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  • There are no three days in the summer, and the new cool is golden

    The solar term for summer treatment usually falls in the middle and last ten days of July in the lunar calendar. It is divided into solar terms. The solar term in the last ten days of each month is called midair. Chushu is the fourteenth of the twenty-four solar terms. To deal with the heat is to "go out of the heat", which means to leave in the heat. During the summer season, the temperature gradually drops and the summer heat gradually disappears.

  • Tanabata | Understanding Chinese Romance in Ancient Poetry

    "The silver candle is cold in autumn, the screen is painted, and the light Luo fan is fluttering with fireflies. The sky is as cool as water, and the night is as cool as water. We lie down to see the morning glory and the vega." When we read Du Mu's beautiful poem, we naturally think of the moving legend of the meeting of Niulang and Zhinv on the magpie bridge. "Altair far away, a white river woman.

  • "Ten miles of lotus hanging down on all sides, asking where the clouds are most flowered" | 10 famous lotus poems

    Lotus, alias: Lotus, Lotus, Handan, Lotus, has been the representative of gentleman and elegance since ancient times. The ancients and modern people all love lotus. 10 ancient poems will bring you to feel the lotus fragrance in the words. 1. The small pool Yang Wanli's spring eyes silently cherish the stream, and the shade of the trees shines on the water and loves the sunny and soft.

  • 10 Most Beautiful Ancient Love Poems

    Ask what love is in the world, and teach people to live and die together. There are countless poems that have sung the loyalty of love in ancient times. In love, people's feelings are rich, graceful, cautious, melancholy, difficult to understand and sad and beautiful. 10 beautiful ancient love poems, feel the subtle feeling and the value of love with you.

  • How many ancient poems do you know about the beginning of autumn?

    Beginning of Autumn is the 13th solar term among the 24 solar terms, and the first solar term in autumn is handed over on August 7-9 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, the dipper handle of the Big Dipper points southwest, and the sun reaches 135 ° of yellow longitude. The 24 solar terms reflect the change of "qi" in the four seasons. The beginning of autumn is the node where the yang qi gradually shrinks, the yin qi gradually grows, and the yang qi gradually changes into the yin qi.

  • August 1st Army Day | 10 ancient poems, a glance at the military career of literati and writers of all ages!

    The Chinese nation has a strong sense of patriotism since ancient times. Reading ancient poems on the August 1st Army Day will take you to feel the strong patriotic plot written by the ancients. 1. Breaking the Battle Period - Giving Zhuang Ci to Chen Tongfu to send it to Xin Qiji, who was drunk and watching the sword, dreamed of playing the duel. Eight hundred miles under the command of the burning, 50 strings over the sound of the Great Wall, the battlefield autumn point.

  • Beautiful Summer in 20 Ancient Poems

    Throughout the ages, countless literati and writers have written moving poems for summer, 20 ancient summer poems, making you cool in the summer. 01 The quatrain of the back pool of Qi'an County, Tang Dynasty, Du Mu, is talking about the duckweed and the green brocade pool, and the summer warblers are singing the roses. No one watches the light rain all day long, and mandarin ducks bathe in red clothes.

  • "Learn swordsmanship during the Tenth Five Year Plan, and fight against princes all over the country" -- A popular poem list of Chang'an 30000 Miles

    Recently, the movie "30000 Miles in Chang'an" became popular, showing dozens of top poets such as Li Bai, Gao Shi and Du Fu. When the familiar Tang poetry rings in the ear, many audiences directly call "blood awakening". The film involves 48 poems, how many poems will you recite? Come on (preview).

  • What is Wang Changling's writing background? In which dynasty was Wang Changling a poet?

    "Going Out of the Frontier" was written by Wang Changling when he went to the Western Regions in his early years. "Going Out of the Frontier" is an old theme of Yuefu. Wang Changling lived in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. During this period, the Tang Dynasty won many foreign wars, and the confidence of the whole nation was extremely strong. The works of frontier poets mostly reflected a kind of impassioned upward spirit and strong confidence in defeating the enemy. At the same time, the frequent border wars also make the people feel overwhelmed and eager for peace. Going Out of the Frontier reflects the people's desire for peace.

  • Who is Wang Changling, the general who flew out of the fortress?

    The "flying general" in Wang Changling, a frontier poet in the Tang Dynasty, "but making the flying general in Longcheng" refers to Li Guang, a famous general in the Han Dynasty.

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  • August 1st Army Day | 10 ancient poems, a glance at the military career of literati and writers of all ages!

