learning" activities, and organize building branch and mobile branch party members to hold theme party days to learn from each other relying on two party masses service centers; The "pair learning" mode is implemented. According to the "1+1" approach, 27 full party members and 27 floating party members are arranged to pair up, and 27 floating party members are paired up to learn, help and promote learning through the issuance of the "Regulations" and joint learning seminars.

Continue to "push" and focus on follow-up services. Continuously carry out the "double search" activity of organizing to find Party members and Party members to find organizations, and strengthen the management of floating Party members; Party building instructors have carried out more than 50 liaison services to promote floating party members to offer advice and suggestions, overcome difficulties, and make contributions based on their posts.

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