[Building a strong sports area and revitalizing Guangxi's majestic style] Guangxi released a guide manual for scientific fitness at home

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Release time: 09:25, February 18, 2021 common zero News

In order to guide the people to exercise at home, the Sports Bureau of the Autonomous Region organized the preparation of the Guangxi Scientific Fitness Guide at Home in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. Since this month, 15 home exercise projects have been published on the website of the Sports Bureau of the Autonomous Region and the official WeChat public account.

The fitness items included in the manual include elastic band home exercise muscle strengthening method, home yoga, home aerobics, home shoulder exercise, neck care seven step method, students' tai chi health exercises, figure rope skipping, light equipment gymnastics exercise, etc., which are divided into two types: unarmed exercise and simple equipment exercise, suitable for people of different ages from 6 to 60 years old, and can exercise flexibility, coordination Balance ability, movement flexibility, explosive force, etc., so that the masses can continue to exercise at home and strengthen their physique.

Source: Guangxi Network Radio and Television Station

(Editor in charge: Tan Jiangbo, Xu Jinwen)
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