    The Chinese nation has a strong sense of patriotism since ancient times. Reading ancient poems on the August 1st Army Day will take you to feel the strong patriotic plot written by the ancients. 1. Breaking the Battle Period - Giving Zhuang Ci to Chen Tongfu to send it to Xin Qiji, who was drunk and watching the sword, dreamed of playing the duel. Eight hundred miles under the command of the burning, 50 strings over the sound of the Great Wall, the battlefield autumn point.

  • "Learn swordsmanship during the Tenth Five Year Plan, and fight against princes all over the country" -- A popular poem list of Chang'an 30000 Miles

    Recently, the movie "30000 Miles in Chang'an" became popular, showing dozens of top poets such as Li Bai, Gao Shi and Du Fu. When the familiar Tang poetry rings in the ear, many audiences directly call "blood awakening". The film involves 48 poems, how many poems will you recite? Come on (preview).

  • A poem about Li Bai and Gao Shi meeting for the first time?

    Li Bai and Du Fu met Gao Shi who lived in the Song Dynasty during their travels in the Liang and Song Dynasties. They had already heard of Gao Shi's poetry. Du Fu especially appreciated Gao Shi's poem "Fengqiu Zuo": "I was a fisherman in the fields of Mencius, and I was a leisurely person all my life.

  • Why did Chen Gong and Cao Cao turn against each other?

    Chen Gong and Cao Cao are a pair of tangled characters. The two people can be said to be friends with each other. In order to save Cao Cao, Chen Gong left his house and followed him to the end of the world.

  • The popular segment of "Going to Wine", 30000 li away in Chang'an?

    The scene of Li Bai's "Going to Wine" in the movie "Chang'an 30000 Miles" is one of the extreme highlight scenes in it. It falls into the water and reaches the Milky Way for nine days. "Going to Wine": "Five colored horses and thousands of golden furs, Hu'er will exchange for good wine, and we will share the eternal sorrow." "If you don't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from heaven, you will never return to the sea.

  • Why did Chen Gong turn to Lv Bu?

    Chen Gong was Lv Bu's chief adviser. During the war in Xuzhou, Lv Bu was defeated. Chen Gong was unwilling to surrender to Cao Cao and was killed by Cao Cao. However, Chen Gong had served under Cao Cao before. Why did he go to Lv Bu? Even if you don't want to follow Cao Cao, you can go to other people

  • Who finally killed Chen Gong?

    The Three Kingdoms The end of Chen Palace was killed by Cao Cao. Cao Cao led the army to attack Xuzhou every day and every night. The situation in Xuzhou was precarious. Lv Bu was still brainwashed by the Chen Palace, but his subordinates could not hold on and began to rebel and surrender. Lv Bu and the Chen Palace were captured because of this.

  • Is Chen Gong a top adviser? How does Chen Gong's wisdom rank in the Three Kingdoms?

    Yes, Chen Gong is a top adviser. Chen Gong is one of Liu Bei's advisers during the Three Kingdoms Period, and is known as the "minister of Yizhou". He had outstanding political and military talents, and played an important role in the Shuhan regime led by Liu Bei.

  • Who established the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan or Genghis Khan?

    The Yuan Dynasty was founded by Kublai Khan. In 1271 (the eighth year of the Yuan Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty), Kublai Khan, the Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty, changed the name of the country to Dayuan, meaning "Dazai Qianyuan" in the Book of Changes. Kublai Khan became Emperor of China. The Yuan Dynasty was the largest imperial dynasty in China's history. Genghis Khan's greatest achievement was to unify Mongolia and establish a Mongolian khanate.

  • What is the relationship between Kublai Khan and Genghis Khan?

    Kublai Khan (1215-1294), grandson of Genghis Khan. In 1260, it was the Mongol Khan. In 1271, the national title was Yuan. The name of the new country takes the meaning of "Dazai Qianyuan" in the Book of Changes, which means that the country is extremely vast. In 1272, the capital was set in Dadu (now Beijing).

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  • What is an ancient poem about the endless wildfire and the spring breeze? From which dynasty?

    Grass/Fu De Gu Yuan Cao Farewell [Author] Bai Juyi [Dynasty] Tang Li left the original grass and withered and prospered every year. The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again. Far away, Fang invades the ancient road, and clear green meets the barren city. He sent his grandson away again, and Qiqi was filled with farewell. How luxuriant the long grass on the ground is. Every autumn, winter, withered, yellow, and spring, the grass is thick in color.

  • What kind of plant is wild fire that can't burn out in spring? What dynasty's poetry?

