Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region solidly promotes the study and education of party history——

Learn the required course of party history well and activate the new driving force for development (striving for a century to set sail for a new journey, learning the history of the party and understanding the thought to do practical things and start a new situation)

Our reporter Deng Jiansheng and Li Zong

08:42, April 19, 2021 Source: People's Daily

Screenshot of Page 04 of People's Daily on April 19, 2021

Since the party history learning and education was carried out, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party history learning and education mobilization conference, closely focused on the implementation of the deployment and requirements of the Party Central Committee, strengthened organizational leadership, carefully planned and implemented, and firmly promoted the party history learning and education to have momentum and effectiveness.

Strengthen political guidance, promote the learning and education of party history with high standards and quality

After the Party Central Committee held the Mobilization Conference for Party History Learning and Education, the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region immediately held a meeting of the Standing Committee to convey learning, research and deploy, set up a leading group for party history learning and education, studied and formulated a plan for party history learning and education for the members of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and printed and distributed the implementation plan for party history learning and education throughout the region. On February 27, the party committee of the autonomous region held a mobilization meeting for the study and education of party history in the region in the form of teleconference, and made a comprehensive deployment for the study and education of party history in the region.

Lu Xinshe, secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said that we should solidly carry out the study and education of the Party history, build a strong sense of purpose through the study of the Party history, adhere to the supremacy of the people, all for the people, all rely on the people, deeply rooted in the idea of serving the people, and specifically implemented in action, so as to speed up the construction and development of the old areas and solve the "difficulties and anxieties" of the masses The effectiveness of the problem tests the sense of purpose, and the actual action of doing practical things for the masses tests the effectiveness of learning, so that the people of all ethnic groups in the region can share the achievements of the magnificent construction of Guangxi.

From March 17 to 19, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region held a special study and training on the study and education of the Party history. The members of the group carried out in-depth study and discussion around the learning theme, and exchanged learning experiences in combination with the actual situation, giving full play to the "locomotive" role of the leadership and the "head goose effect" of leading cadres.

On March 29, Guangxi held the report meeting of the Central Propaganda Group for Party History Learning and Education in the form of teleconference. More than 30000 people, including cadres of Party and government organs at all levels, representatives of teachers and students in colleges and universities, and representatives of grassroots cadres and the masses, listened to the report of the group.

In order to ensure the high standard and high-quality promotion of learning and education, Guangxi refined the implementation plan of learning and education of party history, issued 14 guiding documents and notices to guide the learning and education of the whole region. At the same time, the important information on the study and education of the Party history of the whole district should be collected in time, good experience and good practices should be promoted, and a vivid situation of learning and catching up should be formed.

Since April 2, Guangxi has organized the Party history study and education autonomous region propaganda group to carry out centralized propaganda in various districts and cities, non-public economic organizations and social organizations, universities, middle schools, etc; Organize the distinguished professors (experts) of the autonomous region party committee lecturer group, the propaganda group of the relevant units directly under the district, and the propaganda groups of all cities to go to the grass-roots front line to carry out interactive propaganda, and promote the formation of a propaganda pattern that combines the top and bottom, is hierarchical, and covers all areas. Guangxi has also set up 15 itinerant guidance groups, which are responsible for contacting and guiding the learning and education of various departments and units around the country, studying and promoting the work in a timely manner, and coordinating and solving problems.

Innovate ways and methods to make learning and education of party history vivid and brilliant

On April 14, the 2021 "March 3 · Bagui Carnival of Zhuang Nationality" activity was opened in Nanning, Guangxi. The theme of this year's activity is "feel the party's kindness and follow the party", which is an important part of the mass theme publicity and education activities of "always follow the party" in Guangxi to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In combination with important festivals such as "March 3rd of the Zhuang nationality", Guangxi plans various forms of flash activities to spread red songs, and recommends 100 red songs such as "Sing a folk song to the Party" to the whole district for the party members and cadres to sing.

"Red songs are sung by everyone", "Party history knowledge is answered by everyone", "Party members' aspirations are discussed by everyone", "Party history stories are told by everyone"... In order to make the party history education vivid and brilliant, Guangxi innovates ways and means, comprehensively deploys and carries out a series of activities with the theme of "feeling the party's kindness and following the party", and guides people of all ethnic groups in the region to feel the party's kindness and firmly follow the party.

In daily learning, on the basis of full self-study of party members and cadres, various departments in Guangxi have taken the form of theoretical center group learning, holding reading classes, "three meetings and one lesson" and theme party day activities to carry out thematic learning with prominent themes, distinctive features and diverse forms in combination with the actual situation. In particular, the study of Party history is included in the training plan for Party members and cadres. According to the characteristics of the study of Party members and cadres in the new era, the training of Party history is carried out in stages and batches by widely using flexible and diverse methods such as lecturing, discussion and case study.

On March 26, our national anthem party history learning and education special party lesson was held in Guangxi Concert Hall, which opened the prelude to the "ten famous party lessons cloud live broadcast" of party history learning and education in the region. "Guangxi Cloud" linked with the county-level financial media center to spread the party lesson to the grass-roots line, so that the masses listened to the creative party lesson, and more than 1.1 million people watched it online. Guangxi gave full play to the "learning power" Guangxi learning platform, Guangxi Cadre Network College, and the "Bagui Pioneer" series of platforms, developed and launched a number of in-depth and grounded visual teaching resources, and enhanced the attractiveness of learning and training.

Guangxi has also made full use of red resources, combined with the study and education of party history, and launched 10 excellent routes of Guangxi red study tours, including the "Xiangjiang Campaign Tour"; The activity of "Punch in Red Education Base" was carried out, and the special bullet train with the theme of "Feeling the Party's Benevolence and Following the Party" was launched, which turned the bullet train carriage into a "mobile classroom" for learning and education of party history, attracting more tourists to Guangxi to carry out red tourism.

Transforming educational achievements and solidly promoting the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses"

In the study and education of the Party history, Guangxi firmly promoted the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", insisted on opening the door to do practical things, implemented projects to collect from the masses, made the process of handling public to the masses, and the results of handling accepted the inspection of the masses, so as to transform the achievements of the study and education of the Party history into practical actions of doing practical things and solving difficult things by the people.

Guangxi formulated and implemented the Implementation Plan of Guangxi's "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities, and established a joint meeting mechanism of "I do practical things for the masses". We have organized Party members and cadres to go deep into the grassroots people to listen to their opinions and understand the needs of people's livelihood. We have collected more than 2000 projects reported by various departments in various cities. At present, we are studying and determining the list of key livelihood projects and organizing their implementation.

The procuratorate of the autonomous region formulated the Practical Activity Plan of "Procuratorial Work for the People", and carried out 41 sub projects of "procuratorial work for the people", including ten major special projects, such as maintaining "tip of the tongue" and "bottom of the foot" security, and judicial assistance helping rural revitalization; Nanning carried out the volunteer service activity of "I do practical things for the masses to build a shared civilized city" to visit the public opinion in the community, and brought warm and practical volunteer service activities such as home appliance repair, emergency rescue training, free clinic, etc. to the community.

All departments in Guangxi have also worked hard to solve a number of people's "urgent problems" by solidly promoting the 2021 practical project for the people, which is closely related to the well-being of the people. This year, Wuzhou plans to implement 62 practical projects for the private sector, increase investment in social security and health, and carry out 7 social security and health benefit projects, including assistance to the needy, home care for the elderly in special difficulties, and community elderly care services.

People's Daily (April 19, 2021, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Yulie, Pang Guanhua)