    Wild fire can't burn out. Spring wind blows and weeds grow. The wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again. This is a poem from Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, who wrote "Farewell to Ancient Grass".

  • What spirit does it symbolize that the wild fire cannot burn out and the spring wind blows again? Who wrote this poem?

    "The wild fire never burns out, and the spring wind blows again" is a poem full of vitality. Its symbolic meaning is the strong and indomitable spirit of vitality.

  • What is the philosophical implication of the endless wildfire and the spring breeze? From which poem?

    The implication of "the wild fire never burns out, and the spring breeze blows again" often means that although a thing or a phenomenon has been severely hit and stopped, it has tenacious vitality, and can't be cut off, just wait for the conditions to mature and burst out again.

  • What are the similar sentences of the young, the young, the old and the old, who are not working hard?

    1. Young people don't know how hard it is to study hard. When they are old, they regret studying. 2. It is difficult for young people to learn and old people to succeed. 3. Black hair does not know how to study early, white hair regrets studying late. 4. I advise you not to cherish the golden thread clothes, but to cherish your youth. 5. Don't wait. The young man's head is white, and he is empty and sorrowful.

  • What's the next sentence after young people don't work hard? Who wrote it?

    Changgexing [Author] Han Yuefu [Dynasty] Han Qingqing Garden was full of sunflowers, and the morning dew was waiting for the sun. When the sun is shining, everything is shining. Often afraid of the autumn festival, Kun, Huang and Hua's leaves will decline. When will rivers return to the west when they reach the sea from the east? If the young do not work hard, the old will be sad. The sunflowers and vegetables in the garden are all green and luxuriant, rising in the sunshine with the morning dew.

  • What poem comes from young people who don't work hard? From which poem?

    Changgexing [author] Han Yuefu [dynasty] Han Qingqing Garden in the Kwai, the morning dew waiting for the sun Xi. When the sun is shining, everything is shining. Often afraid of the autumn festival, Kun, Huang and Hua's leaves will decline. When will rivers return to the west when they reach the sea from the east? If the young do not work hard, the old will be sad. The sunflowers and vegetables in the garden are all green and luxuriant, rising in the sunshine with the morning dew.

  • Young people don't work hard, old men mourn. Who wrote it? From which dynasty?

    Changgexing [author] Han Yuefu [dynasty] Han Qingqing Garden in the Kwai, the morning dew waiting for the sun Xi. When the sun is shining, everything is shining. Often afraid of the autumn festival, Kun, Huang and Hua's leaves will decline. When will rivers return to the west when they reach the sea from the east? If the young do not work hard, the old will be sad. The sunflowers and vegetables in the garden are all green and luxuriant, rising in the sunshine with the morning dew.

  • Reading the full text of lotus harvesting in Jiangnan? Which dynasty is it?

    Jiangnan [Dynasty] In the Han Dynasty, people in Jiangnan could pick lotus leaves. Fish play among lotus leaves. Fish plays with lotus leaves to the east, fish plays with lotus leaves to the west, fish plays with lotus leaves to the south, and fish plays with lotus leaves to the north. You can pick lotus on the water in the south of the Yangtze River. How luxuriant the lotus leaves are, and the fish are playing among them.

  • What does it mean to pick lotus in Jiangnan? From which poem? Appreciation of the whole poem

    Jiangnan [Dynasty] In the Han Dynasty, people in Jiangnan could pick lotus leaves. Fish play among lotus leaves. Fish plays with lotus leaves to the east, fish plays with lotus leaves to the west, fish plays with lotus leaves to the south, and fish plays with lotus leaves to the north. You can pick lotus on the water in the south of the Yangtze River. How luxuriant the lotus leaves are, and the fish are playing among them.

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  • There are no three days in the summer, and the new cool is golden

    The solar term for summer treatment usually falls in the middle and last ten days of July in the lunar calendar. It is divided into solar terms. The solar term in the last ten days of each month is called midair. Chushu is the fourteenth of the twenty-four solar terms. To deal with the heat is to "go out of the heat", which means to leave in the heat. During the summer season, the temperature gradually drops and the summer heat gradually disappears.

  • Tanabata | Understanding Chinese Romance in Ancient Poetry

    "The silver candle is cold in autumn, the screen is painted, and the light Luo fan is fluttering with fireflies. The sky is as cool as water, and the night is as cool as water. We lie down to see the morning glory and the vega." When we read Du Mu's beautiful poem, we naturally think of the moving legend of the meeting of Niulang and Zhinv on the magpie bridge. "Altair far away, a white river woman.

  • "Ten miles of lotus hanging down on all sides, asking where the clouds are most flowered" | 10 famous lotus poems

    Lotus, alias: Lotus, Lotus, Handan, Lotus, has been the representative of gentleman and elegance since ancient times. The ancients and modern people all love lotus. 10 ancient poems will bring you to feel the lotus fragrance in the words. 1. The small pool Yang Wanli's spring eyes silently cherish the stream, and the shade of the trees shines on the water and loves the sunny and soft.

  • 10 Most Beautiful Ancient Love Poems

    Ask what love is in the world, and teach people to live and die together. There are countless poems that have sung the loyalty of love in ancient times. In love, people's feelings are rich, graceful, cautious, melancholy, difficult to understand and sad and beautiful. 10 beautiful ancient love poems, feel the subtle feeling and the value of love with you.

  • How many ancient poems do you know about the beginning of autumn?

    Beginning of Autumn is the 13th solar term among the 24 solar terms, and the first solar term in autumn is handed over on August 7-9 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, the dipper handle of the Big Dipper points southwest, and the sun reaches 135 ° of yellow longitude. The 24 solar terms reflect the change of "qi" in the four seasons. The beginning of autumn is the node where the yang qi gradually shrinks, the yin qi gradually grows, and the yang qi gradually changes into the yin qi.

  • Beautiful Summer in 20 Ancient Poems

    Throughout the ages, countless literati and writers have written moving poems for summer, 20 ancient summer poems, making you cool in the summer. 01 The quatrain of the back pool of Qi'an County, Tang Dynasty, Du Mu, is talking about the duckweed and the green brocade pool, and the summer warblers are singing the roses. No one watches the light rain all day long, and mandarin ducks bathe in red clothes.

  • What is Wang Changling's writing background? In which dynasty was Wang Changling a poet?

    "Going Out of the Frontier" was written by Wang Changling when he went to the Western Regions in his early years. "Going Out of the Frontier" is an old theme of Yuefu. Wang Changling lived in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. During this period, the Tang Dynasty won many foreign wars, and the confidence of the whole nation was extremely strong. The works of frontier poets mostly reflected a kind of impassioned upward spirit and strong confidence in defeating the enemy. At the same time, the frequent border wars also make the people feel overwhelmed and eager for peace. Going Out of the Frontier reflects the people's desire for peace.

  • Who is Wang Changling, the general who flew out of the fortress?

    The "flying general" in Wang Changling, a frontier poet in the Tang Dynasty, "but making the flying general in Longcheng" refers to Li Guang, a famous general in the Han Dynasty.

  • What emotion did Wang Changling express when he went out of the fortress? Appreciation of the whole poem of going out of the fortress

    Going out of the fortress expressed the poet's sigh of the hardship of expedition and the hardship of good generals, reflected the poet's love and maintenance of his family and country, his desire and expectation for victory in the war, and his confidence in good generals, and expressed the poet's thoughts and feelings that he hoped that the government would take up the role of good general to pacify the frontier war as soon as possible, so that the country could be peaceful, and the people could live a stable life.

  • What rhetorical devices did Wang Changling use when he went out of the fortress?

    There are four main rhetorical devices used in Wang Changling's poem "Going Out of the Frontier" in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

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  • lonesome and desolate mood

    Li Bai [Tang]

    The spring sun is like yesterday,

    Green trees sing orioles.

    When the grass is dead,

    The cool wind is blowing in Sal.

    Under the autumn leaves,

    The cold moon makes the chicken sad.

    Sit down and worry about the rest of the people,

    The white dew withers and blooms.

  • night rain

    Bai Juyi [Tang Dynasty]

    I am far away from home.

    I have feelings, knot in the deep intestine.

    The countryside cannot be far away, and every day we look forward to it.

    Deep understanding of the intestines is impossible.

    At this time of night, I stayed alone in the empty hall.

    Autumn has not yet dawned, the wind and rain are green.

    If you don't learn the Toutuo Method, can you forget your former mind?

  • Dark Night Cry - Last Night's Wind and Rain

    Li Yu [Tang Dynasty]

    Last night the wind and rain,

    The curtain rustles in autumn.

    The frequency of candle residual leakage drops falls off,

    You can't sit up straight.

    The world goes with the flow,

    It's a dream.

    The road to the drunken country should be frequent,

    Besides, it's not good.

  • Sent north in the rain at night

    Li Shangyin [Tang Dynasty]

    Your return is not scheduled,

    The night rain in Bashan raises the autumn pool.

    He Dang cut the candles in the west window,

    But when it rains at night in Bashan.

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